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Everything posted by NeverToReturn

  1. Onkko, I do admire your oh so confusing ability to peer into other timelines, see multiple futures, talk to all your other selves while alone and basically see the plot in a way I haven't understood in ages...but...man... Go. to. Sleep. Multiple timelines doesn't excuse you for missing your sleep schedule on the "canon" one. Look at that. Even the Eidolon nearby was late for their spectral rest. I advise you to be careful with your own routine. It could cause a massive oversleep spike. P.S: I know this classifies as a "Bug" but I didn't intend to report it as a bug, only make fun of the situation in a casual manner. Please do not flag this post as "wrong room topic", its construction and intent fit the General Discussion topic.
  2. Zealots would be the most expected look for these for sure, tho I would love to see some new forms of infested appear, maybe something that mimics their progenitor warframe superficially, or different strains from enemies we know. Didn't SaladV drop some zanukas over on Eris? Could be a good candidate for the continuity of that bit. But yeah, Zealots would be the most likely candidate.
  3. Wait, what?! Elaborate :D I wish to know more, and I have no idea where your comment directs me. I mean yeah tennocon and stuff just, nheee I prefer to have the specifics delivered here. Convenience sake pls
  4. We've had the kuva-blessed Grineer Liches and the Parvos-hired Sisters give us access to incredible weaponry and somewhat fun times in the past couple years of Warframe, an experience both delightful and scary depending on how you deal with things. And recently I've been wondering why we didn't get anything of the infested yet. Sure they don't hold as much targeted prejudice towards us like the two other common factions (I say this due to the existence of sentient and wally's shenanigans being less common), but its been years at this point and beyond Deimos (which was a GREAT thing) and Plaguestar (awaiting excitedly), the infested have been somewhat left to the wayside as DE develops the lore of the game I feel. No that there'd be much to develop on an all-infecting techno-plague's personality or lore that would be relevant at this point in time, but damn it feels bad for me and I assume other infested-design enjoyers who would wish their infested-themed weapons would get just the bit more of a boost beyond rivens. Do you believe the Infested could get a nemesis system on the same vein as the Kuva Liches or the Sisters of Parvos? And what you think would make for a good name from them? I would suggest something in reference to white blood cells, such as Neutrophils, or the anti-cancer T Cells, T Lymphocytes (which kinda sounds infested when you think of it), following a thematic of the infestation considering you and your warframe such a threat that it develops a "defense mechanism" specifically against you, seeking to neutralize it. In a sense warframes are made from a different strain of infestation, so it seeing you as some form of cancer trying to develop in the "main body" could fit thematically. Leave opinions and ideas below. I really wanna know if and what came through your mind if you ever thought about this.
  5. Understood! Will focus on getting a 1-X-3. Currently thinking of a 1-5-3. Will work on it. Thank you very much :)
  6. Sorry I mistyped, meant to write 166, rather than 155 XD But yeah, I see I can hit a 166 pretty easy here, just need some more standing and toroids. THankfully the gyromag things you need for ranking up can be bought directly with little duck so its basically toroid farming from now on. Phew, so glad for the anti-grind update. But okay, about X-3-X setup, anything else goes. First prism seems to be the best according to people. From what I saw, focus on crit damage and crit chance for amps, and then get blasting. Nice
  7. This is REALLY helpful. We were dreading the thought that not even a necramech would be able to fight that thing, but I'm glad its just a mistake on my part. Doing the missions to unlock the launcher won't be much of a problem given our setup, but I'm glad to know people are willing to taxi players into exploiter/orb boss battles. And while I'm not all in craze about getting a META amp, I just wish to not waste time and resources on something that in the end wouldn't be good. I played this game before, 11 years old account, made SEVERAL mistakes with underwhelming amps and stuff. Don't what to do it again. 177 or 777 are a bit out of scope at the moment, but if I can get something like a 166, it'd make me and my friend happy for sure. Thx
  8. Ah okay, so necramechs vs giant spider shields are just absolute nope. Got it. And yeah was looking at the wiki, she can only be summoned during thermia fracture events. I'll see about that, tho me and a friend have been farming toroids with quite good consistency. Only thing limiting us is the daily standing cap, and even then we are already halfway to rank 2 Vox. Will be able to get their first amp parts quick, but I must ask if they are worth it in your opinion. 123, got it! Will require some eidolon hunts for the shards, but for that I believe some players could help me. If not that maybe a 122 or 222 could help?
