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  1. I made a PC account after the cutoff date for being merge eligible because of a section on the website that said as long as one of the accounts was older than the cutoff date you would be able to merge them, it was the only listed exception to the cutoff date. That section was removed from the website when the cross-save part of it was updated last week. I had bought the largest quantity of plat on this pc account because I had recived a 50% off plat login reward and now due to that section being removed I am concered I have wasted £60. Is that exception still a thing? Will I be able to merge that pc account with my xbox account that was created well before the cutoff point? If not what should I do in this situation? Attmept to trade the plat to my xbox account before I link them? I've put the archived website link here as proof. https://web.archive.org/web/20231208232545/https://www.warframe.com/crossprogression I also have a screenshot of the section but I can't figure out how to attach it.
  2. I made a PC account after the cutoff date for being merge eligible because of a section on the website that said as long as one of the accounts was older than the cutoff date you would be able to merge them, it was the only listed exception to the cutoff date. That section was removed from the website when the cross-save part of it was updated last week. I had bought the largest quantity of plat on this pc account because I had recived a 50% off plat login reward and now due to that section being removed I am concered I have wasted £60. Is that exception still a thing? Will I be able to merge that pc account with my xbox account that was created well before the cutoff point? If not what should I do in this situation? Attmept to trade the plat to my xbox account before I link them? I've put the archived website link here as proof. https://web.archive.org/web/20231208232545/https://www.warframe.com/crossprogression I also have a screenshot of the section but I can't figure out how to attach it.
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