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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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Necro's name:


Regular names:



Wraith ( better name for a frame than a weapon type ).


Japanese names:


Da'te ( Dah-Tay )

Shinigami ( Means Reaper in Japanese )

Daku. ( Dark )

Tanatosu ( Thanatos )

Hadesu ( Hades )



Soul Punch Names:

Yami ( Darkness )

Shi no sutoraike ( Death's Strike )

Sourupanchi ( Soul Punch in Japanese )

Deaths Cold Embrace ( <- personal favorite )

Hand of Fate.





As for his 3rd ability, I think it would be much better if it drained the life of its enemies within an AoE, total % of life drained after X amount of uses of the 3rd ability will be converted into additional hp spread among the undead after using Clone The Dead. The 3rd ability would also weaken enemies damage output and slow them down since their life is being drained away.


The 3rd ability could have the following names:

Raifudorein ( Life Drain )

Nekuromansatatchi ( Necromancers Touch ).



Japanese names could make for some more uniqueness in future frames and the names of their abilities, why not start with Necro?

Edited by __Kanade__
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^It's kind of funny how most of the names you gave is not actual Japanese translations of the name, but rather Japanese pronunciation of the English name. Therefore, it would be better if you actually used the right terms XD (Shinigami and Yami are among the only ones).


For example, "Soul" is "Tamashii" in Japanese, not "Souru". And since there's not a direct translation for "punch" I think, Soul Fist could be better, which would be "Tamashii no Ken" ("Ken" can also be used for "Sword").

Edited by Casardis
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I have been seeing a lot of people complaining about terror totem....



I am just gonna say this again. if the totem isn't just a stick or rock with minor details and truly is something worthy of being feared like a god of death (shinigami) rising from the floor then I have no issues. it would probably be more fitting then his ult.... once again I would need to see the animation before I turn this away.


as for the loot the dead.... its either the most pointless ability in game... unless mats are involved... then its a farmers dream frame. either way I don't really see this ability doing anything terribly good that it couldn't do as a frame mod or aura... perhaps an ability that causes him to fake death temporarily would fit better.... ex: after casting the ability upon taking health dmg necro appears to die horribly gathering the attention of enemies while he is actually cloaked for x seconds and cloaking is not effected by continuity.



Soul punch does strike me odd that its just a single target and % dmg. if the percent dmg is to large higher end mobs become a joke but if its to low then using it on even medium levels is a waste. perhaps a set dmg amount effected by focus and chaining similar to volts shock ability but....you know with dead souls... would be a bit more befitting of the necromancer title. yes that makes it a bit of a re skin of an already present ability but.... I cant rasie the dead on volt after using shock.

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Meh, Search the dead definitely needs to be changed, you can kill monsters for that stuff, why add the redundancy to the game, sure there are scenarios where the ability would help, but that seems extremely rare.

And necro ult is lame, make him summon 1 big demon or something that destroys the room, not some knock-off of Nyx's Chaos.

Terror totem and soul punch sounds fine, i just hope soul punch has some kind of AoE, even if it is minor, the way the game is right now, single target skills are rarely even worth using when you can just spam your ult.

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Hey i was wondering DE if you guys can say a plat price on this guy before release so we know if it will be like the other higher tier frames in the 300plat range? i plan to drop all my plat on necro day 1, big fan of anything necromancer-ish! "rwise fwrom your gwave!"

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ok am gonna be totally honest:

necro's abilities does not look too good


let me elaborate:

1. Soul punch... name is horrible, its % of damage and reduces armor. I see this as a not needed skill.

Armor penetrating weapons > soul punch. Damage for % is difficult to scale and its single target. Change that to if (flat value<x%) calculateDmg(x%);


Consider a change of name to Decay, and also the x% of damage and armor reduction passes to nearby enemies (in high level missions this would be usable). Also make it a time based skill, so the target gets 1/5 x%dmg and armor reduction per second. And while the ability is alive (5 sec) it can jump to more targets. Also ignores shields and slows the enemy (it decays, gets older, loses vitality whatever rocks your boat :))


2. Fear totem, sounds interesting, not sure if its a place object skill, or the necro changes shape and becomes a totem, or its a projection in the enemy mind, still sounds usable whatever it is. Also consider this as a third skill, make it more energy hungry and give it some good range. Also if possible give the object (if its a placed object or necro) a nice looking figure (like death, with the torn black cape and scythe or something similar to embers WoF where the orbs look like souls).

Also if you are looking for an alternative ability, for rooting, make him create an ether altar, which will summon floor portals, from which hands of the undead rise from the ground, and grab the enemies (and press them to the ground for the duration of the skill). Name suggestion: Grip of the dead (or deathly grip)


3. Search the dead... name is horrible, mechanics sounds uninteresting, looks like a slot that will be formated as soon as possible. Am sure that this will not give rare resources (would brake the game, and sell less platinum).

