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  1. Currently, Railjack equipment only has 8 active slots, which overlap with equipped slot. That only allows 1 extra slot (2 if Ordance is omitted), which doesn’t allow much variation. Furthermore, there doesn’t seem to have any option to expand it. Hence, I propose possible alternatives for this. Make it similar to regular Warframe slot, with each type has +100% extra slot. In details, 2 slots each for Engine, Reactor, Plating, Shield, and Ordnance, 4 slots for Turrets Free the slot for equipped gears. This lets player to “dump” default (original Sigma/Tycho) equipment which equals 7 free slots. Similar to option above, but more freedom Let player to have 12 instead of 8 active slots. Giving the least (5), but doesn’t change much compared to current mechanic (or so, I believe) Any of these option should give players more flexibility in configuring the railjack, while still being limited.
  2. Problem Attempting to shot Larkspur Prime (alt) against recognized target (Autofire fires), its alt fire doesn’t fire at all. It kept trying to charge, while failed at the end, even overwrote manual attempt (aim, then fire). Proposed solution Make it semi auto instead of charge, while adding Charge duration into Fire duration for balance purpose (approx, same RoF). Additionally, display Fire and Aim-Fire button for Auto mode (or at least let us have that option to make shooting “unrecognized target” easier).
  3. I don’t think it’s necessary for starchart (the launcher is only for open landscape). Can you please show the mission screenshot through codex? Also, might check whether you’ve completed Heart of Deimos (Cambion Drift) yet.
  4. Despite reporting this, I’ll treat it as a “feature” (until noted otherwise that it’ll be fixed) as it happened mostly with my most used weapon (secondary). Break the relic (10 fissures) to get Temporary infinite ammo (observed with the secondary one) buff. Go outside (Archwing mode) to get fresh air… (err, I meant while it hasn’t ended). Return inside. Observed, it doesn’t matter whether I return after the duration is up. Once inside, the ammo doesn’t seem to decrease even after the buff counter ends. -edit 1- Works as well for primary.
  5. Got a weird bug recently. In Railjack mission (Void Storm, Hildryn), I suddenly lost the ability to jump. Bullet jump turned into crouch (I set it as toggled) / slide (fast tap), jump button didn’t respond. Just as I thought that the button is not responsive, it worked in Aegis Storm mode. For a record, it returned to normal once I returned post mission completion.
  6. Steps to proc. Enter something (notably crewship) Equip Balefire (Exalted, secondary) Destroy reactor (wonder if this is necessary step, but it’s mostly happened when I did. Flee (or be ejected by other means) The next time I entered “ground mode”, I can’t swap to (original) secondary weapon.
  7. Unlocked 2nd crew slot, and hired 2 crew. After a fight, one of the crew is moved to slot C (the locked one), leaving the 2nd empty.
  8. In this case, is it possible to limit (daily) quest so that no quest involves “unplayable” parts?
  9. Why not just lower the affected radius? e.g. From 25m down to 5m. That way, it can still function as team buff, while not affecting as many players as before (one should get close to get the buff). Alternatively, split the buff into 3 (Reload speed, Movement Speed, and Melee Speed) and give them their own radii.
  10. Eitherway works (as both have the same result under autofire) Specific on trigger type, I’m not sure whether Semi can be faster than Auto on spam (hence I suggested Auto). I’m not sure if this is a good option tbh, especially when Aegis Storm lift enemies (makes it perfect target for charged shot, which recovers shield on augment).
  11. Current Balefire Charger Charged damage bonus = +100% (x2) Uncharged cost = 100 Charged cost = 450 (x4.5) Due to inefficiency of Charged Shot and the nature of Autofire (Autocharge), I’m proposing a change to Balefire Charger. Option 1. Alt fire switches trigger type between Charge and Auto. Option 2. Change Trigger type to Auto. Alt fire is used for charge shot instead (same charge time). Hence players will have more control over the weapon especially when Auto Fire is enabled.
  12. Duviri is broken in my case (instant crash on the 1st stage). On the 2nd, I was talking about Forma as blueprint requirement, not as Upgrade material. If it’s left alone as upgrade material, I won’t care as upgrade material equals QoL item. FYI, I’m only using Forma (as upgrade) on my main equipments anyway.
  13. This makes sense if Forma is limited to QoL items (a.k.a Dojo / Upgrades only), while current forma is used in many blueprints as well. The longer you play, the more Formas you can accumulates. Due to this nature, this is more painful for new players than veterans By this I don’t mean I agree to abolish waiting time for Forma completely. Just make it less painful for new players (e.g. Removing Forma from blueprint, increase daily Forma production, add a way to grind built Forma)
  14. Related to Video Sequence, but different issue from OP. Video sequence before the mission can be skipped reliably before 35.5 Update. Now, the skip dialog doesn’t always appear (happened quite often, solo mode).
  15. Meanwhile, completed MR9 without buying slots. While I agree that 50 starter plat is too few, they do give some free slots (alerts, “Nightwave”), which is generous enough. As for crafting, I’m split between yes and no. I mean, long crafting time for “end products” such as Warframe, Weapons, or even Orokin Catalyst and Orokin Reactor (last 2 are rather gated by how hard to get the blueprint though) is understandable. What I disagree is some crafted ingredients with excessively long crafting time, while the said ingredient (err, I’m starting to talk as if it’s single, but it clear which one is it) is used in too many things, much more than simple QoL stuff.
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