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What if this is all about cryptocurrency?

As we all know, Corpus is all about money, Fortuna is all about lack of money, debt.

So, what If all those numbers/numbers and letters should lead us to a wallet? But, which currency, thats the problem... CRYCASH perhaps? Its a gaming cryptocurrency. Or, we go straight up to most popular ones? Or, DE made their own? (highly unlikely xD)

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il y a 10 minutes, Flameend11 a dit :

It may lead to somthing, perhaps pasword to pdf file.

The Void be damned ! This password is already cracked ! Try to follow a bit, or reload your internet explorer : the 6rhe84.pdf can be opened with " openthehorn " - a password that is found through the cryptic messages posted on Twitter by the official account of Warframe.


Now we must understand the .TXT & the content of the .PDF.

As those files were transmitted by the Server following the containment procedure, we could assume that they're not direct messages posted by Business (the twitters could be, for us to crack the hidden message) - and so could be considered as Fail-Safe.

With the .TXT; the .PDF & now the picture from the TwitchPrime Time : we must undercover an information, as a date that someone found (8/11/2018) - or other kinds of indications


---edit: By the way : someone found why the Closing-procedure happened : there was indeed a Corpus personal among us


Edited by Umbriellan
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5 minutes ago, Umbriellan said:

The Void be damned ! This password is already cracked ! Try to follow a bit, or reload your internet explorer : the 6rhe84.pdf can be opened with " openthehorn " - a password that is found through the cryptic messages posted on Twitter by the official account of Warframe.


Now we must understand the .TXT & the content of the .PDF.

As those files were transmitted by the Server following the containment procedure, we could assume that they're not direct messages posted by Business (the twitters could be, for us to crack the hidden message) - and so could be considered as Fail-Safe.

With the .TXT; the .PDF & now the picture from the TwitchPrime Time : we must undercover an information, as a date that someone found (8/11/2018) - or other kinds of indications

Wasn’t that the date for an eclipse?

Edit: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2018-august-11

its formatted the European way so I’m not sure if it’s important 

Edited by JaiminLyo
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6 minutes ago, Serid22 said:

But Ceres isn't even a corpus tileset. Why should we burn to death some unrelated Grineers ? Aside from the fun factor I mean.

If I remember right there is orokin tech on Ceres maybe there is something there that has to do with the terraforming thing on Venus. I am thinking in the sense of Venus/Athena's Flare/epithet has been taken and we need to get it back. 

Edited by JaiminLyo
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Some things to consider about the sequence 1 1 22 23 24 65 84 85 103 142 143 146 161

1. the numbers always follow a crescent order
2. the sum of each results on 1.000
3. they repeat the sequence 5 times (I dont see any point if they only want to show us something, so why repeat)

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I just spent some time scrolling up the open comms channel to screenshot everything looking suspicious before the comms get wiped, I'll do a synthesis of the pics after lunch.

And by the way if you guys want to laught, just spend time in reading all the mess that happened in 4 minutes on that channel yesterday xD, some messages are hillarious !


But don't get misleaded, I doubt there was anything really usefull in all the things I screened except a nice roleplay scenario made by DE to give us the actual riddle.

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il y a 47 minutes, JaiminLyo a dit :

Wasn’t that the date for an eclipse?

Edit: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2018-august-11

its formatted the European way so I’m not sure if it’s important 

Except for a new moon for us (in our world) - there is nothing the 8th of this month (and I won't look for what could happen on OUR Venus at this time; I'm sure DE wouldn't go that far...).


----SO, to sum-up a bit:

Context: Business saw that we were interested in more communication; he "upgraded" the server - Corpus spies enter the room, hacked into the Warframe twitter-account; the Server counter-attacked by a lock-down procedure. Then, 2 distincts files are sent (.txt + .pdf) - probably as a safe-fail, giving us Intructions / Informations.

+later, the Twitch Stream ended giving this code: " 1 1 22 23 24 65 84 85 103 142 143 146 161 " (5 times)


We have:

1) a 6rhe84.PDF file (opened with " openthehorn " - any meaning of this by the way ?), with :

-hidden text forming some sort of a story, or a riddle:

The right group of Outworlders creates a tribe, one that is full of ambition and zeal. Take to the snow, show them who we are. Assemble and bring back the flare. First and only first. Head these words.

