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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. Bingo. DE's approach, on paper, does have merit, but they are simply breeding resentment and frustration with this route. Were I in their place, I'd have kept the mutagen drops on Jupiter and Eris, but have changed the Derelict to drop significantly more.


    That way, you can still play your old favourites for mutagen, but if you want to farm really efficiently, you play OD.

    This is a perfect way to deal with this problem, and very well put.

  2. wall running isn´t working, does that mean they should get rid of it? and what about armor? getting rid of them would be a big mistake, but reworking them would be perfect

    I love people that don't think before they post. Did they need to alter the games rules to make these work or simply tweak the way in which they operate for them to work as intended? They had to make a whole new sysytem and then add a bunch of mods to make stamina "mean something". Again, if a system is not  working and has no real impact on the game, and you need to add a ton of new rules to make it work, just drop it from the game. If you don't believe me, call any college that teachs game design and ask any professor this same question. Instead of posting your nonsense here and making me deal with your ignorance.

  3. Have you taken a look at the requirements to craft any of the new Infested weaponry?


    10 Mutagen Masses (100 Mutagen Samples, 10 Control Modules+120hours build time) for Synapse or Dual Ichors. I would not be surprised if the Djinn takes 15-20 Mutagen Masses... All the while Acrid, the undesputed king of all Warframe weapons, only takes 5 Mutagen Masses.

    I have been running some missions and looking at the numbers today. I have been getting on average about 4 mutagen per run doing regualr runs not the defense or survival, I have been running things (newer) people can solo easily. Just for the Mutagen alone the real cost for getting them for this weapon that needs 100 Mutagen is...


    200/4 = 25 runs = 25 keys


    25 keys =

    25 x nav points 5 = 125

    25 x circuits/polymer 80 = 2000

    25 x salvage 750 = 6250

    25 x nano spores 2,500 = 62,500


    This is just to get the Mutagen to make the one weapon, these are the materials you would need to farm just to get the keys to farm one material. Plus all the time farm the mats to make the mutagen masses, control modules, and other mats for the build etc...


    DE acts like this is content, when if we just break it down to the numbers, it is nothing but a grind. It is a grind just to get one mat for one weapon... really DE? UNLOCK THE MUTAGEN!!!

  4. It's the mods associated with this irrelevant system that I am trying to get at.  A mod for more stamina? A mod for quicker stamina recharge? This stamina system just clutters the other more relevant systems.


    Just because there's no bar to running, doesn't mean everyone will 100% of the time be sprinting. I like to walk. I like to take my time. There is a whole meta out there devoted to stealth. They will even be crouching. I say just get rid of the bar and the mods and clean the systems up a bit.

    This is exactly the point. They were commenting on how they added 3 new mods for all this, which does not help the already crowded builds we have now. They should not need to add things to fix something so trivial in the first place, just dump it.

  5. Have you taken a look at the requirements to craft any of the new Infested weaponry?


    10 Mutagen Masses (100 Mutagen Samples, 10 Control Modules+120hours build time) for Synapse and Dual Ichors. I would not be surprised if the Djinn takes 15-20 Mutagen Masses...

    For 100 Mutagen in the new tilesets, they better drop like it's their job, only thing on their W2's.


    Name: New Tile Set

    Occupation: Drop Mutagen

  6. It has nothing to do with me, and as they said outright in the stream, people want everything now, even before they can use it. That's not good design of a f2p and it certainly won't sustain anything either. it's not realistic long term, whether you like it or not. RNG is a problem, but stuff like that, within reason, isn't, and not to mention they are not done with any of these changes, they are done in stages, cool your jets. Play the game to, i dunno, enjoy the game, surely you have plenty of stuff currently you enjoy, and if not, sorry to hear that.


    If all there is to do is get the next hot item, that is far more of a problem than simply not being able to get the next big item -NOW-. Just sayin'.

    You have left topic here and are off on other things. This is about them moving Mutagen, a basic resource. That we now have to farm to farm for, hence broken game design. Not sure what your on about, but regroup, rethink and maybe edit that craziness.

  7. His answer was to add a system that hindered us so that we would notice the bar. My answer is to just get rid of it altogether.


    If a system isn't relevant why force it to be? Do we really need a stamina bar?

    That is really funny because they do teach that in school. The first thing (almost) you learn is if a system isn't working for a game, just drop it, don't make new rules to fix it.

