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Everything posted by (PSN)J4yourselfnow

  1. First of all, glad it worked for you! And as i know of, syndicates and focus won't merge together, but I haven't done merge yet.
  2. Couldn't use merge yet, but people who already merged said, Syndicate and focus are not carrying over. I guess everything else should merge together. But anyone who already merge can probably tell you more things about it than me :D
  3. People don't realise, this game isn't a fortnite which has cross save. Warframe released over 10 years ago and the spaghetti code can't get untangled so easily. We have to wait some more days. yes. In my opinion, people which complain "I can't play the game because cross save didn't release for me yet!" are kinda in the wrong spot. I have a PS4 Account which contains 1.3K Hours and had nearly everything back in 2020. I started a new Account 2021 on PC and progressed to mr 17 and have almost completed the whole content of the game. If you don't play the game, stop spamming the forums with "Bad game because no cross save" when cross save? But i want it now to work!" I really appreciate the work of DE. They released a big nice new update, which contains a event and QOL changes etc. They worked on cross play and are working on cross save, Account merge and even cross trade. They did everything they could to bring the community together and give many players a chance to play on their old Acc, even if they don't have the same console anymore.
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