-random numbers added on random words

** those numbers in their appearance order through the text: 31423837503 ;

** those words in their appearance order through the text: G3ntleman 1n 4ladyship Improve2d f3et favour8ble assur3 7horoughly a5pplauded C0nsider 3may ;


2) a .TXT with gibberish that if put in a specific format are giving us a visual of Roman Numbers, with sometimes commas:


1 22, 23, 24 65 84, 85 103 142, 143, 146


So there is 2 differents things to decode / decypher / understand : the .TXT looks too much related to the Twitch Stream & completely independent of the .PDF for now...


It looks like the hidden text is talking about the Tennos (the right outworlders) who will go on the Snow (Venus) to bring back the "Flare" (Fire/Hope/Fighting spirite).

But the second part remains a mystery: " First and only first. Head these words " - mostly not for a story, but looking more toward the rest  to understand/undercover in the message.


In the past, we mostly decyphered messages; only a single time it was asked to fight on Venus : I don't believe we have to do any interactions (in-game) for now; only to understand the messages.


---edit: on reddit, a comment on the errorlog.Txt :


I may be ASCII tho :

1 is Start Of Header, which mean that what is following is not data but tag in a message

22 is is SYN, a request of connexion

23 is ETB, end of transmission block

24 is CAN, cancel connexion

the rest is A T,U g Ä,Å,Æ

It kind of looks like a transmission failure, but the message makes no sense

source- https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/9tcrtd/new_text_file_corpus_text/

So the TXT may not be interesting at all; only the PDF seems important.

Edited by Umbriellan
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So here is the promised synthesis of all the "suspicious" messaged during the open comms yesterday:


To be honnest, I doubt there is anything usable there to solve the riddles, lots of the screened messages are probably just tennos making fun.

I'm not a discord expert, but I doubt it's possible to pre-script a channel to auto-replace the text of some messages to some pre-made messages (like the message number xxx will get wiped and rewrited to be "TENNO" by a bot). I know that kind of thing is possible when you're the one doing to code behind but I doubt a discord server admin can do that on a channel.

So take all of that as just coincidences and a really cool roleplay moment.


Another thing, the first time I saw the numbers, it made me thinking of potential coordinates, but I did not manage to turn it into any kind of space location irl. Can be totaly crap too. (and I really doubt we need to find something INSIDE the game, except if they placed it already during the update when we get the solaris guy and the corpus in cetus, was with chimera if i'm right)

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Ya know, what if it isn't eidelon whatever.

What if it is sled- ion. An ion sled. Like the skateboard/drive/thing we will be getting

anyway, then it'd be Sled-Ion-in-OHO

Reminds me of "take to the snow, show them who we are." Isn't this the point in one of the trailers where in that part of the lyric, they show off the kdrive?


Edited by ConSavvy
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1 minute ago, Polkadog said:

So, what are these numbers? 31423837503 (ones in the file)

I think that's what we're trying to find out. We have 3 sets of numbers, and a hidden paragraph. I don't think anyone knows exactly what we're looking for, which makes it all the more difficult.

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24 minutes ago, thaFangOfCritias said:

At discord server open coms channel there are also 5000 lotus reactions to the corpus interference detected message

About that, ive clicked on that lotus multiple times, but after some time, it unclicks. I was number 5000. Numbers were rising and falling constantly last night

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<ul class="trackers">
  <li class="countdown">
  <div id="time">00:08</div>
  <li class="clicks">
  <div id="click-number">0</div>
  <li class="attempts">
  <div id="attempts-number">0</div>

<div id="message">
  <h1 id="message-copy">CONGRATS YOU HACKED THE JAMMER</h1><br/>
  <div id="restart">RE-INITIATE HACK</div>
  <div id="share">


<div id="total-hacks" class="progress hide">
  <div id="contribute-number">
  <div id="contribute-bar"></div>

There appears to be a hidden click tracker which leads to a success screen?
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