  8. I've been playing for a while and got a decent Mastery Rank. However, eventhough I've never spent any, I don't have enough Mutagen Samples to maky any of the new Infested weapons.


    It is redonkulous.

    Btw, I chimed in on your post too. I didn't notice that you had a great post already addressing this issue. The people that responded to yours were awesome, my +1 button is all worn out now.

  9. I'm sure you think so, glad that you do. But people don't need everything before they can use anything, that's silly.

    Defending truly bad game decisions is not really helping you or DE. If it is broken we as players and "beta testers" need to let them know, how it is bad and why it is bad. You think it is fine for you, hey great, keep thinking that, but it really is bigger than your need. It is a very poor design and needs relooked at. It really is that simple.

  10. They don't got the mastery rank to use it int he first place, point, officer?

    Ever heard of planning ahead? Love this argument already. Yeah, they can't use it until mastery x so screw them until then. They can figure it out the hard way that they will need to grind forever for a few weapons.


    Honestly guy, its bigger than your little spot in the world.

  11. Please, I have more keys than i know what to do with. Stop objectifying the game and just play and you will get everything you want faster than you will keep up, just silly. A game isn't life, enjoy it, stop rushing through it all the time, you will never, EVER enjoy a game that way, not for long, inevitably content stops, And either you are the type that quits at that stage for your next fix, or you truly enjoy a game to begin with.

    You might have all the keys you'll ever need and life is good. Think about the new player coming in needing mutagen for anything. We tell him "Oh all you have to do is farm for x,y,z, and make a keep so you can go into this place to maybe get a few... good luck. So, i'm happy you are set, but it is about all the people playing.

  12. I think the main problem that they touched on during stream is that devs generally don't have to grind for anything, and their play testers might not have to either, and if they do their input might not get enough weight.


    This means costs/grind progressions can be completely unreasonable, specially if one part of the dev team sets the costs and another changes how you get them, these mutagen costs would be a lot more reasonable if mutagens didn't only drop in derelicts anymore.


    And frankly infested outside of derelicts dropping fieldrons is stupid.

    My new hero ^^^^

  13. What I want to know is how the Infested outside of the Derelicts apparently aren't afflicted by the same mutagen.




    This is what I thought when I first saw this on Friday. I thought it was something that just got overlooked, because why would the two planets full of infested NOT have mutagen? Then, I heard they meant to do this and rage set in. Thinking about having to get materials to make a key just to have a chance at a handful of mutagen drops and how boring this was going to be.

  14. It's not awful if you make it worth the grind. Again, what is better, farming Xini at nauseum for samples or getting Nav Coords from all over doing something else that is (ideally) worthwhile, while still having a small chanse to get mutagens, and then go to derelicts for an exponentially increased  drop rate? As a reward for collecting all the Navs and crafting the key, sort of. What i'm talking about is making derelicts desirable, not a necessary chore.

    But that is exactly the problem, they have made it a chore. It would be desirable if it dropped real items and not basic materials we need to grind for. Your defending a broken game design, think about it for awhile and then come back and post.

  15. Forcing the player to farm Derelicts for Mutagen is just awful. It's an agonizing double-grind for a resource that should be back with its former planets.


    Adding rewards like Prime components and Forma to Derelicts would encourage replay and help unclutter the crowded Void drops. Two birds with one stone.

    Now that is progressive!

  16. They have nerfed it. Putting it behind a farm wall is the ultimate nerf. Players old and new will need to grind the mats to make keys to farm a single material in a tileset that is a deadend after we all get the new Frame. It is a good set, in fact it is amazing, but it should be linked or easier to get to. Locking it up and forcing us to make keys for each visit just to get one basic material is a very poor game design.


    Leave the mutagen on these sets and increase the drop rate as high as it can go, but also put the mutagen back on the two planets it was on as well. I'm asking for an un-nerf.

  17. Why don't they just increase the drop chanses there? Derelicts are cool on their own to be worth it, why would i repeat Xini at nauseum if i could do pretty derelict runs?

    That is great increase away. But, this still means that people have to farm materials to make keys just to go farm mutagen. That is not very smart or productive.

