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Posts posted by Steemship

  1. Duel Zorhen's hit rate combined with the 100% crit chance when invisible (Something Loki and Ash specialize in) make it a night mare. The AKlatos, imo, just kinda suck, but I find the rapid tapping uncomfortable. I'd go with the Lex because it gives you a reliable ranged weapon (Paris isn't reliable at range because of the leading required) and the Lex is just a monster: +Fire rate and +Damage and it will obliterate. I'm still undecided on a primary weapon. I have the Strun and Paris which are both great, but I'm looking to try more before I give advise on them.

  2. Looking to buy a new rifle. Don't know which is better. Looking at something that is good for crowd control. I know the Bolto lends its hand to that, but I'm pretty good at getting head shots and the latron has the V polarity which would allow for some wonderful modding. I added the Gorgon in there for someone to convince me other wise of it, right now I'm pretty against it.

  3. I originally liked the idea of no rewards on failure, but after playing it a bit, it is very demoralizing and simply not fun. Additionally, solo play is damn near impossible now as it is too easy to get swarmed and killed and then lose everything. The aborting out part was great, but the punishment for failure is just too much.

  4. I like the post early that said the reason stuff is priced so high is that people don't buy the warframes and get burnt out on the game. Having to work to earn warframes gives people a goal which keeps them entertained longer.

  5. Fair point - will flog programmers and see what is up.


    I got Banshee Systems and Chasis from the end of a Wave 5 Defense tonight.

    /Please don't take mah bueprints away



    Also, after reading the patch notes, I didn't see it specify that failed mission would remove rewards. Was that not added or just not specified in the main patch notes?

  6. I think the easiest solution to people bailing after a boss map is to simply rearrange the map.


    As it stands, it seems to take longer to leave after killing the boss, than it does to get to the boss.  All that fighting to leave should be to get to the boss. After you kill the boss, it should be easy to high tail it out of there.


    This would solve the problem of people bailing after a boss fight, since it only takes a few more seconds to earn the map rewards. It also makes sense from a strategic perspective, as the bosses would logically place as many minions between themselves and you as possible. They didn’t get to be bosses by fighting alone all the time.



    Technically, that wouldn't be very strategic because you wouldn't put an exit to your facility right next to you because exits are also entrances...


    As for OP, I like the idea.

  7. As I've been playing it, I find the biggest thing I run in to is nothing that is good at dealing with enemies close quarters. I was thinking maybe buff the range of Fire Aura (The second one) so that their is less of a safe area for the enemies to hide in. It would make it do a lot better when swarmed (swarmed by not just infected).

  8. It feels like her powers are largely useless, she's slow, and she is flimsy. I don't feel I know her well enough to go in to detail, so I wanted to get some other opinions while I continue to work on her. Thoughts?

  9. <p>+1</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Also, you could upgrade to Master and get in on that developer console thing they were talking about :p</p>

    <p> </p>


    <p>Would also be good for a ranking board because it is completely random, so it could go strengthen the community as players compete to be the best. The board could also be subdivided based on ranks and number of players so we don't get end-game players that dominate the score board for months on end. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>The random aspect of it would probably prevent it from being too grind-y while giving it a wide variety of rewards in-game.</p>

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