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Everything posted by (XBOX)Player244024418

  1. Hear the static (uh oh) See the slow crawl graphics!! Destroy excavators!!!!!!💩 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/38GXTG4SSJ Not sure what's up with that. I am my own worst enemy.
  2. The "pick up shield" x button is terrible. Here I am trying to get it to even appear as I run around this shield (yes it's my shield). This is constantly a problem for me on xbox Additionally the lures frequently appear right on top of you. Why is that coded in? Put them a few meters away ... they get in the way of everything; +Picking up shield becomes "hold position" +Difficult to jump up and archwing and impossible to just archwing from standing +Constantly move into view blocking my shot even when they are to the side or behind me. Follow means follow https://www.xbox.com/play/media/R3WVT2LB6B
  3. I think it's pretty good High Crit, Crit multiple, riven dispo, good ammo, good fire rate Riven has CC and CD w neg status but who cares w 13% base SC
  4. Ok what am I missing here. I go to arbiters of hexis and look at shock Trooper augment mod, and there's a check on top showing i own it. I go to arsenal, volt prime, and it is not listed in my mods at all, not under augment or under all. Anywhere. WTF I really hate these frustrating aspects of WF. And no, it's not already on my build. And like a dumbass I spent the orokin potato to get past the -44k level 2 minutes before thinking of checking the offerings. How does one contact support? After so many bugs and lost rewards they better give me back my potato and shock Trooper or I'm done! Edit ... nvm I figured out how to submit a missing inventory ticket on this forum menu.
  5. Done thx When I see someone else get a lure i do exactly this yes. However sometimes a vom simply does not spawn for minutes. Just ran a cull. No lure, no Vons at that camp. Big camp towards ocean usually spawns two. None. None for all three eidolons at either location. If I'm the lead, I usually mark eidolon location if it's far, grab a lure then break the shield then fly around looking for two red dots and charge those two then hope for a vom at the eido. Doing all that aside from the dragon key. I've never done that and frankly forgot about it. I see it on some squad mate load outs. I'll try. Thx I think I have one blue and one red. Energy and weapon damage. Already done R5 Did not know. Don't have Sara will investigate. Yep...perfect Missing this thx I do but use 147 instead. I use a AoE secondary to vaporize a vom pack first (used Xoris before trying something new) and then switch to operator and alt fire clears a pack of voms. Works well (for me) Have both R5 each installed yeah. All good stuff I'll review and rethink my amp as well. What's this? Not in wiki
  6. Seems eidolons have gotten harder. 1) vom spawns are either lacking or ridiculous. One trilodon 1*3 can see us all running the map trying to find Voms, the next during Harry there's literally waves of dozens coming every 10 seconds and you barely have time for Harry lol.. 2) harry (the last one?) seems to be killing players left and right more than before. It's significantly more than when I stopped hunting months ago. Occasionally (2-3 times during Harry only) my volt insta-dies and sometimes three of us die simultaneously. So I've been reading up on volt augment mods and arcanes to see if there's something new with Duviri and Zariman that could help. Shock Trooper seems interesting particularly the line that reads it will apply additional electric status to weapon damage...?! So, eidolons hâte radiation and elec+heat...so...a high Crit kuva or weapon with innate heat? A rubicoP heat build? Cross referencing my owned weapons I also discovered the perigale which I have one forma installed. It has a Crit bonus of 20-40% and the added bonus of a 4 round burst fire. With a MS mod wreak mega damage? BurstonP incarnate? BratonP incarnon w auto fire? So just curious if anyone has any good heat weapon builds they've tested with shock Trooper or any weapons with progenitor bonus like a kchakkhur with heat? which i also own. Man, a lvl40 chakkhur with heat and shock Trooper? Basically no mod limits...if shockT converts to radiation on hit. Anyone tested? I have only one forma r/n so please let me know to save me the trouble. Also, any tips on newer Duviri arcanes employable vs eidolons? I am severely lacking in this but would appreciate a direction.
