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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. Salutations,


    I'm not sure if i'm the only one, but ever since U14 (just like ever since U13, and U12, and U11, and so on) my performance has dropped yet again, and guess what, all of the qualities are on low and i've turned off everything for maximum performance and yet sometimes my warframe has a lot of fps breaks.


    Before U12, i could run the game smoothly with quality on medium and most of the options turned on, now i fear in U15 i won't be even able to play the freaking game.


    I had already made several complains about how the performance is lowering with every big patch, especially for 32-bit users, my main problem is that sometimes while i'm in the middle of a mission my game freezes like it's about to crash and then i get host migration, despite that, sometimes warframe moves like a photo montage on a powerpoint.


    Unfortunately i live in a country where if i can look for a job and if i get one after 2 years of searching, i'm already considered lucky, so money for new pieces is (so far) not a option.


    I'd like to know your opinion (yet again) about this issue, which likely DE will not pay attention to it (again).

    Nevertheless, ignore my grumpy mood about the low performance issue and keep up the good work, good day.(but please, do not ignore the problem itself of course).

  2. i have a ps3 and i want warframe on it XD,yes it will be so many work but it will be a succes

    Just cause you've a PS3 doesn't mean they're giving it to you, besides it'd be irredeembly stupid to launch warframe on the PS3 when it's been already released to the PS4. Now i'm going to save a few points of your ignorance and pretend that what i just saw is a fail attempt of a "troll" post.

  3. Short version: no
    Long version:



    But in all seriousness, it makes no sense the fact they removed stats on helmets and now they'd want to put in stats on cosmetic items as well, they are COSMETICS, they've no value but vanity, that's the same thing as asking Riot(On league of legends) to put extra stats on skins. It's a terrible ideia, you're paying to make yourself look better, and if you'd put stats on a vanity item, guess what, it's called PAY TO WIN, in which you're superiorly better than the majority of the players because you used money to access extra stuff.


    This game is suppose to be FREE TO PLAY for a reason, and it holds its title, doing this would ruin everything in this game.

  4. Lua

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    For use of the Lua programming language in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Lua.

    Lua may refer to:


    It also means Moon in portuguese(Portuguese-Portugal, not portuguese-brasil)

  5. Boas Sensoy, o maximo que podes fazer é fazer um ticket com o teu problema para o support, podes aceder o support a:
    www.warframe.com>community>support, e apartir dai podes fazer escrever um ticket e explicar o teu problema, normalmente demorará até o maximo de 1 dia, dependendo do quanto ocupado o support estiver, daqui o forum não pode ajudar, boa sorte!

  6. Apology accepted. You have very fine manners kind sir.

    *Metaphorical pat on the back to symbolize fraternity and respect*.

    You good sir are surprisingly polite among the manys in this community(not implying that it's a bad community). I like you, would you like to go out for some wine and cheese?

  7. I mean, this is just an idea. Now that OriVerda mentions it, I think that instead of someone just buying one, they will have to ether get one from an alert, or be lucky enough to get one in a mission or as a daily reward.

    Daily reward= Too much luck based

    Alert= Would be unfair for those without internet/live in different timezones/ invacation

  8. If voice was needed perhaps the Lotus could speek?


    Player 1-4 needs ammo - (display "ammo" icon on player).

    Player 1-4 requires aid - (display "cross" icon on player).

    Follow player 1-4 - (display "arrow" on player).

    Defend this location - (Display "shield" icon on map (at current location of issuing player). Optional Shield icon with number of issuing player (Shield¹).)

    That is also a very cool alternative. on a different unrelated matter: davro could voice it for us xD

  9. Hello everyone, i'd like to ask you one thing, what do all melee stances have in common?


    You guessed it! It's the wall attacks and air attacks!


    All the wall attacks and air attacks are the same and rather boring in my opinion.


    Additional combos for air attacks and wall attacks would make it more reliable and better.