  9. Oh yeah I forgot they gave us the items required to tier up! The anti-grind updates came in handy. In fact, while I write this, me and my friend are already on our way to Rank 2 with Vox Solaris, it feels great. Thanks for pointing out. Sadly we can't fight the Exploiter Orb yet, as we do have the necramechs but we can't summon the archguns. I know the mechs USE archguns, but I don't know if they count for it. Will have to look into it. But thanks for the tip and for pointing it out! We'll work on it :D
  10. Hello, and thank you for coming by to help me. Currently me and a friend are playing together, and one of our objectives is to build our first amp in preparation for Eidolon hunting and other content that may require it. However we've hit a crossroad of indecision, and wishing to avoid wasting time on something we are unsure will be at least decently performing early game, I've come here to ask what's a good early-game amp configuration to build. Our only limitation is that the parts must come from Onkko, up to tier 2, as Little Duck only sells parts at Tier 3 which makes me feel she's more of a resource dump than a syndicate until you reach tier 3. So yeah, up to Tier 2 parts, which should be the ones we could build to get a decent enough amp to work as a start? If you wanna recommend something of tier 3 to work on later, it would be very welcome too.
  11. Hehe yeah! Could be a neat way to experiment interactions for runs with friends or random players. And I'll be honest, when it comes to invasions if I see a single blue pip on the map, that one ally will become my focus for the entire mission. The rescue target is the whole squad, they are the mobile defense objective, we exterminate together, so on and so forth. I swear I pay more attention to their health bars than my own.
  12. Not only that, but weren't for the chain of efforts of our fellow tenno, we wouldn't have the legend John Prodman gracing us in the Index every now and again. To think he not only helped in the fight against Phorid but also SURVIVED is a great story.
  13. That's something real sweet. And sometimes even a learning experience as well. For example, I didn't know why the corpus took so much damage and if their shields were broken, I wondered why they wouldn't regenerate. Turns out these fellas taught me about how armor works! Playing Oberon, giving them the healing aura (wish it would pass on to anybody in range, it only affects them on cast) and putting the grass patch would give armor to the corpus humans. Well they went from dying in two shots to being able to tank an entire squad of grineer and survive, since my healing with the armor buff would overwhelm the grineer damage! It was such an epiphany and something I brought even to my own gameplay.
  14. Might sound a bit like a silly question, but do you ever just look at your allied Corpus or Grineer during an invasion mission, and just can't help but to try and keep them alive? Its quite a bit hard a task, as it seems allies take a huge amount of damage for no reason, up and dying out of the blue while if they were of the enemy side it'd be the opposite. Yet that just makes me even more attached to them. I tend to side with the Corpus against the Grineer a lot, and seeing a whole squad of those boxheads and their moas make it to the end of the mission with me feels so rewarding for some reason. I know they are just NPCs, but I can't help but to say "You'll live to see another paycheck" or "You're going home today" when saving them from a whole gang of soldiers or even infested. Just something I wanted to share and ask people how they feel on it. Do you also try your darn hardest to keep that one NPC fighting an entire squad solo alive, be it with a support warframe or not? Also feel free to post your record of allies alive at the end of the mission. In this pic we have 6, but my friend counted 7. He's the wisp prime.
  15. Oh yes you are correct! I didn't consider checking the other kitgun types when testing builds, but yes, all the models you quoted have 90 ammo maximum as primaries. I must agree, Vermi having only 90 ammo max hurts, even if you can connect to multiple enemies. It already has a range limit issue I feel, and don't know if its damage needs to ramp up, but it feels that just as I'm about to deal actual damage (37 ammo magazine build test), I have to reload. Or scrounge for ammo again.
