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Trinity Slave



Hi. I want your opinion on something that happen to me every single run in tridolon. I'm using trinity all the time because i don't have the other popular ultra meta frame, and i don't even like them. Everytime i enter in a group everyone pretend to me, like is the Tridolon run Law, to do everything. Everytime i start with archwing, mark the first of the three eidolon, pick a lure, charge it. The other are n't gonna do something except shooting to the teralist. So put the lure near the teralist, archwing mode, go find more lure. Come back, deal more damage than all the other or at least kinda close to them (rhino, chroma ecc). Evoke the second one. Go pick more and be sure to everylure is alive and fully like you teammates. Repeat it for every single run.

Today i was with a low number of archwing thing and no material for crafting so i've told to my teammate to pick some lures. The Answer? Is your job. Than i pick up it ofc for the first 2 of them. On the third one we was only with one lures charged and nothing more. I've told 6 times , imploring them to pick 2 lure couse i've finished the archwings. Nothing. they just ignore me like ther's no tomorrow. I admit, i rage out not a little bit, a lot. I call them "dumb" just for be gentle. I start pick up lures , with no archwing, when i comeback they was at the extraction. 

So honestly , really. Who the #*!% say "trinity job is to do almost everything"? Who say that' Why i have to be considered just an useless noob slave ? And like all the time if i try say "Pls pick some lures ecc ecc" no one is mooving. NO one.  What do you think about that? Because honestly i'm gonna do the tridolon with Mag or Mirage. Or Nezha. Sorry for the bad english, hope you can understand something.

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Tridolons.... Trinity's "job" really is to do everything. No really. The first lure grab-n-charge is supposed to be on someone else (so Trin can go get 7 more right away before even converging on Terry), but after that, there's only one real "failure" condition, and that requires lures to die. By picking Trin for it, you are accepting responsibility for dragging the run to completion.

It sucks a bit, but at the same time, this is why I refuse to play anything other than Trin for the run. I don't trust pugs with managing the failure condition.

Also highly recommend picking up unbound Mind Step (Naramon) ASAP; in 4x3 or lower targets, you don't need to burn Archwings if you have it.


Oh and good news, soon Archwing launchers will be infinite use. As in like, literally the next PC update.

Edited by Eirshy
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Anytime I run eidolons, I am usually our scout. I find and engage the eidolon, so that by the time the lures arrive, it is out of shields. Tldr: I solo most of the first eidolon, and wait to finish off its limbs until lures arrive. 

While I do that my squad gets a TON of lures. Enough for all three eidolons, plus some for mistakes. It works pretty well.

then we just have 1 healer, 1 dps, 1 vomalyst slayer, and 1 who helps whichever needs the most help at the moment. 

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19 minutes ago, voltocitygel said:

While I do that my squad gets a TON of lures. Enough for all three eidolons, plus some for mistakes. It works pretty well.

Unless you're using a Limbo or a Broberon for heals, or your Trin is using the wrong build (a -duration EV build for example), lures dying should absolutely never happen. Broberon will have an easier time sustaining fewer targets (encouraging you keeping only 8 total lures, though being at +1 might be wise on Harry), and Limbo has to individually target lures (again, encouraging you to keep only 8 lures).


.... I am reminded why I refuse to let anyone but myself or a particular friend do Trin when I'm running it lol.

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It's usually good to have more control over the lures as the healer as you don't get some Rambo rushing the lazors and getting them to low health or outright killed in the first place, but i also hate when people get pretentious and expect no effort wins or blame people who are more skilled or did more for the win just to project their self guilt for not contributing much if at all.

