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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. It's a bug, you're not the only one as my friend is suffering from this too, i already told DE and i hope they fix it soon with a hot fix, but don't worry, even if you don't rank up the Mastery xp you get from mastering other weapons will still stack up even with the xp bar full, so as soon as this is fixed, if you have enough mastery xp, you can make the rank 4 test and as soon as you finish it, you can do the rank 5 test as well, just an example on how it works.

  2. I don't think you even fully evaluated what you are saying. Even if my reload is less than 1 second, even if fast hand mod gives me the ability to not reload (like it ever would) is it even logical to trade away about 90% of your damage for that ability? It is firstly not even logical, and thus it would base on statistics not even affect the decision of mod usage.


    Have you ever thought that people want to make different builds not to feel stupid powerful but to actually have: FUN?! (which is the whole point of the game)

  3. real cross bow are naturally like that, deal with it 

    First of all, it's not really a crossbow but more of a replica of a Chu-Ko-Nu (Repeater crossbow).


    Second, if it was a real chu-ko-nu, the rate of fire wouldnt be that poor, and a crossbow HURTS, like it REALLY HURTS, it penetrates more than a gun can at the right distance.

  4. Greetings everyone.


    So i saw the attica and i had to immediatelly try it out, since i'm a crossbow lover myself.


    So far i've placed 3 formas on it and it still doesn't deal enough damage.


    What's wrong with the attica:

    Very slow fire rate.

    Low magazine along with an unfair reload time.

    Low crit damage/low crit chance

    Low status chance
    Innate punch throught doesn't work very well.


    2 possible fixes that would greatly improve the Attica:

    Buff the crit damage and crit chance (something like 2.5x|30%)

    Buff the status chance (Something like 20% or MAXIMUM 25%)




    Buff GREATLY the attack speed

    Buff the Magazine capacity and increase the reload speed.


    What are your thoughts on it guys?

  5. Greetings, this is my end game build:

    Volt: http://goo.gl/gs8tO4

    Why no overload and no eletric barrier: Overload falls off way too off late game, even with power strenght, and i never liked eletric barrier

    Then why power strenght: Power strenght increases the movement speed and attack speed of your melee weapons, which will explain for my nikana.

    Attica: http://goo.gl/eFwVTT

    Why Attica: Cause i'm a fanboy for crossbows. ( i hope they buff it, its kinda crap, the attack speed i mean and the magazine size.)

    Marelok: http://goo.gl/b5XJmd

    Why Marelok: I choosed marelok because of its high damage and high status chance, i didn't want a gun with too much status chance(Tysis) nor one that nukes down (Brakk).

    Why corrosive in a anti corpus gun: Because of its high status chance, i wanted to make it a armor nullifier against the grineer.

    Dragon nikana: http://goo.gl/SS1ZH2

  6. Ok i've read throught every single comment and this is just getting stupid and i'm going to list my reasons and yet be as stupid as any of you:


    1. Warframe was originally created to be a PVE game, NOT PVP, the only reason that the conclave happeard is that so fanboys could stop crying about making it PvP.


    2. Let's take a good darn look about all the other PvP games, and i will name several:
    In mobas, i'll take Smite and League of legends, what's wrong about those both?
    League of legends - Always making a retweaking on the stats of the champions that will go nowhere and yet never adding new content(and when they do, the next week it dissapears.)

    Smite- Always adding new content but completely ignoring on balancing the gods


    In FPS:

    Counter strike: Both AWP and AK-47 were always powerful and game winners and they never got tweaked.


    3. Making it PvP would completely ruin the productivity and creativity of the game, if pvp is added an endless wave of patches will be added to tunes down or up a few warframe/weapons but that will TAKE FOR EVER, it's a vicious cycle, and what would happen in the meanwhile? no new content, no new mods, new nothings, because of the waste of time worked on the tweaks. People would eventually get bored because it'd be always the same thing over and over again.


    4. You get PvP, so what? are you trying to prove something? are you trying to prove that you've the best KDA in a suppose PVE game when you use only trinity/rhino and a penta? PvP would add nothing to this game. The DE's are already make a really really great work with the content they bring to us, infact, the content they bring is too high for it to be only free to play, and in my honest opinion, PvP would ruin the game and i pretty much enjoy PvP.


    5. To end it, let's face it, PvP does not fit warframe, improvements in it would take us no where(just take a look at the conclave).


