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Posts posted by Vanadium

  1. I started using the Marelok because of the spin animation. Even with Lethal Torrent I let the spin animation go through, partly because its cool and it essentially has the same duration as the recoil. Forcing me to have to spin the weapon would only be an annoyance in late T4s.


    So... :|

    But you realize in order for the gun to work, it has to go through the spin, right?


    It's cool that you taught yourself the trigger discipline for the sake of aesthetics, but it sounds like the change I'm suggesting wouldn't affect you in the least.


    Have to repost because someone nuked my entire previous post




    In a way, Marelok is already balanced. I like to think the devs are smart and do everything for a reason. I'd like to think the Marelok was designed as a weapon strong enough that it could be fitted with Quality of Life mods instead of straight up damage mods. With Marelok, you could leave two slots blank and still OHKO everything, for example. Unfortunately Warframe's player base just wants to stack damage for everything anyway, so the devs have to implement more concrete balancing features like the OP sugggested. I hope the devs don't continue to underestimate the number fetish their players have.


    I kind of hope they go through with the Serration/multi-shot removal, since there's only so many numbers you can pile on a gun and freeing up those 3 slots on Secondaries will give a lot of room for utility mods. But I'm sure DEEPS-fanatics will always find a way...

  2. Help me understand this... What is the point of nerfing weapons in a PvE game?

    When the enemies scale infinitely in endless missions?

    Well, what's wrong with a little balance in a PvE game?

    Also, it kind of sounds like you play nothing but endless game modes. Just humor me and assume the meta is level 40-45 enemies.

  3. I'm...amazed by these comments.


    Where did I go wrong? I don't even know where people are getting these conclusions from what I said. I don't even know why people are talking about the Grinlok or any other gun.

  4. I can understand wanting to balance it, but the only reason for the nerf that seems to be presented is "its better than the Grinlock therefore nerf it".


    Maybe instead we should look at buffing the Grinlock to a better place? 


    See? This is pretty much trolling. I don't give a damn about the Grinlok, and as I said, these changes would extend to it (thus kill its DPS even more). It has nothing to do with "In relation to the Grinlok..."


    It's in relation to every other secondary. Ok? Happy? You trolled me successfully and made me a little flustered. Good for you. Go troll someone else, I'm busy trying to get DEScott-senpai to notice me or whoever types these numbers into these weapons.

  5. While I might agree with some parts (forced cocking animation between shots, differing grips) of this, good luck trying to make the case for any nerf of any degree around here.


    This community is one of the more irrationally nerf-phobic I've been in.


    What a bunch of reasonable suggestions you've made, Van. Too bad this community is allergic to reason.


    You try to give guns personality and all you get is "STFU EVERYGUN SHULD BE TEH SAME"


    OMG, thank you guys...I thought I was having a horrible hallucination where only trolls and grinders were logged into the forums...


    Thought I was going nuts.

  6. He edited out the stuff we are talking about in our posts after they were made.


    Yeah, because you guys were making weird parallels that I wasn't. Don't make try to make me sound dodgy.

  7. TL;DR: The Marelok needs to have some mechanics included to balance it with other secondaries to justify its over the top levels of damage. It should have a reload between shots mechanic, much higher recoil, and maybe a damage reduction (or buff the Grinlok over the Marelok) to reflect that it is a cut-down/carbine version of a full-sized rifle. 


    So, going over the stats, we pretty much have a gun that does it all, better than everything else. Its only drawback is that small mag, which is thrown out by the Vaykor, making that pretty much the there's-not-a-single-thing-in-the-solar-system-I-can't-handle-gun.


    It can crit, it can status, and its damage can bulldoze through damn near anything, nevermind that it does mostly impact. Just means you will never have to worry about shields. The firing speed is deceptively low, since it just means that you wont empty your mag too fast and your reticle will settle right back on a Heavy Gunner's head after the first shot (if they're not already dead; they probably are). Accuracy=10? What does that mean? Nothing. When ADS, I can still get headshots (or something close) on the largest tiles in the game (like that one Corpus bridge defense tile). Stat-wise, accuracy should be crap, but it's a lie.


    In short, nothing but good. It puts out accurate shots, that hit like a train car, at a decent, controllable rate.


    And I like the Marelok. I almost like it better than my Brakk (it's a struggle).


    So how could the Marelok be balanced? I actually don't mind it's huge damage that much (a small reduction would be nice), but there has to be some trade-off somewhere for the enormous damage. I think the answer lies in the IRL Mare's Leg the gun is based off of.


    Here's a concise video on the history of the Mare's Leg in the modern market and how it's fired.




    With Lethal Torrent, you can shoot the Marelok so fast that it completely skips the cocking animation. This should not happen.


    My idea is that the Marelok should function kind of like the Vectis, where you have a cocking animation between each shot. The speed of this action would be affected by Quickdraw. You still have 6 shots in the mag, but you have to cycle between each shot. Also, the gun should have a much higher recoil.