I met these kind of people in every game and the pattern i noticed is that they are always trying to put the blame on the supports even though the support by default can be just as good as its team unless really skilled, lol. (the feel when you pick a support because you don't need the crutches handed to you by other frames because you can make up for them with skills yet you're the one who gets yelled at by every noob, ironic, well not that i care of, i actually find it funny)

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3 hours ago, Eirshy said:

Unless you're using a Limbo or a Broberon for heals, or your Trin is using the wrong build (a -duration EV build for example), lures dying should absolutely never happen. Broberon will have an easier time sustaining fewer targets (encouraging you keeping only 8 total lures, though being at +1 might be wise on Harry), and Limbo has to individually target lures (again, encouraging you to keep only 8 lures).


.... I am reminded why I refuse to let anyone but myself or a particular friend do Trin when I'm running it lol.

Fair enough, most of my clannies are inexperienced and or don't have full builds. When I run with public squads it's usually done the normal way.

Honestly, the other half of the reason I have them get more is to a) look hilarious with an army of lures, and b) help them keep the vomulysts off of me and the eidolon. 

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I run 4x3 or 3x3 on a slow night as volt. I always said that Trin has the worst role in an eidolon hunt similar a goalkeeper in sports. Regardless, i think that your squadmate were very inconsiderate and acting in a very "entitled" manner. As a volt, the downtime between the final chroma shot and the summoning of the next eidolon provides more than enough time more me to drop 6 shields (60sec duration) and gather additional lures if needed.

Out of curiosity, how many tricaps were you running and did you get a chance to see how many hydrolyst captures your squadmates had?

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I rather be the trinity taking care of all the lures than allow my dumb teammates to keep the lures away from me.

It's your own fault if you can't handle the task for not having the arcwing required.


Trinity players are the mvp of tridolon hunts and yeah they need to CARRY the team and do almost anything. BTW just cause I can use other warframes, I will always take trinity for tridolon hunting, cause if one of my team mates rage quit in middle of a hunt (Chroma, Volt or even Harrow), I can keep the team alive, still deal damage to at least finish what I started and I can't risk losing a trinity.


BTW if you are a trinity player and you are not helping with dealing damage (yes, even if you have chroma or rhino on the team), you are doing your job wrong. Trinity is the multitask mvp player of tridolon hunts and I don't apreciate people talking bad about my trinity calling her a slave just cause they can't do their job on the hunt.

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On 2018-10-10 at 9:57 PM, NecromancerX69 said:

I rather be the trinity taking care of all the lures than allow my dumb teammates to keep the lures away from me.

It's your own fault if you can't handle the task for not having the arcwing required.


Trinity players are the mvp of tridolon hunts and yeah they need to CARRY the team and do almost anything. BTW just cause I can use other warframes, I will always take trinity for tridolon hunting, cause if one of my team mates rage quit in middle of a hunt (Chroma, Volt or even Harrow), I can keep the team alive, still deal damage to at least finish what I started and I can't risk losing a trinity.


BTW if you are a trinity player and you are not helping with dealing damage (yes, even if you have chroma or rhino on the team), you are doing your job wrong. Trinity is the multitask mvp player of tridolon hunts and I don't apreciate people talking bad about my trinity calling her a slave just cause they can't do their job on the hunt.

Although you are correct for the most part, i believe OP's frustration is more geared towards the fact that her role in a group became so meta that OP's small minded squadmates refused to help. It happens, even to the best of us, to be ill-equipped for a mission and OP's expectation to have someone help out is not unreasonable. A bit of altruism never hurt anyone!

Edited by wiinston17
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On 2018-10-10 at 6:51 PM, wiinston17 said:

There is ALWAYS that one guy. I once changed my aura to loot detector to because he was bullying my mate into putting cp.

Oh man I missed this one. ANY CP is bad, screws with the number of hits you need on Shattering Impact to leave it with a sliver of armor, and stripping it all is a massive damage decrease, not increase.

I love how it's always the people most rude and demanding that are the most wrong.


Friendly reminder that block lists prevent you from accidentally joining a squad they advertise, or inviting them to a squad you're advertising, as it prevents you from seeing their chat and them from PMing you. Dunno how many asshats like the guy you're describing I've blocked due to Tridolons. Probably too many lol

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