  7. I use rev p with a k hex at level 38 with 44% rad bonus and I at most (with roar active) get about 15% of the archon's health bar. I've never been in a squad where anyone one shot and many times at least two others are equipped with the hek either k or vaykor. Roar gives the added bonus to all squad so keep that in mind. I have a toxin k hek but don't want to valence. Maybe I should.
  8. Like almost all other arcanes? LOL Necramech Rage and Arcane Energize are going to send me to the loony bin!
  9. I think wyrm ears status affects with an augment. Appreciate the offer. Yeah it's a grind but I'm on R3 energize now. Need 10 more. Hopefully by 2024 haha
  10. Thank goodness! I began the crafting process for all the voidrig parts the started reading some of the later replies and my heart sank. Glad to know those aren't wasted. I don't need two voidrig mechs lol If anything I'll confirm tomorrow if I find a buyer.
  11. I like SP survival as well. My nidus has two forma and seems glassy but I really can't figure out why. Mind posting your build? I also just got stropha and leveled it up. Maybe I don't need so much duration? Not really sure how to play him. In SP circuit yesterday someone had nidus grouping and I had citrine with fearful bonanza 40% and status spreads 50% to nearby and the tileset was literally on fire. It was awesome.
  12. So trade the parts only, but not the main BP? Ok that's strange but I guess I should start building the parts then. I didn't know you could trade parts. I thought only BPs were allowed.
  13. First time someone was interested in buying a mech set but wanted it built first. 1) is this customary? 2) can you trade built parts 3) i assume i build the components then sell those with the mech main BP?
  14. There's no scroll wheel on the controller. In Cetus if my pointer is not over the graphics I can't see any scroll bar and there's just a little haziness under the second row that looks like background graphics. Nekralisk is the same, aside from a bit more graphics under but again it looks like background shading. When I'm moving the pointer, the bar appears but I usually know exactly which I'm choosing and just click it. Anyway...I ran approximately a dozen eidolon culls since last night. Still haven't gotten another arcane energize though... Between necramech rage and arcane energize I'm going bonkers...
  15. I used Volt prime in ESO. Full squad. Immediately at the start i cast my 4. Done in 2 seconds However, now the first ESO room is different, much bigger tile. Doubt it will work. I'd try Deimos survival. Max out your wall latch. Go to the 4m mark and then wall latch. Let them accumulate. Jump off and up, nuke with 4, then shoot the rest.
  16. Arrrrrrggģggghhhhh! Never saw that, and now I can't unsee it. At least I know now!
  17. And by the way, do you guys get iso vault bounties at mother in the necralisk? I get them at the mother locations in the world but at mother in necralisk I NEVER get the bounty so it's impossible to get a squad i always run solo. So lonely...
  18. Xbox series X Deimos iso vault (any of them) Activating a spectre This screeching noise and unable to use weapons, or interact with the bait station or pick up ayatan blue/yellow stars etc (temporarily). I've posted this before but it persists. Please fix! https://www.xbox.com/play/media/WGWSRY9T44
  19. Here's a video: https://www.xbox.com/play/media/XLAZHHXS9V
  20. I took a screen shot this round then went to PoE anyway, as usual. I ran terry real quick but still no bounties listed. Twice in ten visits now. I thought it was a third of the time, it's actually worse than that. 20% hit ratio right now.
  21. Assault mode was the mod i meant to say, sorry. Still don't have the common ones all memorized.
  22. I know. I go in and get the first and see if anyone knows what they're doing. Every time I get 2 or 3 teammates who are totally green so i haven't been able to go to the island for fear one might kill it before all the lures are charged on the next two. I've also been testing my robotic companions to see if any will kill or at least "vaporize" a vomvalyst. Doesn't seem like they even attack the voms. Taxon was the last I tried with the guardian mod i think and a gun modded for rad. Didn't even shoot one vom.
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