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1 minute ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Besides, DE owns the game. Their rules, their shots. 

And yet people seem to be incapable of this.

Kinda glad that DE is ruling chat with an Iron Fist. I've seen the horrors of a moderated chat go wild when the mods have a life. *cough*  World of Tanks *cough*

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Just now, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

I said I don't mind the ban just anoyyed that I get banned for something stupid like this while other don't for way worse stuff also gtfo is not a bad comment it's an exspression

It's not stupid, you "accidentally" used an abbreviation that is most commonly used to say "Kill YourSelf" the same as "gtfo" is not an expression, it's "get the F out" which is actually against forum rules to use such things to circumvent using profanity on the forums. So once again, breaking rules and trying to use inexcusable reasons to justify it.

Please don't try and blame that one on your girlfriend as well.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Also the main point of this post was for people's opinion on squad and clan chat not being controlled by De bots

I'm of the opinion that it's DE game so they get to do what they want. I very well support them moderating all chats because it catches people such as yourself thinking it's perfectly okay to be toxic players outside of major public channels.

Other players even if clan and squad members should not be subject to language that you would define as an "expression"

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Kys was not my intention as for gtfo true it breaks the rules 

And as I've said already. You had a chance to correct your message before sending it but you chose not to even if you want distracted, thus sending a message that got you banned. 

Just now, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Also im not toxic unless it's warranted

It's never warranted. You don't get the right to become toxic if someone does something to anger you. I'd recommend some emotional support classes if you're having problems being able to control yourself.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Oh so I can't have an arguement in private chat with some one  the world isn't a nice place deal with it

That is true, Warframe is DE's intellectual property. It's not your safe place. If you want to have private arguments take them to discord where you aren't moderated by DE.

I also wouldn't go as far as warframe / DE being a reflection across the whole world either. But as long as you learn something from this thread then I'd say we're onto a promising future of improvement. 

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Whispers aren't moderated by bots or mods, so obviously you typed your message in a public chat. Besides if someone isn't behaving well in one chat chances are they aren't going to be any better in other chats, so restricting access to all of them is completely reasonable.


These temporary restrictions are temporary for a reason, and I hope you've learned something from it. Now deal with it and wait it out.

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From what I have seen of how you communicate in other topics tonight, I will always assume what you really mean is far different then what you are saying up front. Take it with a grain of salt. Hang up your mouse and keyboard for the night and start tomorrow with a fresh mindset, and carry on. Staying up and carrying on this thread is only digging the hole deeper.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

So I'm a bad person is what your saying

Haha Tbh I couldn't care less I am who I am


Just now, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

So be cause I say one thing you assume I was going to say another 

With the way you've been presenting yourself on these forums there is no need to assume anything. You've basically told us that you care not for the forum rules and that it's "who i am" when it comes to violating the forum guidelines.

Do you understand what you've done here tonight. You could have just been civil, understood that you should have just accepted you was in the wrong (in which you was). You proceeded to then repeatedly violate the forum rules by swearing, even though you did censor them it's still a violation of the guidelines as it was clearly stated to you.

I'll go right ahead and make a prediction here today. Before this year is over, you'd would have been in game chat muted again and you'll come to these very forums and make a similar thread where you'll once again, be met either by me or another and told the exact same as you have been told today. I'd even bet 500 plat on this prediction.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)D3ATHAPPACHAI said:

Also the main point of this post was for people's opinion on squad and clan chat not being controlled by De bots

Why though? 

What does people's opinions matter? It's like asking the local pub what their opinion on the speed limit is. No matter what anyone says or ends up agreeing upon, the speed limit will remain the same, because no one has any say in what it should or shouldn't be. Just as absolutely no one here posting in this thread, has any say in what should get you banned, what chats you should be banned from, or how long a ban lasts.

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