  16. Simple as the title says. I know the loaders don't influence the ammo cap of the kitguns, only the amount you can fit per reload, and that this "issue" (not really an issue, just a bother) can be solved with either the battery-magazine arcane or an exilus adater slot for an ammo maximum mod (or god forbid a riven mod), but I will wonder. Why primary kitguns only have 90 ammo cap? Is it an (un)intentional leftover from the ammo system rework in which DE reduced the ammo cap of all weapon types or something? Just wondering, cuz yes I see how it can be solved with the systems we have in game, but damn, couldn't we get at least double ammo reserves on guilding? Having a kitgun run out of ammo mid mission because I reloaded it 3 times and somehow didn't get ammo drops for primaries feels odd.
  17. Oh no I never meant the names having any gameplay impact or anything of that sort. It just makes me trip every now and then when I go build a companion, since the parts description says it gives a certain polarity innate to the pet. Problem is, they don't show the symbol by the name in any instance, making me think "Oh okay this'll give me the V polarity" when in reality it gives the D polarity since my brain connects Varazin to the V, rather than the D polarity.
  18. Ey! Well the title is self explanatory, and it was going to be "Polarity naming nitpick", but i felt it was in good line to use a less inflammatory one. Simply asking, does the name of polarities confuse you as well? Here's what I mean, and lets see if you relate to it. Keep in mind, this isn't a "WE SHOULD CHANGE THE NAME OF POLARITIES" warcry or anything like that, I don't want to be that kind of person. So the polarity names are Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon, Zenurik and Unairu. Simple classics we've grown used to over the years. But then comes the symbol related to said names and here's where my brain breaks. Madurai is a V Vazarin is a D Naramon is a - which kinda makes sense Zenurik is a " so it fits having a weird name And Unairu nobody remembers. Do you happen to get confused when trying to, lets say, build a modular companion and end up misbuying the part you wish to use because Madurai makes you think of the D polarity shape and Vazarin sounds like the name of the V polarity would have? Just asking if that happens to you a lot, wishing to see if anybody goes through it. Not complaining or anything, it just feels odd.
  19. Hello, and welcome to my sharing of a pipe dream of a concept. Sadly I don't bear any artwork that could help represent what my vision would be for this idea, but that can be taken as a good thing, letting your minds fill in the gaps regarding the style of this game per say. Coming from the wish to play as either a corpus character (outside of the New War) and with inspiration from the Circuit game mode, I wondered if it would be a cool idea to have a Corpus Roguelike game. Its quite a jumbled mess of ideas and systems in my mind, so I'll try to bullet point things as to make it clearer what I have in mind. Once again, this is just a pipe dream. DE hasn't released any sort of minigame such as Frame Fighter or anything of the kind in ages, and I wouldn't expect them to do it or release the Warframe IP to a third party to allow for the creation of something of the sort. So lets just imagine. • You are a Corpus. Not anybody important among the Corpus, far from it, you are chaff that the usual tenno would run by. But a Corpus you still are, so you earn a little bit of customization on your armor color and helmet. Choose the Corpus planet you start on, see the opportunities there, gauge the risks, and then begin trying to make your journey into profit (or GROFIT) with...your trusty Prova. Hey, you wouldn't expect the corpus to give you good gear right out of the gate right? You're a newbie, a liability, worth less than the credits they paid for your gear. • But comes in a mechanic: Investors. Before fully starting a run, some investor will come in and make you an offer. Said offer could give you additional gear, such as an actual primary weapon, better shield generators, a more efficient transport, benefits that of course come at a cost: Debt. When you accept an offer, you go in debt of a certain amount of credits. At the start of your run this would mean you are in the red, a kickstart that will funnel all credits you earn to paying said debt, and of course there's interest that mounts up between missions. But hey, at least you aren't starting with just a Prova. • Pick your Mission. The star chart always has something going on, and that means opportunity for profit. It would be easy to imagine missions of a similar kind to the ones we already take in Warframe common gameplay, such as defending cargo, trying to snag some information from data vaults, or help during a Grineer incursion or infested outbreak. There may be some modifiers to the missions, risks such as tougher enemies or in the worst case a Tenno being there, but you got debts to pay and money to make. Even your