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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0

    this should help you a little bit better to understand the different kind of damage types and weakness in the game. 


    Remember, Grineers are infamous for having a lot of armor, making them the ultimate tanks regardless their levels, so that can also be the reason why your damage is falling off, it also of course depends on the type of weapon you're using, as well for warframes, but nevertheless, check out the link i posted.


    Also, excalibur's damage falls off a lot later levels, so make him more utility based, for example, get a continuity and stretch mod for your excal to make Radial Blind really useful.

  2. Greetings everyone,


    first of all, i'm pretty sure this thread is in the wrong section so i'm expecting Yaer to giveaway this thread to another section.


    So what am i doing here today.


    I'm here to make 3 giveaways of 20p to newcomers/newbies/new players, what ever seems less offensive to you.

    These giveaways will only be given to players who are mastery rank 2 & 3 and who are not able to purchase ingame platinum just yet.


    What the hell? you are giving these for free? are you promoting your channel or something?


    No, i've a twitch account and youtube account but i don't post or make any content what so ever, they're only used so i can watch streams/18+ videos.


    So why are you giving these in the first place? and why only newcomers?


    My main reason is the slot restriction in this game, 2 warframe slots is just too limited for new comers who want to have different kind of warframes for different missions or choice of fun. Of course they've the free 50 plat given, but most of them don't even realize at first how limited it can be and will go ahead and waste it on a syandana or something alike.


    My other reason is, it's just who i am, i like to share something that for now i have no need for it, of course perhaps i may need it in the future but i'll feel better if i just share it someone else, even if they're strangers, of course i could always rush stuff, but i have time for everything and patience is one of my strong points.


    So... you buy this platinum and just give it away to people?


    Not exactly, the platinum i get is from trading with other people, the stuff i sell goes from mods, prime parts, etc.

    I know it sounds a bit ironic, i mean why not just give the parts and mods away? well i'd rather much give them plat, as a prime part early on won't have much use for them.


    Ok buddy, time's up, what's the catch? what do you want in exchange?


    I want nothing, these are completely free and it is to help other players that are in need of it, the only thing that i ask from the community is that PLEASE do not lie to me, do not make another account and level it up and then just do what ever you want with it, or lie about your mastery rank. These are to help newcomers.


    So how do i sign up?


    Pretty much for now, i'll give 3 people 20 plat, if you happen to find this post just send me a private message on the warframe forums with your IGN and available time for you. These giveaways may happen more oftenly depending on my farming and my activity and how often i can sell/shark stuff to someone.


    MAKE SURE you're level 2/3 with a clan that has a trading post, or just make sure you have a clan and that you've the CLAN KEY crafted already.


    So that's it for now the first 3 people who message me are the 3 first people who can get it. If you don't, fear not, i should make more in the future, perhaps not as soon as i think i can, but eventually.


    Thank you for reading.

  3. It is a pain to have to make or join a clan just to trade. There should some sort of central planet where all players can gather and mingle.

    Imagine the amount of spammers that there would be, just like in any other game. Also it promotes clans in a good way, so no.


    Searching through the chat list for specific name is a pain. Maybe add an option to reply to someone's message, say like in the trade chat.

    There once was that but it was too buggy as it would refer to someone else, besides the reply system for now is good and not confusing, you got a list filter on the side to make things easy.


    Conclaves are never balanced. And dueling shouldn't be limited to just 2 ppl at a time in a dojo.

    Of course conclaves are never balanced, there is no PvP game that is actually balanced. Also, Duel:- A prearranged, formal combat between two persons, usually fought to settle a point of honor. can i make it anymore clear?


    Why do things cost so much. You have people dedicated to this game. The least you can do is have decent prices and not force us to pay for EVERYTHING.


    Be more specific about what costs so much, and be nice, everything that costs towards your improvement in the game is actually free.



    Why is the wait so long in the foundry. You spend all your time getting those pieces just to have to wait another 8-72 hours? Really? And why can't more things be paid for with credits, like ruahing items?

    You do know they need to make money somehow right? we can't restrain them with just credits, and besides can't you wait 72 hours? don't you have a life outside and a bright blue sky to enjoy and friends to hang out with while you wait?

  4. No, I think this deserves a more personal toast.


    Salute, you ambassador of good will. I would've done the same. And I raise my glass to you, a glass of vintage 2010 stone old guardian barleywine. Which when finished I will be inebriated and forget I made this video.



    Woah, this is the best thing i've got in 2014 xD nevertheless, it's my pleasure to help other people and show the community some help, and i thank you all for your apreciation.

  5. Greetings,


    Me and my mate were looking for orokin cells on this mission.
    I'm pretty sure the node is the same for everyone but just to confirm it was one where the pod sits on a elevator which can go up and down.


    Anyways here's the list of bugs we saw:
    1. On the lower part, the pod can be walked throught but sometimes they're invisible walls around it in which we cant walk into(mind you, invisible walls AROUND the pod, not the actual pod itself). On the upper part the only thing is that we can walk throught the pod.


    2. On wave 10 something really weird (and also scary, reminded me of Alien: Trilogy) was that the map got unupdated, not revealing any enemies, however we could hear the screams of a thousand ancients. So me and my mate were on the look for them at the spawns where we split up, and all of sudden, i found at least 13 ancients in just 1 spawn room, freaked out mind you since they could pulled me, i cleaned the spawn room and we cleaned the rest of the other ones where a few ancients were.


    3. When the pod uses the elevator and goes up, the infested seem to have an amnesiac vision for the fact that they still try to focus on the pod on the lower part instead of the upper part where the elevator is, which results them into falling into the void and respawn.


    I didn't make a video out of it since i don't own any video recording device, so if anyone could confirm these bugs (Player or DE) i'd apreciate, thank you.

  6. Greetings, 


    I'm sure lots of you have seen people making their on custom funny mods like this one:



    (made by soopursam, good job i really like it!)


    So i would like to ask DE if they could put in the fan resources an empty/blank mod with different polarities and different frames around it (Common, uncommon, rare).


    I mean come on, who doesn't want a +100% Meg-nificient mod for when watching prime time?


    EDIT: Sorry if it's in the wrong section, move if it is.

  7. Where can I access that?

    Pretty much when you crash a "Warframe bug report" should happear, when so if you keep on reading there should be something sayin: WAR-####, just send that to megan with your report and she should be able to investigate it.

  8. You know what makes a weapon really powerful is the way you mod it right? It doesn't matter what little diferent stats it has compared to the original version. Besides, there's always new events that the new player can catch up to.

    Also, if they weren't at the time of the event to get their weapons, so what? they can't complain much, it's their fault for not being here, next thing i know you're complaining about people being at a certain advantage because they have excalibur prime and we can't have it anymore.


    I.e i missed the event where i could've got the prime chamber mod which costs 4K plat, do you see me complaining? no, it's my fault because either A. I didn't know about it or B. I just choosed to ignore it.

  9. You can get neural sensors from missions alone. I kinda like that they made some bosses more difficult, others not. I truly never fought alad V since he always goes down so quickly. In a way, bosses are actually bosses now.

    the thing is, this Salad V now, which is located in a lv 10-12 mission, is a freakin lv 48 !!! that's like a raid boss (if you've played borderlands, you'd understand)

  10. Thing is, if real servers would exist, they would be scattered around the world, for example:
    NA servers
    Brazil servers
    Europe servers
    MoA's with tophats servers


    And you could only register to one of those and only connect with one account to the one you registered to, it would also imply that DE would need to implant servers and different builds in several other countries as well in order to keep the servers running. Also it would take more/less time to get an update, depending on where you live, so pretty much it'd be really hard for the players.

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