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Everything posted by BayouSnowman4

  1. Everyone here posting like DE is going to actually listen or care...OGs know what to expect, Im just surprised they moved this quickly to "fix" it.....just bad they kept saying were gonna give it time and see what happens before a nerf and different people saying different things on social/stream...then one week later after they've sold the packs and got the plat they nerf it, knowing damn well how he'd perform in the wild...want them to listen, speak with your wallets on the next warframe presented...but then again, they'll just likely let it go two weeks before a "fix."
  2. Totally agree it should never be rushed. Revert and refund aren't in the vocabulary of DE, they're good at catfishing everyone. They release untested Frames and Mods, let everyone enjoy/invest/buy them, then say oh, we gotta nerf them now to a point where no one uses them and/or they break them and the remedy takes a lot longer to fix, if it comes at all. Revert the changes til you figure out how to fix it. Maybe Dante was "broken" and fun, but now he's literally just BROKEN. Atleast DE got the money/plat/resources/hype and players time and buzz...now lets just break it and wait long enough for the community to forget and DO IT AGAIN! Not like we haven't been here before.
  3. IGN: BayouSnowman4 MR: 30 Hours: 1360+ Discord: BayouSnowman Current Clan: n/a Country: American expat living in China currently Languages: English and Chinese Started playing: 2016 ish on NSW off and on, waiting for Cross Save/merge to PC, finally done, so back at it full time.
  4. Got 2 umbra forma claimed on Twitch but 3 days later and still not delivered in game. Re-linked my twitch account and restarted game, etc, still nothing. Prime gaming drops work, but Twitch doesn't and they keep offering stuff while plenty of people can't get it. SCAM. Done watching.
  5. Done both of those and still haven't gotten 2 Umbra forma. Twitch says claimed 2 and I relinked, closed my game, restarted, etc, and nothing has shown up for 3 days while both sides say they can't do anything. SCAM!
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