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  1. Tested again today with Protea's grenade fan & Khora's Venari healing. Still no dice. It just doesn't count as an ally.
  2. Update: Farmed Trinity & the defense targets are not being effected by Blessing either. I can keep the coil alive, but the drone is made of paper: 3k health & shields vs the coil's 20ish?... Classic abandon objective tactics still function as a workaround though.
  3. Did the alert straight after the update dropped, before I knew what it was. The rewards only stated a credit reward. Just completed it again in a party where the mod was listed as well as the credits. Didn't drop for me either time. It's a corrupted mod right? So I can just farm it anyway, but it kind if feels like an "F U in particular" moment. XD
  4. Same glitch on series x. I've also noticed a momentary freeze after entering, but that could just be my connection.
  5. Been playing "Falling Star" on repeat for medical bonds and have noticed that motes aren't effecting any of the defense targets anymore. I've tried it with the special duty coil & drone; neither are being considered allies again, at least for wisp prime's abilities. Enemy spawns seem to be on turbo mode too, so keeping the targets alive has become more tense than I'm used to! 😅 I might go farm Trinity to see if it's Wisp or the targets themselves that are borked. I'll edit later with an update if I do.
  6. Invited a friend (ps4) to my railjack endo farm (xbox x), and reassigned my defender npc to gunner. The Spooky roomba guy is operating the guns no problem, but physically he is zooming around the flight deck with the turret gun stuck to his feet, and his head completely missing...
  7. I've had this when transferring to the necramech just before the capture animation played. good to know there's a workaround; I lost about an hour of progress resetting the game...
  8. I also had this glitch for the MR9 test. I didn't lose any MR, but still had to wait 24hrs...
  9. Once you are at incarnon farming stage, you're past needing to farm Necramechs though, unless I'm missing something?; Railjacks and Necramechs are farmed before New War, which is before Zariman... going back to farm them later is always going to be easier. Right now I'm at the MR10 stage, in prelude to war. Got my xoris, my fulmin, my wisp, and my nukor is building. But I still need Necramech mods to make it not suck. 😔 As for the extra accounts I have one for each platform I own, making a new one each time i get a better platform because I have no choice... Ps4, switch, and now xbox x. Once cross save is a thing, I'll have 1 account I guess. Unless they allow multiple characters per account at some point. I'm a chronic new game starter. You probably don't want to know how many ff14 characters I've had. 🤣
  10. I'm currently playing through the star chart and story missions again on a new account, and have started farming for the new war gear check. Just like how I did on my old account, I simply bought a Necramech to skip Isolation Vault farming because it is not even remotely fun for me. Please just make the vault necramechs bullet sponges or something; Having the weak point on their backs and being resistant to AoE is a real pain in the butt. Also please put the Necramech mod pack back on the market so I can skip that farm too, thanks. XD
  11. Playing through the star chart again on a new account and ran into a progression dead end here. The hit boxes on the engines and shield generators are ridiculously small and appear to have tens of thousands of health now? I've blasted away at the shield generators from literally point black range after finally stalling the engine, and watched it only take damage every 3rd to 4th hit. Every attempt to complete this mission has timed out so far. I don't remember having this issue when I played through the star chart on my old ps4 account. Is it broken? Punishment for jumping ship to Xbox? Edit: Updated info. Played to completion with a ps4 squad mate and got his feedback on the run: *The hit boxes are fully obscured by the target markers, making them hard to see. *Hosing the target side to side with bullets sometimes locates a hit box that ISN'T marked, and is the only sure way to progress the mission stage. Specifically, when attacking the engine or shield generators, strafing the outer nacelles instead is faster/causes more damage, but only from certain angles. If you hit it wrong it has 100% damage resist.
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