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Posts posted by Vanadium

  1. What a derail. Also, Gammacor shares no aesthetics of Corpus design, so it's probably not Corpus. When in doubt, just look at a gun.

    But yeah, more wrist guns. I want a wrist-mounted dart launcher.

  2. How exactly is the combat like in GW2? 


    It's like WoW except you have to aim your AoEs and stuff. I dunno, it's like halfway between TERA and WoW. I might give it a shot again with this crazy concept. Maybe 3 years did the game some good.


    My problem with GW2 is that they spent so much effort trying to make it not like WoW that it ended up as a completely bland and unimpressive experience, just like WoW.

  3. How so?

    How so for which? For both?


    Mechanically, he's a frame that just doesn't hold up well as enemy level gets higher at all. Even past lvl 30, you start to feel his usefulness falloff. The Smite Augment is probably the only thing that makes him useful, however there are 3-4 other frames that have the same augment. Smite itself just doesn't do enough in terms of CC and Damage. Hallowed ground isn't a snare (though the rad proc is nice for CC), so enemies can just walk right through, taking minimal damage. Renewal is like a blessing that doesn't arrive fast enough. By the time you need it (when your shields are going down in a burst or two from the baddies), you could be dead before the ability actually saves you, where Blessing is right there as long as the Trinity can press 4 in time. Finally, Reckoning, though very cool to watch, is just Crush, and Crush sucks.


    Conceptually, every frame is something. They fulfill some archetype, role, or have some weird animal-totem thing going on. This makes them feel unique and fleshed out, like they had some place at some time in the Warframe lore. Even in the Devstream where the Devs intro'd Oberon, they're like "He's a druid, he's a paladin, we don't know, whatever". It really feels like they didn't give him any love at all when they threw him at us and that's a little sad. Even Vauban is at least Space-French.

  4. The reason it doesn't work (i.e why have the binding if it doesn't work) is because some weapons weren't designed with an aim property but with a secondary fire (i.e it's one or the other, not one and the other). Dev explains that aim brings a bunch of different values into play on those weapons, and because those values aren't set up, the binding has no affect. Combining the two is a solution that's being explored because it will represent what's actually happening instead of a bogus setting that does nothing.


    But you can still understand that we want to be able to ADS with these guns that also have an Alt-Fire function, right? This is just how some of us are wired, and we really have a hard time working with these otherwise cool weapons that won't let us play with them the way that's comfortable for us.


    Also, again, I hope this has nothing to do with console players and their lack of input options.

  5. So, we got this super-baller Oby statue coming to the relays:




    But it again brings up the confusing issue of what Oberon's theme is supposed to be.


    Sure, all of his abilities have very Paladin-power sounding names, but visually and mechanically they're all pretty ambiguous. He could easily be called either a Paladin or a Druid (or Mag-that-heals or Trinity-v.Bad).


    Aside from Hallowed Ground, all of his abilities are mechanical copypastas of other Warframes' abilities (Smite is a radiation fireball, Renewal is Blessing but slow, Reckoning is Crush that actually works).


    And I get that he's supposed to be a Jack-of-all-Trades-Frame, like Pallys and Druids in most other games/universes. But I feel like he lacks a real uniqueness that the other Frames have.


    So the question is...


    Will Oberon forever be simply known as DeerFrame?

  6. About this option:

    There is currently a discussion on the topic which may result in Aim/Secondary Fire being combined, as separating the two actually doesn't allow for any real function on a handful of weapons (as OP suggests).

    More on this topic after dev continues to discuss/investigate, but just a general heads up that this is on the radar and may result in a simplified solution where Aim/Secondary bindings are combined.


    *pulls out stubble*


    Please don't do that. That's the opposite of what is being requested. We want 3 functions: Fire, Aim, Alt-Fire. And we want them to work.


    If this is because of the console players not having enough buttons, than that's their cross to bear (shots fired). Don't Judas us on this one, please. We just want our headshots.


    I may have grown up in a time without ADS, but I've sure come to love it in all the games that have it.

  7. Shameless self-bump.


    Thanks for addressing some of the gun's issues, DE (namely the noise), but I don't think a raw (and ridiculously massive) damage increase was the answer to the problem. I mean, Steve's right, it already explodes, that's why all the other Syndicate guns are small/side-grades. The problem was with the Ballistica itself possessing less-than-great mechanics (and impact damage being kind of lame, the Corpus and shields are just so fragile already).


