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A little hope for just killing Lotus in The New War

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As a paying player who loves customization, I believe DE is missing on piles of cash by not offering mission narrators for plat (or cash, like the Tennocon skins on Steam). It's okay if for lore reasons we are stuck with Lotus up until the Natah quest; from then on, I believe the players can choose to distrust Lotus as a narrator and use somebody else. It would make sense after the revelations of the quest -- although I reserve my judgement for the future and I am leaning in favor of the Lotus -- there are too many and too convenient "accidents" in the whole thing. She does not seem evil in the classic sense of the word. Still, other players may choose to distrust her early, the choice should be there.


Me and my wife would like:


- Tenshin. The guy has an awesome voice and a personality.

- Ordis, if he stops licking our arse. The entire Octavia quest was fascinating but Ordis somewhat ruined it with his lamentations "my beloved operator" and such...

- Ordis' alternative self (did Hunhow call him Ordan?)

- Simaris. Hate the guy but he can be amusing sometimes. Gives me a grumpy Sean Connery vibe. "This goes too far! Have I been unclear?" -- sometimes I kill synthesis targets just for a laugh at his expense.

- Suma.

- ...hell, every syndicate leader actually?

- Konzu, if he stops licking our arse as well.


I realise it's a lot of work to add new narrators but IMO there are a bunch of money to be made in the area. I know me and my girl would buy at least 3 on day one.

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I've made my thoughts and opinions known about the Natah / Lotus dynamic before, so I won't just repost them here.

I will say that we don't know the whole story, and paying careful attention to the actions taken, while weighed against the words spoken about those actions are very revealing.

Ballas gave the information about the Tenno Reservoir to Hunhow. 

He turned one of his political enemies into a warframe out of spite, and made that enemy kill his own son.

He's the one who turned the Zariman children from afflicted and terrified kids into child soldiers by proxy.

While we don't know exactly what's going on with Natah right now, it's obvious that she isn't in full control of herself.  Moreover, she shows signs of fighting mightily against whatever is restricting her, otherwise The Apostasy and The Sacrifice would never have happened at all.  Moreover, though she did destroy Umbra in the vision, she never made a single attack at the end against the Tenno - only the Mimics did.

With all that in mind, I will happily eject Ballas' headless corpse into a star, turn his skull into an ashtray, and go to Tau personally to see what exactly is going on.

Keep in mind, there is the possibility that Natah's mother didn't agree with Hunhow or what he did - and therefore we have the unprecedented chance of making peace with the Sentients through Natah's mother. 

Yes, Eidolons and such are fun to fight, but from a story perspective, this is significant.

After all, both they and we hate the Orokin empire and all it stood for.  As long as they don't try shenanigans in the Sol system, I'm cool with making peace with them.  Especially because it'll make Hunhow very, very upset before he's gone for good, and that idea makes me happy.

Edited by rhoenix
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On 31.08.2018 at 09:55, Ksaero said:

Ya bir seçeneği yoksa? TWIN'de Teshin gibi. Bize yardım etmeye çalışıyor gibi görünüyor. Öncelikle Umbra'yı miğferi aracılığıyla vizyonunu veriyor ve yolculuğun sonunda nereye gittiğini anlatıyor.

I think so  as in old duties.

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