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  1. So I have finished the "whispers in the walls quest". It was fun to play it. The good thing about it was the design that reminded me of both Bioshock and Elder Scrolls Dwemer Ruins. Then there was a book that could be part of Harry Potter, a big man like Dr. Manhattan from the watchmen and a big brain Nemo. All this fits well into Warframe and it´s unique design and world. The atmosphere is that of a good RPG. Which leads me to the disappointing part: Why do you contaminate this with humans, mobile phones, ugly old computers with old "software", an obvious AK-47 and a stupid cap and necklace Albrecht wears (some poker player made his way into Warframe ?) That is everyday BS and it makes the game looking cheap and ugly. Please let Warframe remain a unique world on it´s own and don´t add "realism" to it. For me this destroys something. Why add a human excalibur or others (coming 1999 expansion) ? Have you been so afraid of "The first descendant" ? I don´t think any of the cheap stuff is needed here. Then the result of this well made quest is more of the same, another faction, another grind and more different materials only to be used for this specific part of the game. That is also a little disappointing.
  2. So I have just finished that quest and had to abort the 1st bounty after about 20-30 minutes I guess. "Void whatever" (the stations with the "ghosts" you have to kill as operator and lower some level of something) with a meter to the left being explained while I am fighting and have to react is incredibly stupid. Of course I cannot listen to this when I constantly have to react. Should be changed. After the whole quest I went to Quinn, took the easiest bounty - extermination - started it, exterminated all, then I realized I have to find something (what it was I dont´know, had no idea where or what "and bring it to Merica" (who ?). There was no clue or explanation or whatever, so I ran around the level, had thief´s wit equipped, destroyed all the boxes I could reach (how to enter those closed rooms ??????????????????????????????????????????????). and had to abort the whole crap with like 19000 credits and nothing else. I play PC games for decades and this was the worst experience EVER, no lie ! Nice graphics and movement system in your game but new player experience is lousy. So bb for now, I´ll turn off my PC.
  3. As mentioned above, I have set the virtual memory to 12-24 GB. So far I have had no crashes, instead sometimes frozen screens for a few seconds in open worlds, then the game continues. I prefer not to run Firefox while in open worlds but sometimes I forget to turn it off, so this is a kind of insurance. It does not seem to affect gameplay or performance in general.
  4. I will test it, maybe with different numbers. If nothing helps I will simply have to close my browser before entering open world areas.
  5. Your link mentions: "[...]Quick tip: The virtual memory size is unique to each device and can't be generalized. However, usually, it's recommended to use a number that's one and a half times the total available memory for the "Initial size" and three times the available memory for the "Maximum size" when possible. You also have to make sure that the device has enough free space to store the new page file.[...]" So I have 8 GB RAM (meant by "available memory" I guess) and I will try to set values to 12 and 24 GB for that and see what happens.... I have more than 200 GB free space on my HDD Harddrive. Btw my task manager tells me with just this tab open Firefox uses 970 MB.
  6. Hi, most of the time I have one Firefox Tab open because of warframe.market and have had regular crashes to desktop while in the open world areas, sometimes with the notification "out of memory" or similar. Anyone else with an old PC who experiences this ? I have already set everything to low, lack the money for anything new, so for now I have to remember to close Firefox before entering open world areas. I have not experienced this with regular or railjack missions yet. Anyone else ? Was searching for solutions concerning Firefox, tried some and never have multiple tabs open even, nothing helped.
  7. Something like this is what I was thinking about: "Land of the dead" Cover by Eldamar, the original is from Summoning.
  8. Make your own 1 person clan and use clan chat :) I sometimes do that in squads depending on the kind of "information" I am forced to read until then. But yes, there should be a different way.
  9. There is reality and there is the warframe universe. Probably I just don´t want any reality in Warframe.
  10. Finished 20 conduits in a mars relic mission about 20 minutes ago. Still shows 0 conduits for Nightwave.
  11. Cheap american stereotypes, e.g. daughter and son are like Lisa and Bart, without the fun ofc.
  12. (Ambient or atmospheric) black metal would be nice, together with a quest that fits, dark, hard, but with it´s own beauty. What else can I possibly suggest with my username ?
  13. The best things in this games for me: movement system Warframes don´t talk, but are instead our instruments.
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