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Posts posted by Steemship

  1. It's the first enemy with a constant damage and I'm pretty sure the "laser" is a flame thrower making it the first one for those as well. 




    It's not a reskin because the weapon it uses is different from other MOA, it spawns its own enemy, and it behaves differently from other MOA.


    Additionally, for those saying that it would be a waste if we kill them all, they could easily produce more MOA to put on other planets after the event; this is simply the first time we've seen it and is thus special. 

  2. Do you mean:

    When farming for resources you shouldn't be stuck on just one map. There should be multiple maps/ map types, even if spread across various planets, where you could get the resource (materials) with the same amount of percental gain?


    E.g. there could be a spy map on earth giving you some rubedo, a raid on Europa giving some more and then a defence mission on pluto giving even more?

    The higher the lvl of the enemies the higher the chance of getting resources. Also resources should be available on different map(mission?)  types on one planet to prevent "one map being the farming map". Also, the enemies should vary so you wouldn't face only grineer when farming X and only corpus farming Y?


    Yes >_<


    I was thinking specifically with Alloy, so for example:


    Their should be a Venus Corpus Defense mission, Venus Corpus Spy mission, Venus Grineer defense mission, Venus Grineer Spy mission, etc, SEdna Corpus Defense Mission, Sedna Infestation Defense mission, Sedna Infestation Mobile Defense.


    Hope that and Lactamid's post clarifies things a bit. >_<

  3. Game went on. I edited my Push to Talk key from B to 5 and the game froze.The game didn't freeze, I was just locked in the options menu and I couldn't back out of it or do anything. The Back and Default keys were still clickable, but nothing happens.

  4. I read all of that surprisingly (I didn't expect to :P) and am quite thoroughly impressed. 


    The biggest issue DE would have with this is how tricky it would be to implement. 


    Another possible issue I see right now is with long lasting abilities (namely Frost's Bubble)


    For those saying that the new system would be too hard, it would be hard, but it would also be something that I've been protesting for which is something that makes the game unique; I have never heard of a system like this before in any game and think it could be amazing if implemented properly. 


    This system would also allow pretty unique tuning for individual warframes that isn't currently allowed by the energy system. 



    +1 until the End of the Universe. 

  5. Finished the mission and was exiting when I found a wall that didn't load. I had no idea what it was so I went looking...and walked off an edge. I then proceeded to fall forever in to the void without re spawning. It would eventually reset me and then repeat itself.

  6. Host Migration while waiting at exit...disconnect to main menu. Almost lose alert (Get in another match with 2 minutes left)


    Nothing productive here, just a frustration thread. This happens roughly 1/10 times on Alerts and it is very frustrating.

  7. A fusion process similar to the way Akimbo weapons are made. 


    They could have a 4x infected damage and attack multiple targets (Up to 3 like the Duel Heat Swords) to justify the cost. It would make the weapons more useful than they currently are and be a relatively rare thing to see in Warframe since it requires two separate alerts to make. 

  8. Something unthinkable has happened...


    I've found something I may like more than my Lex!!!!!!!


    The dastardly weapon...theTwin Vipers. I'm not sure which is better stat wise, but I love the raw power of the Viper as it buzz saws through enemy health bars. It is rather ammo dependent, but that isn't an issue if it is used as a back up weapon. And it is just so much faster paced than the Lex. I know they each have their rolls, but as a secondary weapon for a efficient weapon like a latron, the Twin Vipers re monsters...




    Edit: I'm also going to be trying the AK Bolto soon, so if anyone has any suggestions for that, that'd be useful as well.

  9. Sup, best place for alloy only is Venus. For me, i get the most out of Aprhodite... reasons? => very low lvl so pretty quick runs and solo, looting everything i've had up to 150-200 per run, and also you get bonus reward for being a raid (not really important but meh, it's also common for banshee chassis bp). If you just want alloy plate as a side dish, you can go to Kappa - Sedna, as you'll get both alloy plate and rubedo, and also the best xp farming there is, but you won't get that much and in my experience you'll get much more rubedo and only a few drops of alloy.


    Good luck

    Thanks...I've been running Kappa to level up my frame, but I'll head over to Venus for this...I need the chasis for Banshee as well :P

  10. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/35780-glaive-overall-usefullness-when-compared-to-the-other-melee-weapons/


    That is not only a hot feedback topic. It's a HOT (as in i has the HOT icon next to it), is in a feedback forum, and is also a topic.


    Any news on this? Can i get a confirmation that there's anyone even bothered with the current state the Glaive is in and if it needs further tweaking on its balance and mechanics or not?



    There has been too much talk about how to get the glaive and too much drama about it. But there has been almost no talk anywhere else but on that thread about the Glaive itself.


    I would love if the balancing team would take a look at that thread.





    PS: To everyone else, up-vote this post if you agree. Downvote without quoting this post, and explaining the vote, if you agree as well.



    No one has talked about the glaive because 95% of people don't have it.

  11. It's refreshing seeing a development team that shows this much interest in the community. I'm gonna see about upping my founders if I get the money before it ends.


    This has given me an idea/question


    Will their be a set date a month or something in advance before Foudners ends?

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