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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. Hello everyone, Weekend sales is here! Get yourself ready for the event, pm me your prices or post in the comments

    or send me a message, i am selling:



    Arcane Aura

    Arcane Chorus

    Arcane Cois

    Arcane Locust

    Arcane Pulse

    Arcane Reverb

    Arcane Swindle


    Prime parts:

    Akbronco Prime BP

    Boar prime barrel, bp, receiver

    Boltor prime barrel, receiver, stock

    Braton prime set

    Bronco prime barrel, receiver

    Dakra prime blade

    Burston prime stock

    Ember prime BP, chasis, helmet

    Frost Prime Set

    Fang prime blade (1x), bp

    Lex prime barrel

    Paris prime bp, lower limb, string

    Reaper blade

    Orthos prime blueprint



    Accelarated blast

    Arrow Mutation

    Bane of (every faction)

    Barrel diffusion



    Coiling viper

    Enduring strike

    Enemy radar

    Energy channel


    Ice storm

    Natural Talent

    Pistol ammo mutation

    Power Throw



    Quick Thinking



    Riffle ammo mutation


    Seeking Force

    Shock absorbers

    Shotgun ammo mutation

    Smite(every faction)

    Spoiled Strike


    Tainted shell

    Tainted mag


    Tranquil Cleave

    Vital sense

    Warrior's Grip



    State your business! Forward tenno!

  2. Name Suggestion: Intelligence Seeker

    Behaviour:  An infected creature with the aspect of a deformed civilian(like a tenno), It seeks power and uses his intelligence to use the environment's objects as his vantage, bewary of his other bladelike arm.

    Attacks: Attack 1: The intelligence seeker can use his blade arm to pierce throught his enemies, if an enemy is equipped with a melee, he will instead attempt to parry the attacks and counter attack.

    Attack 2: The intelligence seeker uses his tentacle arm to grab containers and explosive barrels to throw against his enemies in order to deal damage.

    Attack 3: The intelligence seeker leaps upon the back of a tenno and attempts to sap his energy to prevent them from using their powers, can be shaken off with bullets or rolling.

    Environment restrictions:  No restrictions.


    I can't draw and i really wanna use my imagination on this one, i'll try to make it as looking as it is in my head and then i'll edit the post.

  3. I apreciate your comments guys, and about those that are like: "Attica is suppose to be a real crossbow", shall we not forget that this is a game, to the addition that this is likely in a far away future, where everything is upgraded and in fact as we can see throught the grineers, mechanized.


    So yes, the reality point the attica has is to keep the formate of an actual crossbow(or cho-ko-nu if you want to be more precise), so now it's the imagination time to kick in and make it either as fast as it should properly be or as strong as a ballista to compensate its slowness.

  4. Greetings, i don't know where to put this but likely it's in this section, so i'd like to give a big thank to DE for updating the fansite kit with warframe ability sounds! Great work, i like them all! 


    Once again thank you, please keep updating it with more warframe sounds and enemies as well!


    https://warframe.com/community/fankit here is the link for it, go check it out guys!


    PS: Also, something's wrong, i can't seem to download anything the warframe ringtones, it says "temporary error, retrying".

    Sometimes it works after a few retries but it sure takes a long time.

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