    Some examples, with staffs:
    After doing the usual ground slam, you then do a heavy 90º degrees frontal blow that deals damage and knocks down enemies.

    Instead of the usual wall attack in which you just "slash" your staff in the air, why not after jumping start spinning it really fast infront of you with both hands, like a flying fan?


    With swords:

    After you impale your sword into the ground, you'd then race the sword forward and slash the entire ground and do a badass uppercut with the blade of the sword.


    Wall attacks would be more like, you'd fire out of a wall like a bullet, make a swordfish-like move (in which the sword would be infront of you, of course) and after you land you could make a 360º slash or something.


    Something like this, in which you add extra combos for air/wall attacks, make them more resourceful in fightings rather just a mobility combo.

  10. Voice and face will likely not happen as it takes away from the mysterious "secret identity" of the tenno.


    A menu with selectable commands might be something though. Don't know if DE will act on this though as it has been suggested a great number of times.

    The thing is, voice would be ever so helpful, because in the thrill of battle you're unlikely to pay attention to the chat, nor you have enough time to type: "Trinity! use blessing please!" while you're being swarmed by thousands of enemies and you need a quick heal. Also yes it is true that the "secret identity" is an important factor to keep us guessing in the game, but keep in mind they are several people who use their voice and yet keeps us interested in them because they never show their faces ever, not even when blogging or reading messages they get, a great example is the youtuber: Penguinz0, also known as cr1tikal, he makes the funniest of videos, he uses commentary with his voice, yet never in more than 4 years he has shown his face.

  11. I know this may have been suggested before, but i don't want to bump old topics(if they were not archived yet) and give my own opinion.


    Voice commands in Warframe would be, in my opinion great, they'd help coordinate much better with the team and help out newbies that sometimes don't know how to read.


    Voice commands like:
    "I'm activating the life support."
    "Follow me."

    "Focus the prosecutors!"

    "Please deploy a energy restore beacon."


    Those type of commands would be both interesting and very helpful inside the game, especially for PS4 users so they don't feel forced to use the chat so much.


    Why not just use voice chat?

    Let's face it, most of us don't use voice chat in warframe, hell, most of us have it turned off because of squeekers, people with bad mics, loud backgrounds, 12 year old kids, Non-Understandble language and etc etc.

    The voice commands would use recorded voices at the DEstudio and they would match the WARFRAME's voice, for example, Saryn could say one of the voice lines with her sexy girl voice, while nekros could say one other line with his death soundly badass voice.


    HerpderpMcderp, imma spam voice cmds all day long hurrdurr.

    To prevent spam, each time you use a voice command, you'll have a 10 seconds cooldown until you can use it again, and if you repeatly use the same voice command over and over again in a period of time (say, 1 minute), then you'd be restricted from using the voice command feature for the rest of the match you are playing in.


    What do you think about this ideia(that possibly has been pointed out several times)? 
    PS: I'm pretty sure this was mentioned in one of the Devstreams a good while ago, but can't remember.


    PPS: This is gonna be a huge blind-shot and kind of an idiotic request, but if this ideia would ever come up to be created, i'm thinking of starting a voice-over career, and i'd like to at least voice one the warframes that would use the voice command, keep in mind i've never done a voice over before and i do not know the requirements for it, has i am a newbie to it, still if i'm not accepted, thank you for reading this.

  12. Salutations fellow tennos,


    I like to write poems, it also helps me improve my vocabulary since english is not my first language, but lately i ran out of imagination and things to write about so i thought hey, why not just ask the community?

    What i want you to do is reply me in the comments your most amazing/silly/surprising/funny/etc adventure you've had.


    Please give in as much information as you can, however, if you don't provide me the information and just provide me the scenario, i'll use my imagination to write a different plot to what happened.


    My poems will be composed by 4-6 strophes(depending if i've a lot of requests or not), each strophe 4 verses.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, keep in mind this may take some time, without further notice, start telling me your adventures!

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