    PS: Man my fingers hurt.

  7. Grind smarter? That has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. You can't grind smarter if it's RNG. It's luck if you get it.

    when he says grind smarter, he means about the methods of forcing Rng even more. 

    Here's some tips:

    When you kill a prosecutor, chop him into pieces, it'll make him drop even more loot

    Bring a nekros and tell him to spam desecrate when the prosecutor is dead.

  8. I've a concerning question about the upcoming update, is it going to increase the minimum specs needed again like they did in U12?


    Cause i remember having my game running smooth on medium graphics and some options on and i could run throught the void missions with ease, but ever since U12 i was forced to tune down everything to low and disabled all of the pretty options in order to not crash AND I STILL crash most of the time.


    If yes, then me and plenty other amount of people are going to stop playing warframe.

  9. Hello everyone

    U13 is coming up and is going to promote the melees a whole real good! but i don't think that's enough. Sure we got combos and i can't wait to try them, but later i'll just get bored of it so i think this game needs something more, something that well sorry the expression "forces" us to use melee weapons only, so i thought: An Arena.


    So here is the scenario:

    The boss/ringleader: A corrupted rich corpus who used his money to harvest the potential of the infected and has a whole building full of them to harvest more intelligence out of them. Naturally, he knows he can make money out of it and he wants to study them in combat, so he decides to build an arena, where any combatant can go, especially the tenno.


    Rules: The contestant is only allowed to use melee weapons, as a signature wave will jam the primary and secondary weapons, after that, the 2nd rule is easy: Kill or get killed.

    Energy drops will be much rare in a way in which you can only use your abilities sometimes and not spam it all the time.


    Waves: This new level will be including waves, same system as in defense, except you gotta protect yourself and your teammates.


    Every 5th wave: You can choose to leave and collect your reward or stay longer, but beware, every 5th wave, the ringleader will drop in to fight as well, he'll be tought, and he'll use a whip weapon(could be the lecta or the infected whip) and every 5th wave he'll get much stronger and stronger.


    What do you guys think?

  10. When you said "Explotions" i thought of Mr. Torgue. We already got 2 chainguns, the soma and the gorgon. a chainsaw? you want something more awesome than a portable guillatine? (gallatine) that deals 400K damage? and what about that jat kittag? i dont think we need a chainsaw, we've 2 good chainguns (with soma being the most op atm) and the flamethrower, well, ignis is enough.


    PS: what's with you and chainsaws anyways? you really like them don't you?... i'm assuming you threat trees a lot.

  11. I think just the part where they added primed parts to be tradeable was a pretty big risk, but it turned out good.


    Normals parts on the other hand, like vauban, would downhill the revenue of DE and they would have to eventually shut down warframe.


    Besides we shouldn't ask more for what this game already offers, and i'm talking about explicit ways of denying the use of platinum. Trading normal parts would be the downfall of it all.


    Just wait! and get lucky if the alert spawns around when you're available.

  12. Boas! Ambos as armas são bastante situacionais. A Phage é uma shotgun que faz dano Viral, o que é mais efetivo contra os Grineers.

    A flux rifle é uma arma que dispara um laser, fazendo muito mais dano slash do que outro tipo de dano, o que significa que é mais efetivo contra os infecteds.


    Depende mesmo, mas na minha opinião eu diria a Phage, já que não há muitos infecteds por ai(só aparecem nas missões de invasion e Orokin derelict) E o efeito de Viral é que reduz a vida maxima dos oponentes, excelente contra os grineers! 


  13. Greetings and welcome to warframe!

    Credits can be spent by buying some of the weapons in the market! (with the credit symbol) but fear not! everything you can find in warframe you can adquire it without spending one cent! 


    Go to the market and you'll see the weapon's section, if you do a little research you'll find "Primary weapons blueprints; Secondary weapons blueprints; Melee weapons blueprints." Those blueprints are bought throught platinum and it'll allow you to craft new weapons and warframes! You'll need the right resources and a fair amount of credits to start crafting. It usually takes 1 day, 3 days if its a warframe.


    The only thing that you'll be forced to buy stuff with platinum are the warframe and weapon slots, but as you play the game you'll find many ways of making platinum without spending a cent, just start small, make the small missions, then you can jump to the void missions which will then allow you to farm parts/mods that you can trade with other players and make platinum throught!


    Be safe, have fun and have a nice day!

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