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Everything posted by (MOB)drakefrost

  1. Seems like we’re expecting too much from the next update. I just wish that the update won’t broke more things. It’s already bad enough with Dante (part of the games became unplayable for me after Dante’s update).
  2. While fighting Teralyst (solo), occasionally I get “drowned underground” (resulting a significant delay, long enough for Teralyst to recover its shields). Another problem arises from that point. I’m losing companion which includes Vacuum, Bond mods, and other installed mods.
  3. Does this include mismatched amount of credit reward in Railjack?
  4. I believe it’s related. The problem is not limited to Auto attack. Even Heavy Attack suffers from this as well.
  5. Updating this issue. Happened as well with Daikyu. My current guess is this happens for all “full charge only” weapon.
  6. Can we please have quest alternative for “Place 1 decoration in Orbiter”? The function isn’t there, thus it’s not doable. edit 1 Posting here ince Orbiter Customization was part of Dante’s update.
  7. With 24h time window, having 12h crafting time doesn’t help (those able to check the mission only at the last 12h are doomed). Things will be different if a lesser version of Sniper (or other type with similar case), e.g. mk1-Vulkar, is made and can be purchased with credits, much like Paris, Braton, Strun, etc.
  8. I wonder if I should put this to Weapon or Mission as both are related. Some missions have weapon type restriction. Due to how long the mission lasts (e.g. 1 day for Sortie) and how long the time necessary to craft a weapon (24h mostly), credit-priced weapons are necessary to fulfill the requirement, in case we don’t have the said weapon type. On the other hand, some weapon type (e.g. Sniper Rifle) don’t have credit-priced weapons. (An example, I can finish bow-Sortie by buying “mk1 Paris” and shotgun-Sortie by mk1-Strun, but not with Sniper-Sortie). Hence, please add credit-priced weapon (low MR requirement) for each weapon type required in weapon type-restricted mission.
  9. Had a bad timed warp (close to Crewship destruction), about 1s after. Used warp on crewship, not realizing that countdown is close. Having 2 process overlapped, both warp and ejection On destruction, getting warped to Railjack. Soon after, getting similar animation to ejection, but stop midway, leaving blackscreen (and the item gained notifications were still popped).
  10. Try Gunblade, and snipe from afar. The 3rd area is cheesable if you know the trick.
  11. I’d be fine having Overguard removed on Nullifier. That said, I’m proposing different improvement instead. Replace Frost passive with something having “active approach” (e.g. 25% chance to freeze enemies on critical). Reason, it overlaps with Snow Globe and its augment, plus it’s less usable against strong enemies (when one hit can be fatal). (Augment) Alter Snow Globe properties. Reduce max amount to 1 and range by 50%. Recasting resets shield hp instead of stacking. Let it be carried, similar to Arctic / Frozen Eximus. If necessary, add a reaction against Nullifying abilities. Reason, giving Snow Globe more flexibilities similar to existing mechanic (Eximus).
  12. Feedback on Dante Unbound, hotfix 12. First, the added skip button helps a lot. However, I don’t see this feature when starting mission from Dry Dock (inside Railjack, Nav). I doubt this has something to do with loading, as starting mission from Orbiter doesn’t trigger this kind of animation. Please add this feature as well for this. p.s. Haven’t check Docking at Relay Dry Dock after the update, but this was unskippable before the update.
  13. They just need a main quest / side quest tag each. Think Duviri is accessible early to give earlier access for better resources.
  14. A “possible fix” I can think of is Let dying capture target falls and spawned on “nearby” platform. Turn mission into Exterminate if the target dies. Having hellions as capture target is pretty interesting tbh, as long as it can be captured once it’s downed.
  15. Please fix mission waypoint, so that players can spend less time in finding the path rather than solving mission objectives. Happened to me several times such as. Finding the excavator takes much longer than expected (Europa) due to not knowing the path to reach certain platform. Capture mission takes much longer to finish due to getting lost in not so useful parkour (Having a hard time parkouring without knowing that the exit path is above)
  16. I’m split on this. If it’s a side quest, fine, as you’re given a chance to skip it / do it later. If it’s a main quest, no, especially due to how level and limit work.
  17. My curiosity after every update is … Is there anything broken by the update? No offense for DE, but this starts from 35.5 (Dante Unbound). Nevertheless, the issues I’m experiencing isn’t listed, so I won’t hope much.
  18. 3h will be overkill for forma, due to how easy to get the necessary materials. On the other hand, it’s fine for Reactor and Catalyst, as the blueprint is the true limit. Definitely agree with this.
  19. Something like that, if the taken option is reducing crafting duration actively (and must be applied manually to reduce crafting time on one item). Better than credit, yet still manageable through drop rate balancing.
  20. Err, I have some issues with it. Making entirely non premium (credit to rush) makes premium forma lose its value completely (while “reducing crafting time” just make it cheaper). Just don’t want hard to get things like Umbra Forma become new standard. “Forma only” rush resource means a new feature, and I’m afraid other things will be messed up (e.g. Broken foundry). Or farmable booster perhaps (e.g. Reducing crafting time by 1h), but for generic items, as the reason above.
  21. Ugh, still no fix on Open Landscape. Means no Vox Solaris or Orb Vallis resources yet.
  22. May I know why Audio loss happens more often recently? Especially today, it happens (almost) 100% upon entering Void Storm main objective. -edit- Expanded. The bug happens as well in normal Railjack mission upon enterring main objective (turbine / shipkiller / etc.) What I meant is permanent Audio loss until the next App reload, not just in the mission.
  23. In my case, Arctic Eximus bubble (only on ground. Archwing works perfectly) stops Autofiring. Additionally, within the last mission in Second Dream, I have to switch it on and off.
  24. Will need some confirmation on this, as other sources mentioning that recharge rate cannot be changed (unless you meant sustainable fire rate). With combination, it feels less noticeable. However, what I meant is difference in effectiveness between small and large magazine. It’s a different story if whole reload speed (recharge delay and percentage-based refill duration) is scaled evenly with the Pax. (For example, with 50% reload bonus. 0.9s/29 ammo will fully refill at 1.2s as opposed to 1.5s without (25% faster). However, 3.1s/153 ammo will need 2.65s to recover the same amount of ammo and 5.13s (6.16s without, approx 20% faster)). My proposal is more about making those with longer delay time get less hurt for longer wait time (although it’s still not fully refilling their ammo, the cons of battery weapon), as the delay is “the time required to get the magazine added by 1”, not “the time required to get the magazine fully refilled”.
  25. The page you linked contradicts it. Kitgun’s recharge rate is always 50 ammo/s I believe (there is an exception, but it’s bound to chamber, not loader). What the Pax upgrading do is reducing Recharge delay (delay before recharging starts after the last shot). As reload time is converted to recharge delay (along with battery weapon conversion), loaders with bigger default magazine will have longer delay before the ammo starts recharging, as they tend to have longer default reload time. Hence, assuming they’re shooting at the same ammo amount (e.g. Auto / Held against an active target), those with smaller magazine will have more advantage as their reload delay is shorter (despite firing the same amount of ammo each delay)
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