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Posts posted by Mathemagics

  1. I wont build for strength for bastille anyway, i feel like bastille is more defensive using it as reflecting bastille, for his the regular use i think that vortrex does the same job but better, does it?

    There are probably different opinions, but i would also rather put repelling than strght mods if running just for bastille. u also can place vortex close of bastille and it sucks up all that gets thru bastille or just spam 2-3 or more bastilles. (thats what i do).

    Mostly tho i dont use repelling i rather spam it and or combine with vortex.

    Also with max effeciency and decent duration vauban can spam his skills a LOT just take some energy restores for emergencies or for start of the mission.


    EDIT: UMM u have to just try different builds on him and find what u like i guess hes quite versatile. Also its wery importand for him what weapons he uses.

    Shred on evrything that isnt AOE already. Tonkor is awesome.

  2. I play booben quite a lot. i have mostly 2 builds on him. 

    Mostly i run with max efficiency and duration and no faction mods also no strght. I think its better be able to spam skills (bastille vortex) than rely on one of them.It leaves me with rather small bastille and vortex but u better off putting them in strategic places like doors or on top of cryopod. And bastille is for rezzing teammates and getting out of tough situations.

    And i have 1 other build with repelling bastille with lot of range to lock down wery big areas but like i said i like spammy vauban much more.

    And yea energy pads are must , vauban is very squishy without his skills.


    OMG OMG the new helm is amazing!!!

  3. Normal rhino is just so slow i could not play him much.But he helped me to unlock planets when i was starting the game cause hard to find teams for some nodes.he was my second frame after excal and third was loki.

    Imo Loki is basically the same very easy to play if u go invisibility route. even more selfish then rhino cause rhino atleast gets some agro of other players.

    I have Rhino P with vanguard helm tho for boss killing/capture and more range duration build on him (and rush mod) , love the juggernout feel on him with charge and superfast sprint speed. Lately tho i dont play him much cause hes not wanted in teams and im afraid evrybody thinks im noob.

    But when i sometimes take him out for a spin , the feel tho of speed and his huge stature roarrr :D

    For me iron skin is more cc mitigation than dmg. U dont get knocked back and can go past laser doors etc. But u still need to dodge. Also hes ideal for shotguns because how fast u can close in the distance.

    Hate the iron skin look tho, cant see his awesome looks when this golden mess is casted :)



    Btw my most played frames are excal and booben idk how skilled are thous. excal can basically spam radial blind and be immortal most of the times.

    But i guess thats useful for team also.

    Booben is somewhat harder if u dont fight against infested , u just need to think more about positioning when playing him but hes very strong when u do.


    EDIT: imo lately worst noobs i see are with farming frames mesa nekros etc. people come into farming parties with nekros without range mods ,  mesas withot strhgt mods etc

  4. Have you tried the KOHM?

    not yet,

    but i just finished up strun wraiht my first shotgun ,

    just missing elec mod for it also my sweeper is w8ting for it :)

    Planning next to make Hek i like how it looks :)

    hmm i have also boar prime but no forma potato on it yet. i didnt really enjoy the feel of it.

  5. ok  ty,

    tought maybe i missed his one visit i smtms have no time to play on weekends. Good to know, i started recently working on some shotguns , cause i finally managed to finish maxing all rifle mods. so im really w8ing for this one now :)

  6. Simply put, it's not feasible to replace the mission narrator. There is a _lot_ of generic dialogue Where the Lotus instructs the Tenno/Player in basic understanding of game concepts. This dialogue load only grows as new content is added. To double that historical _and_ ongoing load is fiscal madness, never _ever_ add a work multiplier.


    It's a heavy historical VO workload and a doubling of future VO load, for minimal return (and artificial player choice) It also splits the player base. 


    No, it's a bad idea, both in and out of game.

    yeah i didnt actually think it would happen im just little dissapoint with her being so neutral but its needed because people have different tastes so they made her bland/neutral so shes kinda in the middle of evrithing.

  7. You might just go with two of the 60/60 mods; The corrosive proc isn't really for crowd control and having it on there will divide up the chance of doing the blast proc by roughly half as the what procs is weighted by the damage your gun does. If you really want to focus on proccing Blast as often as possible then you probably want to drop corrosive so that it doesn't have a chance of happening. 

    Accelerated Blast seemed like overkill when I used it and I wasn't able to notice a difference by taking it off. You should be okay with just using Shotgun Spazz. 

    Vicious Spread will make the cone wider, which can be bad as it divides up the number of pellets hitting an enemy which is decreasing your chance of getting the Blast proc to fire. I'd favor a tighter cone so that the blast proc fires more reliably; it'll knock everyone down who is nearby the enemy anyway. 