trips between worlds aren't free. • Salvage. After each mission you'd collect some stuff. Broken or whole guns, resources, etc, that you could sell to help pay off your debt. A torn between using your resources to improve yourself or to pay your debt in time. Would a better gun be worth it? Wanna use some credits for a passive modifier for your character? Make your choice. • Win. Some manners of winning I'd imagine would be the following: Gather enough credits to buy your position into a Corpus company. Securing your future away from the frontlines is quite helpful when there are wars going on beyond your control. You don't want to get electrocuted, infected and carbonized by a Tenno, right? Another way: Defecting. Sometimes the grind becomes too much, and you need to break away from it. A very special investor could wish to help smuggle your way out of the Corpus, but that will also come at a cost. Still, once again, better than dying. Just be ready for when the board of directors starts making you a product they'd wish out of the market. • Die trying. Look, the solar system is dangerous. You WILL get hurt, and you WILL die. Bit that's a roguelike, innit? Whatever you had, it could be passed on to your next character as either debts or some leftovers of your previous attempt. Are they related? Maybe, probably not. Anyways, better don those boots found in an Orb Vallis lake, put on your gear, grab your Prova, and start again. The wheel never stops turning. You got sum credits to make. And here we go. Once again, sorry that I don't have any artwork or much beyond word to add to this idea. Its just a creativity outburst I wished to share with the people of the community. I hope one day we get to play as these box heads or the super ancient clones, but for now, I'll just enjoy trying to keep the four or so Corpus NPC allies from invasions alive during an entire mission. Ain't no MOA drying on my watch!! Cheers :)
  20. Ey, good job :> Like the angle, good choices!
  21. Your style absolutely rocks! Love the colors, the jagged yet so strong lines. Ah who am I kidding, I can't put it into words how much I love it. GREAT JOB :DD
  22. Red Veil, our resident edge lords, enjoyers of purging and exquisite interrogation methods. We all know them, some of us love them, others don't, I personally like the mods. But sometimes even they grow tired, so so tired. Today I saw that, as this one Red Veil agent during a syndicate mission gave in to exhaustion (or head trauma) after being hit by what I assume was a shockwave moa. What happened to her mind I cannot fathom, but to stand up wasn't on her plans I am sure. Still, with a job to do I decide to move on. Yet behold my surprise, as the fellow syndicate member somehow moves to another place in the tileset. Was her determination and wish of purging so strong she teleported around? Could she not miss the extermination even if her body clamored for rest? It would seem so, as even the frigid environment outside wouldn't subdue her. But to last it couldn't. I would not allow it. So to hold position the order was issued. Tenno or not, your sleep must not be postponed. Be it for farming, purging, or your daily life, do your best and have a good rest. Oh yeah I almost forgot. Sleep well, Rest Veil. I love this game.
  23. An unaware me made the original post, not knowing of said Grendel run. Sorry for the redundancy of my post and if it caused you any aggravation or distress. I've just returned to playing warframe this year, so I've got a lot to catch up on. Still, cheers, and thanks.
  24. Well it would be assumed that you'd unequip the mods after it, with the rules being more about "don't run any mission with mods installed". But you brought up good points, like running it solo to have an actual challenge. In addition, one other warframe that could mention would be vauban. His Flechette orbs, even without power strength, deal so much damage and cover such an area that your only limiting factor would be energy. And with us executing Eximus enemies and their drops of energy all the time, that could be a saving grace.
  25. Hello. Coming from someone who enjoys watching people put themselves through unbearable challenges for our entertainment (challenge runners are the modern day gladiators), I've come across Sabuuchi's run of Warframe jumpless. This made me wonder a thought, and idea: Would it be possible to beat Warframe without mods? Simple deal, reach the New War quest without a single mod in your warframe, weapons and/or companions. Without cheating or exploiting, at most limiting your arsenal to dojo/quest stuff and no trading, do you believe that would be doable? It turns raw base stats into an important factor, things that can hit hard naturally. I can see high status weapons that inflict viral or slash being a must in this, or stuff like the Xoris that deals immense damage for no reason with its detonation. There are nuances I'm missing for sure, so I extend you the invitation to discuss this idea.
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