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Just now, electric4pie said:

Don't think this is gonna be done tonight (est). Haven't had those insane spikes in awhile now which is slowing things down

in that case share the link around. tell people do do it in incognito. we are very close. lets get this done!


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2 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

And third post in like, twenty minutes, but...

Does anybody know what 'Tightbeam' actually means?

Noun. tightbeam (plural tightbeams) a focused beam of energy (such as a laser) that contains and transmits information. 🙂

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4 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

And third post in like, twenty minutes, but...

Does anybody know what 'Tightbeam' actually means?

Google is your friend.


tightbeam (plural tightbeams)

  1. a focused beam of energy (such as a laser) that contains and transmits information


It's something that isn't foreign to sci-fi, referenced in Star Trek and The Expanse.

Edited by A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n
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8 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

And third post in like, twenty minutes, but...

Does anybody know what 'Tightbeam' actually means?

Don't know if this is an IRL thing yet, mostly hear it in Sci-fi settings.  

The concept is that rather than broadcasting your signal widely, you focus it towards a relatively small location.  This is mostly done in order to keep communications secret, as you can't just be anywhere and intercept it.  Secondarily it makes you less likely to be noticed and potentially increases the range at which the signal is clear.  

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4 minutes ago, Night42mar said:

so i guess we're trying to get some information the corpus doesnt want us to have? maybe a message to anyo?

Given the phrase, 'Simulation complete', I'm guessing we're simulating possibly frequencies, or maybe combinations of frequencies. Once we find that frequency, our journey to the truth will be complete... hopefully. Let's face it, this is the third layer of this - the password, then the encrypted data and now the hacking... there could still be more to this.

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From what I can discern from the tracker, I think we're getting roughly 50 per minute. We're at around 209,000 ish, so that leaves 91,000 to go. So that's quite a while to go at this pace... hopefully we get another jump soon.

Keep hacking.

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This may have already been discussed, but why does it say we've hacked it and are receiving packets the first 3 times, then every time after it just says simulation completed (unless you delete session cookies)? Should we only try to get the hacking result, or is that only to get inside so we can run simulations?

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to those who keep quoting a limit of 100 hacks per person, i think you are looking at the code for the progressbar... the "getContributions =100" is ensuring the progressbar never hits 101% 😅


            let getContributions = 209298 / maxContribution * 100;
            if(getContributions > 100){
                getContributions = 100;

the actual successful submission code only posts a submition if the cookie is less than 4...


                    if(parseInt(getCookie('fortunatightbeam')) < 4){
                        messageCopy.innerHTML = 'Hack Successful. Receiving Packets<h3>' + clicks + " clicks to hack the jammer<br/>" + display.textContent + " seconds remaining - "+ attempts + " ATTEMPTS</h3>";
                    } else {
                        messageCopy.innerHTML = 'Simulation complete<h3>' + clicks + " clicks to hack the jammer<br/>" + display.textContent + " seconds remaining - "+ attempts + " ATTEMPTS</h3>";

Once you see "Simulation Complete", you are done.  Cookie looks to expire in 31 days.  If you are reseting your cookie, pretty sure this won;t work either, as they appear to be dropping connections from your IP after xx attempts (you'll get a 400 Bad Request) happening each time you submit additional.

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2 minutes ago, Nasuth said:

This may have already been discussed, but why does it say we've hacked it and are receiving packets the first 3 times, then every time after it just says simulation completed (unless you delete session cookies)? Should we only try to get the hacking result, or is that only to get inside so we can run simulations?

Basically after doing it 3 times it's just a mini game

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4 minutes ago, Nasuth said:

This may have already been discussed, but why does it say we've hacked it and are receiving packets the first 3 times, then every time after it just says simulation completed (unless you delete session cookies)? Should we only try to get the hacking result, or is that only to get inside so we can run simulations?

Its just how the code is working. I pasted that bit of code a few pages back.

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