Consider something more beautiful for this one. Like Trinity's link (or the new link) where the necro leaches life from the target (or targets) or make him a bit tankier by redirecting the dmg to the target (or targets). Make it a time skill, so if the link's target is destroyed it searches for a new one. Necro with some spooky soul tentacles would be a nice sight. Suggested name : Soul shackle 


4. Rise the dead... well first you have to kill them, then you use them. Sounds like a nerfed Nyx skill (or the same if you have a Nova in your party). Also sounds costly, performance wise (enemy + risen enemy). Also sounds bad because the undead army (if we could call it that way) is gonna be a meat shield that will absorb bullets (enemies and players). Also the aggro of the enemies isn't calculated in this, thus there is a chance that the enemy is gonna attack the pod/players until they are attacked by the undead (which means only a set of targets will be aggroed and max will be the number of undeads). So i don't see how this is a good skill. Maybe am mistaken here, but there are much simpler way to create an effective ulty for the necro.

Consider something more devastating, and skill required, like a limited set of bone/soul spears that player shoots (like 15 or 15 sec time based) and has a 100% chance to penetrate and "glue" the enemy to the wall (1 spear can penetrate more enemies). Targets have a x% to instantly die, does 2000 dmg, but the targets that survive, are sticked to the wall and stunned for a few sec and then released from the spear. If you think thats not much, add the previous "Decay" effect on the top of it (the decay can still catch on nearby targets making it useful in melee). It would make a fun skill, with usability, that can be good if your aim is true :). Also would make a nice graveyard effect (lots of enemies penetrated by soul spears impaled on the walls or impaled to the ground) Suggested name: Soul Barrage (or Soul Spear).


Thou it seems my imagination is out of control (again T.T)

Edited by ZliDiabetichar
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love the idea of a necromancer, this is what I'd hope a warframe necro cold be... it's a pretty good build with ability's that kinda work together making synergistic power combos for a short op burst of skills.



1. Death's presence, a wave similar to radial disarm that makes surrounding enemies flee for x duration and x area causing enemies to become weakened or freezes some of them, little damage and those who die within x seconds have increased drop rate 


this has the benefit of a quick escape that many need in over whelming situations, or the ability to spread terror than reap and reap the rewards of a kill like no other


2. Consume, an aura forms around you, any enemies in the area have their direct hp stolen from them, shared in equal amounts to friendly's including those re-raised, otherwise could make the afflicted explode.


If you wanted to make him the ultimate undead lord you could make the ability explode all your re-raised causing affliction to enemies and stealing hp from your re-raised 


3. Affliction, again similar to radial disarms area effect, all those in the area become diseased for x time, if killed are re-raised in a couple seconds with x power. (has the potential to be devastating so id recommend putting a time limit


4. Grim Soul, a weaker form of rhino skin plus volts speed about 1/3 of each that increases in time as necro gets kills/ alternatively gives him health for melee hits instead of time.  (lets face it, a necro needs a ultimate that gives him strength from all those souls he's collected, otherwise your just a witch doctor)



Could switch around affliction and grim soul, considering it would be pretty powerful to have a 3 and 2 that create a pretty godly combo, honestly I just think he needs a transformation, a re-raise, hex spells that are kind of a plague aoe, and a health steal. I'd like an aura too kinda fits with most of those I just mentioned.




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I'm curious about the lore/ technical details about this frame. Heck I feel that way for the entire Tenno universe. But I love how they manage to merge supernatural with technical.


Frost can manipulate vapor in the air to kill or protect. Trinity can mend or cause grievous wounds using her rare technology. And friggin Necro.. a frame that constructs clones with nano bots in the image of the enemies he felled.


I just hope that the looks don't get too wacky. Warframes are just that after all, mechanical (correct me if I'm wrong) frames that encases a being of flesh. I can understand that the different looks on the frames (for ex. Loki's/ Frost's horns) are traditional and create unique appearances. But it looks like Necro is gona have these long tentacle like spines swinging about. Do they serve a technical purpose? He almost looks like a being on his own rather than a warframe?


Yes it's all concept and subject to change. Just expressing my thoughts and curiosity.

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^It's kind of funny how most of the names you gave is not actual Japanese translations of the name, but rather Japanese pronunciation of the English name. Therefore, it would be better if you actually used the right terms XD (Shinigami and Yami are among the only ones).


For example, "Soul" is "Tamashii" in Japanese, not "Souru". And since there's not a direct translation for "punch" I think, Soul Fist could be better, which would be "Tamashii no Ken" ("Ken" can also be used for "Sword").

Soul is Tamashii, Soul Punch is Sourupanchi, had to try google translate for this, and ya, there is no direct translation for Soul Punch, so it ends up using the most common pronunciation of the word punch. Honestly sounds better than Soul Punch if the name and ability stuck, it sounds cheesy. 意t度得sんてゃヴぇとべえぁcていてぇr。


Da'te is the name of ancient Samurai Clan, Tanemune is just some random Japanese name. 


Ahahaha! HAHAHA! no.

And what's wrong with them? Ninja were born in Japan, Tenno are ninja, not sure if they study the arts even though they use them, but they're still ninja none-the-less ( but with guns now ). Most of the game's background music has distinct styles of Japanese music. Why not have some Japanese names in the game?

