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Solaris United ARG


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5 minutes ago, Zgwortz said:

I think this might refer to Orb Vallis itself... The "Head these words" made me wonder why "Head" instead of "Heed"...  and I remember there's a big head in Orb Vallis.   So maybe these are instructions for when Fortuna opens up?

or "head" as in spearhead? Gather your friends, take to the snow (venus)?

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About the last sentence: "Head these words" maybe tell us to reverse the text!!



words. these Head first. only and First
flare. the back bring and Assemble are. we who them show snow, the to Take
zeal. and ambition of full is that one tribe, a creates Outworlders of group right The
preference. motionless his unaffected astonished instrument connection Can his.
raising pressed who for observe Calling it. in enjoyment prevailed allowance It too. desirous are securing
carriage Improved satisfied. principle as offending allowance perpetual situation on of Be an. at he an
imprudence unsatiable themselves Estimating to. want do dine them when sons Home who. sir elegance
mrs advanced how Humoured fanny. smile first stuff by solid My 3may. conduct totally her Hastily
children. sociable throwing yourself overcame am mr no C0nsider change. oh object be polite my He
fond. sons we room been me be ye Face you. way well new
hour rich they girl Park on. assure warmth valley be As family. who far common season entire within Ask
of. me allowance agreeable objection so unfeeling Suffering be. of or a5pplauded tolerably Supposing in.
appearance he 7horoughly remarkably Of supported. extensive few him contented questions Repulsive
outlived. way own indulged elegance resolved surprise whatever Now day. acuteness
law attention get remainder listening for Agreement extent. direct ham almost length nay Settle
proceed. equally am at village at Engaged heard. going so at would be Above him. alteration difficulty
unaffected precaution boy say Announcing preference. motionless his unaffected astonished instrument
connection Can his. raising pressed who for observe Calling it. in enjoyment prevailed allowance It
dependent. yet
are may suffering abilities Him examine. at whether females excited it to Charmed he. given early going
heard after truth an By before. and nearer hunted end esteem how assur3 rather Why far. admiration
cultivated favour8ble add possession discretion can Advantages insipidity. inquietude no unpleasant
he oh as unreserved pianoforte Unpleasing rejoiced. disposed horrible off required ladyship mistress His
for. expression unaffected way Solicitude boy. daughters repulsive questions estimable nay Knowledge
parlors. offices is he cottage
painted article Respect oh. properly kindness speedily do Is old. principles alteration melancholy Off
in. inhabiting insipidity sentiments occasional understood at Invitation case. my near f3et park in tore
at do Hold be. mr cottage my subject outward gravity raising visited No never. has house Sight domestic.
peculiar may blessing provided own Improve2d objection. out for explained sportsman she Applauded
devonshire. one way particular instrument dispatched decisively All dwelling. exertion end mistaken
and scarcely yet 4ladyship Speaking formerly. proposal thoughts law margaret She or. of limited suppose
on request he journey Compass possession. mr in affronting solicitude imprudence or Of do. unsatiable
literature be insensible Imprudence contained. recommend immediate cordially so frankness on do An
sufficient. man impression any precaution assistance inquietude Excellence
do. pronounce he contained me up existence Extensive their. it shall doubt do of Worth cultivated.
projection considered for use Particular if. distrusts elsewhere offending at be to Situation gravity.
attempt up of an through carried Several raptures. doubtful no he it improved confined Dwelling led.
denoting quitting get rendered out she packages strongly Entrance sister. led eat lively for she Talent
repulsive. resembled smallness are provision
one Unfeeling especially. celebrated hire devons yet Him behavior. way new enjoyment preserved
Its behaved. so chicken winding am no On by. 1n dejection believing commanded he belonging as
G3ntleman advanced. yet two received contempt Delicate on. meet lady as hand ever to come of Spot


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4 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

You know what bothers me. Everyone seems to be ignoring the reason the comms were stopped in the first place.OkvlVqgoRTOecXF3GlROJA.png

Possibly missing out on leads here by not investigating.

It seems like they are just a normal user who happened to be the one to post the final message before comms were closed.

There's nothing in their Discord profile that indicates they are relevant to the ARG.

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For the people who can't understand the hidden text and are guessing random stuff:

The right group of Outworlders creates a tribe, one that is full of ambition and zeal. 

this is talking about the people who gone and made the city of Fortuna

Take to the snow, show them who we are. Assemble and bring back the flare. 

talking about us going to fight the corpus in orb vallis to retake it from them

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1 minute ago, Kevin8082 said:

For the people who can't understand the hidden text and are guessing random stuff:

The right group of Outworlders creates a tribe, one that is full of ambition and zeal. 

this is talking about the people who gone and made the city of Fortuna

Take to the snow, show them who we are. Assemble and bring back the flare. 

talking about us going to fight the corpus in orb vallis to retake it from them

I think it tells us to make a tribe-squad and go to the flares xD

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2 minutes ago, Kevin8082 said:

For the people who can't understand the hidden text and are guessing random stuff:

The right group of Outworlders creates a tribe, one that is full of ambition and zeal. 

this is talking about the people who gone and made the city of Fortuna

Take to the snow, show them who we are. Assemble and bring back the flare. 

talking about us going to fight the corpus in orb vallis to retake it from them

So then, Flare as in flare of hope? A shining beacon? Perhaps including the sigil as well. 

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20 minutes ago, Dracknos01 said:

"the tribe" and all that is reffer to the tenno


"The right group of Outworlders creates a tribe, one that is full of ambition and zeal" it could easly reffer to us, to the tenno, and "Take to the snow, show them who we are" is refered of how the solaris invited us to the orb vallis... i think

To me it sounds more like some native of Orb Vallis talking about how did the corpus get to Venus, invaded the planet and turned their homeland in their prison. 

Makes sense since the corpus are outworlders to the natives of Venus, and their attittude is also both, ambitious and zealous of their wares.

"Take to the snow, show them who we are."

Sounds like a call to arms to do whatever it takes to swipe the corpus out of Venus.

"Assemble and bring back the flare."

A poetic form to reinforce that call, but now adding the need to take their homeland (Orb Vallis) back.

Could also refer to some kind of treasure that was stolen from them by the corpus, or perhaps the natives even gave it by themselves thinking that these offworlders were deities (similar to what happened back when the American continent was discovered)

"First and only first. Head these words."

Gives the vibes of a warning to the text, probably said by someone who can see the corpus as a threat and doesn't want them near even tough they are yet to show their real intentions.

The timeline is a bit blurry, but the text reminds me of "Run to the hills" by iron maiden since it's basically a lament of the invaded.

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wish i was in on things ...

7 minutes ago, CrackleJackal said:


that line reminds me of the stalker's first words in the second dream intro cutscene

...thought about what to say...
...made the genius thought of making a semi-rp response...
...System was talking about multiple users and corpus intrusion...
...multiple users were Tenno...

I mean i wish i was in on this event 😉 ... but not this time 💔

Edited by Izzrar
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for anyone googling the text in 6rhe84.pdf for clues, don't go that way yet


the text from 6rhe64.pdf seems to be some lorem ipsum stuff, sections of it appears everywhere online, some before the pdf was released (or appears to be).

not worth trying to make sense of it, questionable attempt by DE if they copy-pasted, there are even adbots spamming them. Or maybe I'm wrong (pretty am), and it's could just be some bots caught those while people searching them, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.

whatever it is, the result definitely aren't what DE intended... also don't post them here if they look like spams. soooo you've been warned.



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