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Everything posted by Exoni_Prime

  1. I will admit, his current passive is lacking. However, I don't agree with either suggested change, I'll explain why. But first. It clearly says immune to the singular elements. Never said status immune and can be taken as damage immune. Sort of similar to how people suggested frost would be cold immune/resistant and ember heat immune/resistant. It is possible to become damage immune to certain status/ips types which is why I point this out. I'm taking their word for what it's worth as I would anyone else. back to the passive. This is relatively pointless due to the lack of enemy variety in singular elementals, and he already has a defensive buff to counteract those elements. Or just make vex armor multiplicative as it should've been and instead remove the single element triple dip bug. Could've saved them a lot of time. Chroma's passive needs to be something that generally helps out towards the gameplay he provides and serve a use that is realistic in day-to-day gameplay. With that said, I suggest that his passive allows him to have faster casting speed and a chance to regenerate a percentage of health over time while being damaged. I think the removal of chroma being able to switch between elements shows a lack of understanding as to why the mechanic is there, and in general of how his kit works in tandem. Not to mention the suggested change is nullified by a secondary weapon with high enough status and secondary encumber. I suggest spectral scream should be changed to be able to be active without removing chroma's weapons or mobility and instead applies a damage vulnerability to the elemental type enemies get hit by, and said elemental applies vulnerability to elementals it would otherwise combine into (example, heat would appply a vulnerability to heat, radiation, gas, and blast damage). It will also chain to enemies nearby in a range from the primary enemy depending on chroma's range (like atomos). I also suggest that his elemental changing needs to be more fluid and should be able to update his abilities whenever it is changed (for elemental ward allows to recast the ability instead, that way it doesn't interfere with the current element of choice). Afterburner (his augment if you didn't know about and I wouldn't blame you for because of how poor it is in execution) needs to be changed to work like lavos' buff but weaker and with a longer duration, matching other base elemental buff augments like shock trooper, freeze force, etc. I agree, cold is fine where it's at. Heat change is redundant as heat ward's range isn't good enough where heat application would matter. Instead should also apply heat proc chance when chroma is hit. electricity change is good. toxin fire rate buff shouldn't be added. There's a reason people complain about haste motes. attack speed however I agree with. Holster damage too needs to be replaced. Instead will increase sprint/walking speed and enemies hit by the toxin proc have a chance to spread status. It needs to be multiplicative or needs to work as a bane multiplier (same for eclipse on mirage wtf) seriously though he got gutted by a change because of a bugged interaction that literally wasn't even because of the multiplicative buff. De acts like we don't have roar Saryn running around with cloud contagion nuking entire rooms but at the same time think it's bad design for chroma to be a reasonable weapons platform. Effigy already has a miniscule health value so why even bother with energy drain? Either have an energy drain with damage impunity or give it a health bar that scales with enemy level and mods. You can easily just make effigy like page flight but a tad bit stronger since it's an ultimate then have it apply the element chroma chose while having said element it attacks with apply without needing to recast the ability. Also, casting speed of his blind needs to be hastened. The armor removal and speed increase also needs to be removed and replaced with effigy acting as an extra companion (sentinel) being near chroma and helping with aggro/cc/damage amplification clear. Players are probably going to scream at me for suggesting effigy also gives status amplification, but Sevagoth works the same way with his shadow, and both do not stack. With that said, when I look at effigy and what it tries to do it only makes sense to have it become a helpful ally and more importantly make players have a choice when it comes to helminth. Anyway. Suggested changes are fine for the most part but a lot of them don't tackle the issues that chroma has.
  2. I have to kill enemies with the aegis storm. How? Same question with balefire... Unless this is relatively low content, I'm not sure how this would really help. Is there a duration on the buff, what's the condition? Until death? Until you stop the ability? Having a higher movement speed bonus is great, but there are greater outliers to the ability such as: not being able to use normal weapons. being animation locked on cast and recast. inability to use pillage or helminth abilities. high drain for low reward. Eximus completely ignoring it. Faster movement doesn't help out much if we can't suggest changes that would make aegis storm a reasonable ability to use; let alone capable of applying the conditional provided.
  3. You can fix this issue by crafting a different Warframe and adding different polarities. Some builds need you to have different polarities dependent on what stats you spec into due to the fact that some abilities need more of a certain stat while being able to dump others. Though what you're suggesting wouldn't fix an issue at all, because how is the UI supposed to show this change; considering how much the developers have done to try and make modding easier to understand?
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