Edited by icanhaztehcookie
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Since there are no details on abilities mechanics I'm gonna be open-minded about it. However name are... horrible. Give them a bit of flavour. Just from top of my head:

Soul Punch > (plain) Soul Strike or (more poetic) Desolation

Terror Totem > Phobia

Search the dead > Scavenge

Clone the dead > (plain) Command the dead or (more poetic) Nemesis

Also when it comes to Search the dead I would see it as temporary aura that will increase drop from all enemies in radius for it's duration. Also I would consider adding some secondary effect - maybe slow?


As far as I remember from livestream Soul Punch is going to spread after hit to nearby targets.

I'm going to farm him even for pure look.

Edited by xGryphus
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First of all make the abilities a lot more necromancy related I have a totally new skill set in my mind that fits the.necromancy theme:

1)A skill that marks an enemy for x seconds and maybe even increases the damage taken for that duration for that target by an x amount just like novas molecular prime and killed.enemies.while skills short duration persists will give.necro a stored soul to use later for the ulti(I will explain that)

2)Instead of making us place.a.stationary "totem" necro himself can cause enemies in a small radius around him to be feared(so the fear mechanic from the totem is here)

3)Necro sacrifices all of his shield to give him and his allies damage boost depending on how much.shield necro had.before using the skill(hell, this skill can be called dark pact or something.better since.necromancy also has sacrificing in it)

4)Necro summons a dark ghoul or minion or batman(whatever you want.to call it) for x.seconds that attacks with a scythe like melee weapon with a base.damage of.x+y(y is calculated by.imprisoned souls) and has a damaging aura like overheat that deals x+y(y is.calculated by imprisoned souls) and when no enemies.are left it follows necro for the left duration of the skill.or just disappears in a cool way(I dont even know!)and there must be x's in that calculation otherwise skill would rely too much on the.first skill.

Thanks for reading my ideas and dont hesitate to use.them or change them in a good.way!

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Well, in the theme of necromancy, would be interesting if Mordecai (I'm calling him that until he is released) had these abilities - 


Ability A : Rotting Touch


Mordecai shoots out a projectile, that explodes in a small AoE, affecting the nearby enemies and allies alike, with added bonus of exploding again at the end of it's duration, with the next effect applied having progressively smaller lasting time and effect, along with not being applied to the host himself, to prevent exploits on bosses and alike. 


Upon impact, every enemy in the AoE takes damage to their armour (meaning reducing their armour). Allies, on the other hand, get a stacking armour buff for the duration.


This would make it a very nice buff/debuff utility, along with it's strength growing on huge crowds. Especially on the second pulse.


If you so wish to have a scilencey explanation, Mordecai would shoot out a small cloud of nanites, who would be able to either use their energy to reinforce a friedly nanite assemble, or to violently reuse their hosts' matter to create more of themselves.


Ability B : Mass Curse


Mordecai projects a field around him, doubling the damage to foes in it, while reducing damage their attacks deal, with a chance of their weapon exploding in their hands. Enemies affected have a high chance of attempting to flee in terror, with Mordecai appearing in a dark aura.


Effect moves with him, like WoF, giving an AoE damage buff similar to Molecular Prime, it's tradeoffs being lower range and need of frame to stay in the heat of things, while having the plus of medium CC and applying to every enemy who enters the range.


Sciensy explanation? Nanites! More nanites! ALL THE NANITES! Sprayed into the air around Mordecai to affect his enemies. And it looks scary.


Ability C : Bone Armour/Bone Golem


Actually a bone armour would better fit as ability B, but since I've seen that awesome art, no simple bone armour can do.


Bone golem is above it! Created by Mordecai from the corpses of his foes, golem provides an absorb shield and a melee damage buff as long as the kills go on. But hey, whatever makes the killing stop?


The golem is created with lower-than-IronSkin health, but has one difference - it grows with each kill. Until reaching the cap (determined by the mods level), each kill Mordecai scores adds to it's health and it's health max, with, of course, visual indication of each level. When the cap is reached, each kill just restores golem's health. Golem prevents stagger and disruption, completely absorbs all damage and explodes upon death for a mild CC to help it's wearer survive. 


Only tradeoff would be that you can't use ranged weapons while in it, but who needs those?


Sciensy explanation? Nanites, that use organic matter they come in contact with to build and reinforce the structure of golem, provided the matter stays in contact long enough.


Ability D : Deadman Mark


Mordecai emits an AoE pulse, that marks enemies, applying no effect. That is, until enemies go down. Upon death, each marked enemy respawns into an undead drone, that fights alongside tenno. I'm not too sure it would be that good to let Mordecai rise exact copies, but eh, DE's okay with it.


Each copy draws aggro and, if their count is above the cap, at the cost of it's health projects a small pulse of AoE fear, that makes enemies too close run. The more enemies Mordecai has under his control, the stronger and the more often the pulse is, at the price of expiring faster. (that is, rising an entire wave killed by Nova will probably make the next wave hide in spawn points, provided it lives until the timer goes out)


Sciensy explanation? Nanites again. Can't make a step without those guys. Specifically now, they are projected to try and hijack neural networks of the targets. A shame they can't do that while brain is alive. Bigger shame they get so clumsy an unrealistic when there's not enough power.

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