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Is The Hek Still A Viable Weapon?


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the only bad part is that the bronco prime does everything the hec does and more so theirs no real reason to have a hec when you can just have a flux or ogris with a bp as your secondary (remember most pistol mods are far superior to shotty mods) 

Except that Bronco Prime has a horrible spread beyond close range. Numbers aren't everything, especially when only a few of pellets actually hit.

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The big thing is that Blaze and Accelerated Blast exist.

The (easy) potential to have 150% armor piercing on a shotgun, plus 60% damage, 60% fire damage, and 60% fire rate is amazing. 27 mod points is easily obtainable without a potato.

Get a potato on that thing, and you have 33 more points to fill. Boom, 100% multishot for 14, 90% more damage for 9, and you still have 8 points left for a Tactical Pump or not-max faction damage.

This works particularly well with the Hek because of it's already high damage and tight spread.

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Hek is still powerful, it didnt get any nerf so yeah go for it.

Some weapons like Ogris and Flux Rifle beat it on the higher contents because of Splash Dmg and Armor Ignore but beside it Hek is a 1 shot kill machine.


About the Bronco Prime... yes it's powerful like Hek but since it cant stand Acrid or Despair it's sub-obtimal imho

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Its still viable because of shotgun mods and its damage. 150% AP is great and maxing 2 level 5 mods to get +150% dmg is far easier than maxing a rank 10. Makes it viable at an earlier state. 


I prefer the Sobek though, Heks small clip is awful. 

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Strun was lovely and I enjoyed my experience with her thoroughly

Boar was impressive and one of my favourite primaries to bring along when speedrunning bosses(Acrid is nowhere near as fun as boomboomboom)

Sobek was great for Defense against Infested since I had plenty of time to take aim and a huge magazine to burn through. But the spread and reload speed kills me.

My main shotgun is still the Hek, who's on her fourth Forma now. Reload speed and good falloff to help me forget the Strun, much more damage per hit than the Boar and you don't need the Sobek if you kill everything in one hit without bothering to aim.

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I was fighting level 250 corpus and my Kunai killed enemies faster than Hek.  Even with Blaze/Accelerated Blast without Pointblank being able to go past rank 5 it seems shotguns fall short with high level content :( .  Also getting close enough for max damage put s you to a quicker death because their accuracy goes up that close.


I got the Hek potatoed back when they had a branching grid.  It was nice when it didn't have bullet drop.

Edited by Pure
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I was fighting level 250 corpus and my Kunai killed enemies faster than Hek.  Even with Blaze/Accelerated Blast without Pointblank being able to go past rank 5 it seems shotguns fall short with high level content :( .  Also getting close enough for max damage put s you to a quicker death because their accuracy goes up that close.


I got the Hek potatoed back when they had a branching grid.  It was nice when it didn't have bullet drop.

That's an armor scaling problem, not a Hek problem.


Most any armor ignore weapon is better than non-armor ignore weapons at those levels.

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Haven't seen a post about this weapon in quite some time. Anyone still using it?

I have it and i love it.

Potatoed and only formad once,i can still kill lv 100 heavy units in a single clip.If i have formas to spare (Damn costy clan weapon) it will get even more insane.

Sobek isn't so much better,it has worse ammo efficiency (yet still good),worse range and HORRENDOUS reload speed, and it looks like a kid's toy.

Bronco prime,sadly is stupidly op and literally a HEK with better mods,and stats.

Shotguns are capable of endgame.Hek still is, the only problem is that Bronco Prime is too good,not that Hek is bad.

Same could be said for kunai or despair, or ACRID.Too good, those stuff really must be nerfed,since a throwing knife that deals way more DAMAGE PER SECOND than a heavy laser cannon like the supra....well that's obviously not intended.

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The Hek is better than the Sobek if you are just hoping to one-shot everything. However I usually prefer the Sobek since the Sobek's potential DPS means it will get quicker kills vs anything the Hek can't one-shot, which is useful in T3 void missions.

The Hek is great, as long as you aren't swarmed by infested. In which case, it's tiny mag will be your undoing.

It is relatively easy to add 2 more shots to the Hek.
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Hek: BOOM. It's dead.


Sobek: Blamblamblamblamblam. Is it dead? No? Just turned into walking swiss cheese? Ok. Blamblamblamblam. Now it's dead.


As many people have said, Hek is better for one shot kills. Sobek is better for crowd control and applying status effects.


They are both mid range shotguns that are pretty good at landing headshots.


I personally don't fight the weapons stats and just roll with it instead. I will put multishot on my hek, but not on my sobek. Yet I will give max ammo to my Sobek and not to my Hek.

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