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Everything posted by NeoMephisto

  1. They always do this; I don't know why metallics don't have a designated channel The obvious solution would be to make all these attachments colour individually
  2. So many times, I will have the body exactly how I want it, only for the helmet to inherit the wrong colours because the metallic channel for it is different than the body's or vice versa The helmet is already a separate model, just have it have its own channels like attachments; Speaking of which, the same problem occurs, I'll have 2 pieces from different sets, that might even share a thematic; like the tennogen sentient attachments. And colouring one will completely ruin the other. Let me tweak it individually, please GOD
  3. It won't let me embed the image to the post for no reason, here's a link: https://imgur.com/a/DWoErUa Having a separate customization for the blade is something that could easily be implemented on the Tatsu by simply changing which channel the colour is attached to, the Accents Channel basically doesn't do anything, the colours on the material it affects are muted; it always looks like grey steel, make it so that the blade also derives it's colour from it, because the blade material doesn't behave in the same way as the Accents, so you could colour it RED and only the blade would look red, which would be cool. That's basically it, I think it looks cooler, and makes more sense. to me a golden blade doesn't make a lot of sense, and also doesn't look as good as it would if it was a normal steel coloured blade in a sword with golden accents. It's the only melee I care about, just wish it had that going for it;
  4. I main Chroma and I strongly believe they should just redo the whole kit And the concept has developed way further since 2015, so they should lean into his sentient background Keep the element selection from his 1 so he truly feels like a master of the elements, but maybe let him transfer that damage type to his melee strikes instead of spitting whatever element for a complete break in combat flow. Would also mitigate the fact that he can't compete with other frames when it comes to damage, he's a tank, and shouldn't do more damage than DPS frames. But aside from stacking Vex Armor, he doesn't have any decent damage dealing abilities; Making him apply elemental damage to melee would free a mod slot, and help immensely. In regards to his Pelt, I think we should give him a better mode of locomotion, I'm thinking something like Revenant's Reave, but obviously slower and more manoeuvrable, make Chroma able to take flight for a little while with his holo wings instead of just having an extra jump. I think making Adaptation intrinsic to Chroma is also a good change. If you must have a toggle buff, merge Vex Armor and Elemental Ward, make it cost more. Boom. with an extra skill slot they'd be free to do whatever is appropriate I just really think they need to fix his gameplay loop, looking for people to damage you so you can get enough energy to perma spam 2 and 3 is not too fun
  5. Good idea actually, probably not too difficult to implement
  6. Oh come on with the fake outrage, what a redditor thing to say It's as valid a reason as any other, even if you disagree let's not virtue signal
  7. I think you're pretty on point, the original simplicity and "less freedom" gave the game a slower pace that allowed for more exploration and made the maps feel way larger; You don't even see people walk around the map, they just perma hold down shift and spam ctrl spacebar, I for sure think it's made movement too trivial. I really would like for them to eventually move the game back towards the original vision, of like a more tactical approach to missions, weapons, warframes; really emphasizing the Ninja aspect of what the game was supposed to be, now it's more like: "Erm, and then I press 5 and void dash wiz mein opera-tor, I then quickly switch to my cool frrrricking secondary so I can prrrroyme ze enemies w/ damage dealing serious evil deadly damage multipliers so I can deal more damage, in turn, dealing more damage and allowing me to damage the enemies with my damage. I just love damage. Damage, damage and more damage, I just love dealing damage and DPSing, I love being the DPS, and like seeing numbers on my screen letting me know I am doing damage, because I wanna be sure that damage is being done and that I am the one doing it and-" (you get the point) And it's like, wow, cool; let me get my pillow while you're doing that because there is nothing more tiring, soul draining, and depressing than wanting to have a cool Tactical Sci-Fi Bushido Nippon LED Samurai experience only to be met with INSANE power creep that makes every character feel generic, spammy, thoughtless, etc, you know exactly what I'm talking about. (Especially in the hands of people who are more interested in "winning" than finding their OWN fun in any particular experience) Even if you try to enjoy the game's original fantasy, you can never share it with anyone besides friends who are willing to essentially nerf themselves to have a more enjoyable experience, and when mentioning this you'll always be met with the same "Erm, you're just old dude... you're old and, you're old... and like old" But I don't think that's "just it"; Something that unfortunately happens in every game is once it gets big enough it starts attracting all the lowest common denominator type people, and these things just LOVE efficiency and BIG NUMBAS, these are your min maxxers, your efficiency farmers, your optimizers, whatever you wanna call it; They are happy to just go through the game on auto pilot, getting all the EPIC GAMER LOOT until they've optimized all the fun out of the game, no regard for the original vision, no regard for consistency, be it in the story, the artistic direction and visual identity; (Wing ephemeras, New Prime Access', New frames, Deluxe Skins...etc) These people just consume all this stuff such that there is no incentive to stop doing it on DE's end; I know they're just trying to make the playerbase happy, but they've landed themselves into a feedback loop of: >Create a lowest common denominator moth lamp feature (Ex: Damage Multiplication/Stacking, i.e Power Creeping ) >Those people flock to the game >They are now the majority because of the causal chain you've created >"We can't go back now! Our players wouldn't like it!" >Keep pumping out the same type of content; digging yourself further down the hole >Repeat They need to do the same stuff they're doing with the new story quests with core game systems, they know how to take risks, they know how to surprise people and make things work; That's the whole reason this game exists, but they seem so afraid or just disinterested in addressing the fact that the current state of the game is: A solid foundation with genius combat, and great potential; getting drowned by over-designed, soulless skins, characters, weapons, and game systems. Excalibur, Rhino, Mag, Ash, most characters from 2013-2015 don't belong on the same game as things like Khora, Khora Prime, Wisp Prime, Kullervo, Octavia, Voruna, and so many more Those aren't warframes, they feel like random mobile game characters, they've completely swerved away from what attracted so many people in the first place, the designs don't feel purposeful anymore. They're poorly slapped together in order to awe as much impressionable redditors as they can; I love this game and I just wanna be able to rest easy knowing the DEV's understand their own game, and keep it on the right path. I really don't wanna see it eventually die of Tencent like other games. Just dial everything down, people are resistant to change but they never actually QUIT, they just complain and act like they'll do it but if you actually rework the core gameplay to be more tactical ninja instead of power trip wizards this game will be closer to what it's meant to be
  8. Can't tell if this is le epic sarcasm, but I think the question was more "Did Eris always look infested?" without being nit picky, I don't think you can point to a single logical thing in this image, if you showed this to like an amateur astronomer that didn't play warframe it would give them seizures I know it's supposed to be Dysnomia (Eris' moon) but randomly placing Europa as a PNG behind and way too close to an Eris that got a big bite taken out of it is schizophrenic
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