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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. Greetings everyone, in 3 days it'll make a year i joined warframe and became a tenno myself and yet i've never ever done an introduction (too bad, so sad) so here it is!


    I am Mr. Evasive pants! what's so special about my pants? they can dodge bullets, rockets, death, poop, herpes and love...(sniff sniff).

    It has been my IGN ever since i first played S4 league (wonderful game, shame there were too many hackers) so it has been like... what? 6 years now? or 5? lost count, anyways i became a tenno on the 7th of april thanks to a good friend of mine who suggested me the game and i fell madly inlove with it.


    Unfortunetly i had to quit for a time because of the limit of fun i could have at the time (warframe/weapon slot limit), but ever since christmas i was back!


    Just recently turned 18 years old(hurray! finally i can go to jail!), i'm a gamer of all kinds with Warframe being one of my favourite games top shelf (500 hours so far)


    my favorite warframe is by far ashe since i'm a blade lover myself, with my favorite weapon being the fang prime(and soon to be that kickass blade that was on the "Sword Alone" trailer).


    I am fun to play with, at least that's what my clan says, althought i do suffer from rage issues due to a horrible childhood, but that doesn't happen too often, in fact, it rarely happens and when it does i just ragequit(like the noob i am) so i don't have to piss people off and go to sleep.


    Anyways ain't gonna type no more cause it's 4 am and i am playing F.E.A.R and i'm almost done with it, see you guys ingame! 

  2. XUug8uy.jpg

    Hunting in the night.

    Warframe: Ash
    Melee weapons: Fang prime


    Good luck everyone!


    Edit: Since everyone is posting a poem and i'm a writer myself, i might as well make one.

    From the earth's shadow

    He comes for thee

    Piercing like an arrow

    He assassinates without mercy

  3. Well and I couldn't use my Ignis for 4 months due to a netcode bug. Did I freak out and overreact on the forums or tried gathering data to help support find the cause of the issue and get it fixed eventually?


    Take a guess.


    Let's compare:

    Not be able to do ANY void missions with not being able to use 1 of the many weapons in this game.

    My thoughts exactly, yet you have a point and i've gathered enough data and explained it as well in the ticket to the support, yet not even an heads up, the part in which they don't even warn me if they're processing the issue or not is the one that grinds my gears.

  4. Sounds like hardware failure. I hope you dont have your computer on the floor? Mabey time to open your baby up and vacuum-clean it. Probs overheating when to much happening, due to dust and full team..

    I formated it a while ago, so along with it i cleaned up the whole thing, it doesn't heat up at all that's why i love this tower(PC).

    thing is, i can play other games that have more intense requirements than warframe, and it works smooth like a butterfly.

  5. He's not alone in the issue.  I myself crash on void Capture missions with a full team 100% of the time.  Solo works fine though.  Possible that's related to being a client (since I avoid hosting a full team whenever possible).


    Have crashed a couple of times with the last kill in Exterminates as well, but thankfully, that's the relatively rare exception rather than the rule.

    THIS, this is my problem, except it also happens wheather i play solo, host or join one, and i used to host a lot and nobody ever complained about my internet.

  6. Here's a list of what i've done so far to try to fix:

    Re-installed the game.

    Defragged it and verified the game cache from steam.

    Did the same but with the Warframe launcher.
    Settings all to low and turned off anything that would slow down performance.

    Made sure it was plugged.

    Updated all drivers.


    These are all the things i remember doing so far.

  7. If no one else encounters this kind of issue, it's very likely that it has something to do with your PC / System. And they won't be able to do anything about that.


    There's been other threads about this issue that have been yet to be fixed, and no, it's impossible for it to be my PC, i've been using the same to play warframe for 1 year and i've always runned things smoothed with a few options on and the graphics set to medium(of course i've tried to turn off everything and set it to low, but it didn't work).

    All my drivers are updated as well.

  8. Dude, just wait. 8 days isn't a long time for customer support on large F2P games, especially ones that are filled with a crapton of other glitches that need fixing as well.


    Shouting on the forums isn't going to make them answer any faster.

    I've contacted the support lots of time before with issues that weren't as hard as this one, i'd have to wait like, what? 2 days max? and i was fine with that in fact i love the warframe support because it takes it time to give you a valid answer, but seriously, a player that cant play ANY void mission what so ever, has asked the help of the warframe support and it is yet to be answered for 8 days?! at least give me an heads up as they read it like: "Hey! we've read your issue and we're currently processing it and looking for solutions!"

  9. I've submitted a ticket asking for yet for the second time the assistance of helping me with a bug that keeps me from playing warframe (Everytime i join/finish a void mission, my warframe crashes).


    Ever since U12 i've had this bug and i was unable to play.


    I've submitted a ticket 8 DAYS AGO!!! and it is yet to be answered.


    This is unacceptable and completely outrageous, i understand when its 1-2 days, but 8 days?! seriously DEs? i've been a beta player for this game for 1 year and never before i've faced such lack of attention on such problematic issue.

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