    Beyond that, you might also consider radiation; enemies generally attack the nearest threat, so having the radiation proc go off in a crowd of enemies will draw attention off of yourself for a longer period of time than Blast will. If your sentinel is proccing radiation often it can be very good damage mitigation. 

    This makes a lot of sense. What u recon i put in 2  free slots, 2x 90 elementals to further increase elemental dmg over physical to rule out probability getting slash puncture etc procs?

    ok this gets to hard for my bad english :)

  8. ermm point blank does not  provide any CC imo if procs are not somehow connetcted to dmg?

    i dont want it to kill stuff just hit it to the ground the one trying to sneak behind me or smthg like that :)


    Or maybe remove one 60/60 so i can have electricity instead of corrosive?

    but yea hard to choose between these 5 .Hells chamber - - seeking force - vicious spread - shotgun spazz - accelerated blast

    sadly only 4 out of 5 will fitt if i dont remove 1 status mod


    Hmm im starting to like this idea maybe really i should try blast + electricity with less status chance?

  9. hello i have one question about sweepers cc build.


    im thinking about something like this :


    4x 60/60 status mods (corrosive and blast)

    wich leaves me with 4 slots open but theres more mods i want to use help me choose 4 of these

    Hells chamber - - seeking force - vicious spread - shotgun spazz - accelerated blast

  10. elele ic u use spoiled strike and no fury, dsnt it hinder the mobility?


    (ceramic and dark dagger have like top tier coptering range)

    I like to use daggers sometimes for mobility because theyr small and i dont want always clutter on my back. So i mod them mostly for utlility mobility.

    Ceramic dagger copters  better but to the point its hard to control so i prefer dark dagger and also it has this syndicate mod that restores energy wich is handy sometimes.

    Fury for coptering , maxed life strike for some heals ( yea maxed cause daggers do crap dmg).


    There is rare instance where i use dagger for dmg and that is my radial finish excal. Daggers have really fast finisher animation.


    BTW i really like the idea of daggers, If they ever get buffed i hope its not dmg  but utility (finisher dmg/and other intresting mechanics like makes u run faster  because its not a huge hammer or smthg like that).


    AND please DE make rambo knife skin for dark dagger :D

  11. idd like to work for steel meridian and help people by destroing both corpus and greneer and infested and aliens.

    Also Steel Meridian chick got character.


    Maybe after more lore about lotus is revealed she gets more intresting now shes really bland, but thats probably because i dont know nothing about her.

    Also why the cleavage ? is it smthg towards teen boys?

  12. so now i have 2 forma on it already i think i dont need firerate mod on it cause i dont wana click faster than i already do so the fire rate is fine for me as it is.

    I think existenceSD build fits for me because i dont have rarer shotgun mods.


    i guess ill go like

    seeking force-point blank- 60/60- 60/60

    90 - 90 - blaze -hells chamber


    Just cause i dont have vicious spread, shotgun spazz , full contact etc.

  13. Guys how u build your Struns?

    i have 


    3x dual stat mods , blaze , point blank , seeking force , hells chamber .


    the last slot what u put guys fire rate ? 90 elemental?


    what u think of this build?

  14. Syndicates do neither have the necessary intel nor power of the Lotus, though. 

    If a Syndicate took over...the Tenno and possibly the solar system would end up in total chaos...especially since some of the Syndicates have VERY selfish goals and do not care about what happens to the system or big parts of it.

    This actually sounds fun, syndicates fighting eachother like greek city states.sometimes bonding loos alliances against common foes etc. or  stmgh but i guess it wold be different game.

    I just remember there was event or smthg i dont remember the steel meridian chick was running me thru the mission like lotus usually does and she had like actual character to her :D but its just a matter of taste 


    ps. i guess i would be bored of her if i she sticks for long enough.

    ps. i do not dislike lotus i just dont know much about her and that makes her bland

  15. they could make it so if u equip skin say on braton prime (say camo skin)  it will look like regular braton camoed,(uses regular braton model).

    maybe disable skins for pvp but i dont see any harm in pve in it.

    I really dont like prime stuff visually and im really sad i cant use skins on prime stuff. say manticore skin on scindo prome ,camo skin on braton p.

    I know many people like golds thats why i think sikns are good solution cause theyr optional.

    ps. also there are inconsistancies in immortal skins.  my mag prime immortal skin covers gold parts (bought it)

    but rhino p and most other frames immortal skins dont cover gold parts (have not boght them)

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