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  1. Old blast proccs with the Sibear. You could have the sibear be only blast and when you did a heavy attack enemies would go flying 100m+ if blast procced. In outdoor tilesets you’d send enemies off the map and inside they’d ragdoll off all the walls.
  2. With how powerful we are now the only way there could be a boss without DA or invulnerability would be giving the boss 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 hp. This effectively would be no different than DA, but we’d still see our lovely big and juicy red numbers pop up. It isn’t possible to make a boss in Warframe right now unless they start nerfing us, which this community for the most part is strongly against.
  3. They’d never do it, but I’d like to see them let you lock in the four slots on rivens when rerolling. The percentages can still change, but you could keep one or two of the type of stats and only roll the other two. Each riven has four slots. The riven I have now has: +crit chance , +status duration, blank, and -zoom. I spend extra kuva to lock in the +crit chance and the -zoom. I only reroll the other two slots. They could make this cost way more kuva, but it would eliminate some of the randomness at a higher cost. Something like for each stat locked in it increases the reroll cost 67%. A normal reroll is 3500. One stat locked in costs 5845, two stats 9761, three stats 16301, and all four for better percentages 27223.
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