    Better equip this, though:


  8. I get what you're saying, it's like the sheath is just a layer of flowing energy (instead of a sheath bathed in energy), so it looks funky. The screenshot in the patch notes makes this seem less apparent that it is in-game.


    Honestly, I kind of regret blowing 50p on these, though I'm going to blame my poor choice on the lack of a preview in the Arsenal...again.


    Exactly what I'm saying.


    I'm not too burnt on the cost, it's pretty much a syadana for your nikana, I'd just like for it to have a little more swag.

  9. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Mine doesn't look anything like yours



    Sorry, really should grab a "black energy" shot. It just looks like the whole sheathe is made from nothing because there's no underlying material texture. I just think it looks a little strange.


    Even if it was the clear Ether crystal look with the energy animation on it, I think it would look better (and you could see the sword through it, which would be kind of neat).

  10. It's really just one sheathe, guys. They're pretty much the same. Anyway...


    So, while obsessively staring at this thing, I noticed a few not-great things about it that rubbed me the wrong way:


    1) There's no material background.




    It's just a black void with an energy animation over it, which kind of gives me this weird impression of a void-pocket swallowing my sword. I just think it would look cooler if it was, say, a giant shard of carved prisma crystal, kind of like this knife with full jade adornments:



    (actually, that might be a solid jade knife; that's cray-cray)


    Just looks awkward sticking my sword into emptiness.


    2) Sheath is wider than the rim at the bottom.



    (sorry for the crappy resolution)


    This gives it a weird muffin-top look, which breaks the flow of the sheathed weapon.


    3) Tint 4 doesn't do anything.


    I know this is nit-picking, but I just think it can look even more baller than it does. Because why shouldn't it?

  11. Personally, I'm more for the Half-Life Long jump:




    Basically, each frame has small built in boosters normally used for directional control when suddenly exposed to zero-gravity environments, but can also be used to make a long jump in normal-G. Each frame has its own "strength" in this area in relation to its weight and abilities.


    This is also how I imagine Excalibur and Rhino being able to do their dash attacks.


    Mostly, I just think the "copering" aspect of Warframe needs to be removed from melee weapons and built into the frames themselves.


    So I'd tier it like this:


    Best: Excalibur (has no "greeble", uses boosts all the time), Zephyr (she's a bird, obvious)

    Strong: Ash (Excal, but with armor), Ember (fire-jets), Hydroid (water jets), Loki (gotta go fast, and his helmets all look like jets), Mag (magnetic self-propulsion, I dunno), Nyx (same as Excal, but with less boost)

    Middle: Everyone else except Frost, Rhino, Saryn, and Trin

    Weak: Frost, Rhino, Saryn, Trinity. They're each tanky or have a ton of stuff weighing them down.


    I'm just tired of the goofiness of coptering and want something more immersive.

  12. So keep it, but adjust where they hang from is what your saying


    Pretty much. I like where it's hanging from on the sword, just now how. I can't deny it's a weird place, though. I can't find a single example of a tassle hanging off the end of a sheathe.


    This is the closest I can find, but it's a bunch of leather strips, not like ours:




    Sugatras, in general, should be done like this:




    Would make them all look so much better.

  13. You guys...realize that HC used to affect recoil from the beginning, right?


    They changed it because it was abusive for weapons that did not possess recoil, i.e. Continuous Fire weapons, Charge Weapons, etc. Any gun that is one shot, or recoiless (Vectis, Grinlok), would require this mod, simply because there's no disadvantage for them. Although some OP guns would have a difficult time with this mod (Boltor Prime), others would only become more OP (Sammacor, since I'm assuming this change would extend to Magnum Force as well).


    Also, it's important to remember that you can only push the output power of gun by so much IRL before it starts to tear itself apart. Take for example the 9mm Parabellum. There are regular 9mm loads (P), high pressure/power loads (+P), and the Russians went nuts and made an "overpressure" round (+P+) for penetrating certain body armor. Though most Wonder 9s (high capacity 9mm pistols) can handle +P rounds, only the PP-2000 SMG and GSh-18 pistol, guns built around and specifically for the +P+ 9mm round, can actually handle the +P+ round. Other Wonder 9s just get screwed by it. I know we have space magic and stuff, but the progression of anything in this game is constantly killing believable immersion.


    Point is, Heavy Caliber is a dumb mod to begin with, having a ridiculously high ceiling, and probably should never been introduced in the first place since it pulled at the DEEPs crowd's heartstrings and made normal players /facepalm at the same time.


    Finally, Considering that DE is deciding whether or not to keep base weapon DMG/multishot mods around, I feel like this discussion should be held off for later.

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