  18. On the livestream Scott even said they put the Mutagen on the new tile set just so we would go back. He said this without any idea still how bad of an idea this is for a gameplay choice. Having them on the old sets made sense for us the players, we would get them in a natural way, the older players and the new players. Now they are on a deadend map that we HAVE to go to only to farm a single resource after we have the new Frame. This is truly bad for us, and they just don't seem to get it or just don't care. Either way, thanks for glazing over this topic on the stream guys.

  19. My contribution to a monetization model that makes more sense then what they've got going right now. Not as business professional or anything like that, just honest feedback what I would want as a player:


    -No more powercreep, it's bad for the long term. There's so many weapons and even warframes players are unlikely to buy because they are obsolete due to better stuff being out there. Balance what there is so there's a wide variety of useful gear to buy. In fact scrap some and turn them into cosmetics


    -More cosmetics for warframes. Away with the prime variants, turn them into a rare hard to acquire alternate skin with no stat boosts. No stat boosts on any cosmetic at all for that matter. Hell big spenders will net you more money, they'll buy the frame and the skin both for their bling bling. More alternate skin, corpusify, grineerify, infestantionify warframes for more alternate skins. Scarves are nice, more helms would be great, just expand on this stuff.


    -More cosmetics for weapons. Alternate skins instead of flat upgrades. Grineer equivalent upgrades would become grineer skins for tenno weapons, same with the other ones out there. Give skins entire new looks and feels, new effects sounds the works, just no stat difference. Keep a variety of weapons and keep them balanced, then stick with those and develop more sidegrades and skins for existing weapons. More freedom for the player both in playstyle in weapon choice and choice of style, it's what players will pay for.


    -Lower prices in general. High prices don't pay off when there's not enough buying. At the very least balance prices according to how hard/easy items are acquirable ingame.


    That's the major points that came to mind. Probably to sweeping changes at this point, but there you have it.



    Also this. It would work well. In fact I made a suggestions for a heat system in a feedback thread of mine, although that one is a little more advanced. Regardless, never did get why shooters absolutely have to have ammo dropping off corpses left and right.

     I have made many posts on exactly the things you outline in this post, I think they are great ideas. They haven't heard them in the past from me or others and I doubt they will in the future. DE has set their business model and are fighting hard to keep it exactly as bad as it is, even when the entire fan base is begging them to fix it, and any of these suggestions you make would add so much to the game. DE has lost focus on this project and no one seems to know how to set it on a good path moving forward.

  20. IMHO, they went downhill since Forma came out.


    I am only stalking and lurking the forums since U10 came out, waiting for the adjustments to properly be made.


    So far, Path Of Exiles has Devs who are against P2W entirely and are dedicated to balance. It's a lot less "Beta" used as a scapegoat, and they own up to things they did wrong, and give us expectations ahead of times. It's such a nice change of pace.


    I honestly doubt Warframe will ever go in the better direction at this rate. The Devs are either too ignorant to handle an online game, or too invested in the minor things such as scarves to see the big picture of how bad this game can be sometimes.


    Me and Warframe had a good run, but I doubt you'll see much more of this Loki. Not until they can put their stuff together. *stuff used as a better word*




    I suggest reworking your entire marketplace, damage, pricing of platinum, the Void entirely *as a tileset*, credits, and how weapons are even made.


    Gear should be dropped, such as ammo boxes, etc. But very rarely and be able to only be used in that round. Or ammo needs an entire rework of an "Overheat" system that Mass Effect 1 had.


    And balance through skills, not through nukes. Skillful Abiltiies < Skillful Uses For Abilities leads to more entertaining, complex gameplay while allowing the difficulty to claim very steep as long as you are skillful enough instead of properly geared to beat the task at hand.

    I agree with this entirely and would also add that the game that had vast potential only a few short months back has grown very shallow. I once loved this game to the point of "could not see me not playing this" to "I hope a better game comes along soon" I said this in another post, but it fits here as well, "I feel DE made my favorite game and then broke it." It looked when this game went open beta as it had tons of room to grow into something very cool and unique, as of U10 this is just another space shooter with very shallow gameplay. It really breaks my heart to see it come to this. De is showing no signs of trying to make this game into the space ninja bad@$$ness it could have been or should be.


    Zero depth in fighting styles now and the stam nerfs killed any hope of getting some.(Fun breaking)

    Forma came in and broke builds and they have been trying to fix that blunder ever since. (Build breaking)

    Now endless grinds for even the simplest of things like getting mats to make keys to go farm more mats (this blunder will haunt DE, it's game breaking)

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