    Also, I think the ADS grip for the Marelok is strange. When ADS, I think the Tenno should assume a rifle-like grip:




    Obviously, when off-handing, the Tenno would still use the famous/balls-up-the-celing spin-cycling animation:


    skip to 5m48s


    (Yes, I know the 1887 is a shotgun, not a pistol-carbine; same action, similar dimensions)


    Obviously, this action should also extend to the Vaykor and the Grinlok (which is in serious need of a buff).


    I think this will help balance the gun and give it some character that RoF mods take away from the gun.



    Please, buff the Sicarus Prime's magazine to 21. Thank you.


    (The profanity filter won't let me spell c-o-c-k, as in, the action of cycling a manual firearm; understandable)

  8. I have been lamenting since...I don't know, since I started the game, that I have never had a favorite secondary.


    The first secondary I potato'd was the Kunai when they came out and that's just because they were just too damn good and cool back then (armor ignore FTW). But I've never really had a favorite gun. The Lex, the Seer, and the Sicarus were closest, mechnically/stat-wise, but I wasn't big on their aesthetics.


    I was gonna make a thread "DE, Please give me my favorite pistol!" But I didn't have to! It came to me, its only requirement, my now obsolete AkBoltos.


    What I love about these pistols:




    They look like these USN Elgin cutlass-pistols issued in the 1840s:



    (I have no idea why this idiot placed these beautiful guns on the cold, hard, gritty stone to take a picture of them)


    ...Which is baller as F***. What I was wanting out of my dream pistol was a slim barrel, with no ginormous barrel shrouds obscuring the pretend-Tenno craftsmanship. Instead, you guys gave me two barrels and put knives of them. That's twice the swag multiplied by infinity, which is equivalent to endless space-bling. Combined with a sweet, smooth-criminal reload and a wood grip and this gun simply goes beyond everything I wanted.




    High damage/shot, decent mag size, with acceptable reload speed, high status chance and slashing damage, I've got the dream gun I've been waiting for. I had no good slashing secondaries for them pesky Infested until now. Combine Seeker mod with 3 dual stat mods and you have endless crowd control. Inaccuracy is fine. Gives the gun character compared to all these unrealisticly perfect guns that have been coming out.




    You point, pull the trigger, two(!) shots go down range. Recoil is hefty, just means I can't spam with them. I guess I better get reacquainted with "trigger-discipline" again. Again, gives the gun character. Otherwise, it's a hit-scan pistol that shoots bullets. Just what I wanted.


    Again, thanks DE. Please keep it up, this is what Warframe weapons used to be about.




    Please, buff the Sicarus Prime's magazine to 21.

  9. Be honest everyone, what advantage could tracer rounds have in this video game? Is it enough of a tactical advantage to make a mod of it, or can it simply be stuffed into settings as a cosmetic effect?

    It looks cool and it can help you aim.


    Since I play the game with 'numbers off', I don't get a lot of feed back to know when something is dead or if I'm even hitting it when shooting through cover, aside from the reticle turning red.


    Also, it looks cool.


    Seriously, what's wrong with things looking cool?


    And it should definitely be an option, maybe even per weapon, that you can toggle on or off and for how many tracers per normal rounds (from 1:10 to all the rounds).


    But that's just me dreaming...

  10. Dear DE,


    Some of the old weapon models are starting to become a little obsolete. Either they lack a custom reload, are completely static, or they're simply lacking in quality compared to newer weapons. Examples include the Lex Vanilla, Latron (both versions), Burston Prime, and the Lanka/Snipetron models.


    As a fan of the oldies, I'd love to see them given a pass, spruce them up a bit.



    <-This Guy.

  11. I have seen the series so it doesnt sound so bad, thanks for the review. I was curious though if there is any p2w issues? 


    Well, if you want to access content past some island on a bridge (about 15-20 hrs of play into the game), you have to buy that content. It's not a free ride from beginning to end like Warframe can be (if you're willing to put in the grind).


    And although not a P2W issue, I've found that LMGs are pretty much the best guns in the game, with lots of damage/shot, high RoFs, and usually decent accuracy, off-setting any issues they might have. If you find a good one in the beginning and are even half-decent at pointing your mouse at things, you'll get 3rd-1st place in most open world encounters, which is how you generally get money, guns, and resources at a comfortable rate.


    So, yeah...it's ok, but it gets old fast. And the characters are kind of annoying. I'm almost glad that your character never talks.

  12. Neat idea, but there's a small problem. Snipetron is hitscan. You'd never see the laser. You would need to add travel time to it in order to animate the laser, in which case you simply have a 0 charge time lanka, which is actually pretty close to what you'd have if you modded one for fire rate.


    Not trying to shatter your dreams or anything, but pointing out what you'd get.


    ...Why would you need to add travel time...to a laser?


    Dawg, if the Snipetron fired a laser, then the gun would actually make sense.


    +1 to OP, my Snipetron's textures are boring, obsolete, and being used by another gun. Needs revision.

  13. I agree with you OP, but...


    It's been 4 weeks. Like, as of today, this post I'm making, right now. There are rooms in my Dojo that are as old as the Mire and I haven't gotten around to redecorating them, either.


    Patience, Tenno. One node at a time.

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