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  1. We just have to wait and see what will they be able to do and what not to do I guess.
  2. The reason why I am saying is because sony and microsoft may have restrictions on what DE can do with cross save. There are many things on what can be limiting and can also be a magnificent benefit (if it were to work). here are the list of things that can be a benefit with this aside from moving from platform to platform. 1) Console players can maybe get the benefit of using the in-game discounts to purchase platinum 2) If cross play isn’t fully in the works yet and cross save is released (hopefully), we could be able to trade with other people on the pc side and vice versa using cross save. 3)Pc players will have the advantage of using the console market with tennogen by spending platinum instead of real money. Here are the things I am worried about the cross save implementation: 1) There is a high chance that sony and microsoft will force DE to use their store ONLY. So if you link your account to your pc, you may not be able to buy stuff from the pc store because sony and Microsoft want most of that revenue to themselves, they know that they’ll be losing players and profit from this change and so they will likely limit on what we can do with our console accounts, but you may never know. Epic games could pull off a dub like how they did with genshin impact. 2)I’m slightly worried that DE won’t make tennogen bundle in platinum for pc users if they decide to play on a console, since console players have this feature. That’s all I have but I wonder what you are mostly worried about when it comes to this feature coming to Warframe!
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