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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. Also, if you having so many problems with this - instead of posting to the forums. Post to support with you ee.log and direct x - they will be able to help you out.

    second time i'm saying this, I ALREADY asked the help of the warframe support, i gave them the ee.log and direct x11 was always turned off, it did not work out.

  2. yes, in fact, i went on ahead and since i play on steam i went to the properties of warframe on steam and verified the integrity of game cache, 131 files were missing, installed them, updated them, but the game just kept on crashing on me with 3 problems i stated.


    In the launcher, i've verified and defragged without any success

  3. That's it! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! no answer from the DE's what so ever and the situation just got MUCH MUCH WORSE, now i crash in ANY KIND of mission, no matter it is void, derelict, normal, I CRASH! everything is up to date, drives as well, i've played this game for 2 years and never before either have i recieved such bug or low attention to my problem.


    I can't play warframe anymore AT ALL NOW! 

  4. I'm sick and tired of this! i can't play any kind of void mission anymore! everytime i try to do my game crashes!!!

    I've put everything on the lowest settings, turned off EVERYTHING to increase performance and it's NOT my card or computer specs, it definetly has to do with the system because before 11.5 i was running everything smoothly with a few options turned on and graphics on medium, now, after 11.5, i'd crash only in void MD missions, wether i'd host or join. After U12, i get constant freeze which result into a crash with a bug report IN EVERY type of void mission, making me unable to play void missions what so ever. I've already tried to contact the Warframe support, they tried, i thought it was fixed, but nope, it's not.


    Please, take this in consideration for christ sake! the rage is pretzling my inner lobes!

  5. They are not using charged attacks,at least with my computer i see normal attacks. I'll try to use charged attacks,and i see if with my computer show me normal attacks and strong attacks with the same animation (i put all graphics to low,other way i cant play this game) Well thanks for ur help...and i try to obtain a Karak or a Boltor!!! (Actually i have a Paris)


    PD: Another thing,if i have a rank 28 Bronco;at rank 30 i can unlock Bronco prime?

    You seem quite new so let me help you out.


    First of all, you can't unlock other weapons throught maxing other weapons, for example, as an answer to your question, no, Bronco and Bronco prime are 2 different weapons, with their diferences, to adquire the bronco prime, you need to do Void missions that are only accessed throught Tower Void keys, which you can get them from Defense and survival missions.

    Prime weapons, most of them, always need their own parts (For example, for the bronco prime, you need the Bronco prime blueprint, Bronco prime reciever and the bronco prime barrel) and they usually cost 10 orokin cells to craft(except the fang prime, paris prime, and dakra prime).


    This goes exactly for the warframes as well, there are 3 Prime warframes available for you to search and build, which are: Mag prime, Frost prime and Ember Prime, you need their parts, like any other warframe(Chassis, Systems and Helmet), except these ones are only adquired throught the void as well.


    Also, there are some melee weapons in which their charged attack is better than their normal attacks and vice-versa. As to your choice of weapons, boltor and karak are a good start weapons! If you want my opinion as your secondary Warframe, i'd go for Rhino, very reilable, althought i don't like to play with, Ash is also a very good warframe, whatever fits your playstyle! Check the Playwarframe Official channel on Youtube for more information about the Warframes or go to the warframe wiki and type the name of the gun you want to know more about it, and tada!

    Good luck!

  6. It all depends on the type of damage! for example, Scindo is a High priority Slash damage, meaning that it is more affective against flesh, more specifically, the infested.

    Also, you can't just throw any mod into your weapon, you've to put in account the 2.0 damage system, for exemple, if you try to put ice damage, it'll deal less 25% to Grinners (due to their armor), but it'll do much more damage to robotic being and shield users (Corpus).


    It's all about how you mod it, you can google: Warframe 2.0 Damage, to know more information.


    On a side note, Scindo is best used on his charge damage (200 damage, 140 slash, much dmg, such slash, wow)

    But personally, i think the Scindo isn't that good. There are better ones.

  7. shoot gun were not my style too...



    until trigris..


    i am glad i ve keeped at least 1 of each mod i have

    you should really keep this one



    (you dont imagine wut kind of crazy weapon shootgun category will hold on)

    I know mate, shotguns in these game are powerful, but i'm not saying they suck, i just cant play with them, and yes of course i've played with shotguns in this game, but a fact stands:

    I can't hit with shotguns, even at point blank, i really can't in any game what so ever. *into the corner of shame i go*


    You added a couple extra zeros there.

    No, this is an event mod, unlikely to be released in the future, the minimum should be 300P.

  8. I like these, just 2 things:


    Second ability: 500% damage is too much, tune it down to max 200~300%


    Fourth ability: Intriguing, but i already like the badassness of her Soundquake already, all they need to do is change it so it ignores armor, scales duration(or range, cant remember which) and it's fine.

  9. Hello everyone, i'd like to sell Toxic barrage Maxed (60% toxic damage and 60% status chance), as it will be no use to me (since shotguns are not my style).

    No exagerations, however, this is an event mod, so i'm asking 400P for it (negotiable but dont go downtown)


    Gentlemen, i await your answers, leave you reply.


    "In the name of profit, i condemn thee to the void."

    -Salad V

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