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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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Soul Punch is Sourupanchi, had to try google translate for this


Google translate doesn't always give you the right translation, especially for Japanese; it's even less accurate when you put more than one word in it. When it can't find the right word, it will use the Japanese pronunciation of the English words. Just read it out loud and you'll realize that it actually spells Soul [souru] Punch [Panchi]. It's like Falcon Punch, which they still say Farucon Panchi instead of using the actual Japanese words, just because of its iconic name.


It's not actual Japanese. That's what people often refer as Engrish (read the "pop culture" part):



That's why I pointed it out. In the end, giving such names will make it look even more silly because it's like a Japanese not knowing exactly how to pronounce the English name, so they use their own syllables to pronounce it.


For example, in Tales of The Abyss, there's an attack called Lost Fon Drive. They didn't want to make a true Japanese name for this attack since it sounds cool, so they say "Losuto Fon Duraivu". Does "Losuto = Lost" in Japanese? No it doesn't. It's still English, but pronounced with Japanese syllables.


This is done very often in Japanese popular culture, which is why it will sound silly outside of its context, such as in Warframe. Those suggestions given may not work too well, especially to people who are aware of these aspects and are very much exposed to it often, either from Japanese anime/manga or video games.

Edited by Casardis
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I just hope that the looks don't get too wacky. Warframes are just that after all, mechanical (correct me if I'm wrong) frames that encases a being of flesh. I can understand that the different looks on the frames (for ex. Loki's/ Frost's horns) are traditional and create unique appearances. But it looks like Necro is gona have these long tentacle like spines swinging about. Do they serve a technical purpose? He almost looks like a being on his own rather than a warframe?


Warframes aren't mechanical; they are biological suits created from some variant of the virus which creates Infested.  It is unknown to what extent the suit melds with the host (some of the bosses refer to it as a second skin), and whether the process is reversible. 

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What about an AoE that pulls souls from enemies so that they are more vulnerable. Visual would be a wispy hologram looking thing stuck to an enemy, like Nyx's Chaos. Shooting at the revealed soul does extra damage and armor ignore to the physical body.


I really like this one a lot +1 im at a loss as to how to Sciency-fy it but it sounds cool, thats the problem with a few people's ideas here they dont fit the general theme of Warframe, by that I mean they go out of their way to make anything Magical be explained by something else more science and technology inspired.

Edited by The_Unlife
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ok am gonna be totally honest:

necro's abilities does not look too good


let me elaborate:

1. Soul punch... name is horrible, its % of damage and reduces armor. I see this as a not needed skill.

Armor penetrating weapons > soul punch. Damage for % is difficult to scale and its single target. Change that to if (flat value<x%) calculateDmg(x%);


Consider a change of name to Decay, and also the x% of damage and armor reduction passes to nearby enemies (in high level missions this would be usable). Also make it a time based skill, so the target gets 1/5 x%dmg and armor reduction per second. And while the ability is alive (5 sec) it can jump to more targets. Also ignores shields and slows the enemy (it decays, gets older, loses vitality whatever rocks your boat :))


2. Fear totem, sounds interesting, not sure if its a place object skill, or the necro changes shape and becomes a totem, or its a projection in the enemy mind, still sounds usable whatever it is. Also consider this as a third skill, make it more energy hungry and give it some good range. Also if possible give the object (if its a placed object or necro) a nice looking figure (like death, with the torn black cape and scythe or something similar to embers WoF where the orbs look like souls).

Also if you are looking for an alternative ability, for rooting, make him create an ether altar, which will summon floor portals, from which hands of the undead rise from the ground, and grab the enemies (and press them to the ground for the duration of the skill). Name suggestion: Grip of the dead (or deathly grip)


3. Search the dead... name is horrible, mechanics sounds uninteresting, looks like a slot that will be formated as soon as possible. Am sure that this will not give rare resources (would brake the game, and sell less platinum).

Consider something more beautiful for this one. Like Trinity's link (or the new link) where the necro leaches life from the target (or targets) or make him a bit tankier by redirecting the dmg to the target (or targets). Make it a time skill, so if the link's target is destroyed it searches for a new one. Necro with some spooky soul tentacles would be a nice sight. Suggested name : Soul shackle 


4. Rise the dead... well first you have to kill them, then you use them. Sounds like a nerfed Nyx skill (or the same if you have a Nova in your party). Also sounds costly, performance wise (enemy + risen enemy). Also sounds bad because the undead army (if we could call it that way) is gonna be a meat shield that will absorb bullets (enemies and players). Also the aggro of the enemies isn't calculated in this, thus there is a chance that the enemy is gonna attack the pod/players until they are attacked by the undead (which means only a set of targets will be aggroed and max will be the number of undeads). So i don't see how this is a good skill. Maybe am mistaken here, but there are much simpler way to create an effective ulty for the necro.

Consider something more devastating, and skill required, like a limited set of bone/soul spears that player shoots (like 15 or 15 sec time based) and has a 100% chance to penetrate and "glue" the enemy to the wall (1 spear can penetrate more enemies). Targets have a x% to instantly die, does 2000 dmg, but the targets that survive, are sticked to the wall and stunned for a few sec and then released from the spear. If you think thats not much, add the previous "Decay" effect on the top of it (the decay can still catch on nearby targets making it useful in melee). It would make a fun skill, with usability, that can be good if your aim is true :). Also would make a nice graveyard effect (lots of enemies penetrated by soul spears impaled on the walls or impaled to the ground) Suggested name: Soul Barrage (or Soul Spear).


Thou it seems my imagination is out of control (again T.T)



1: soul punch meh this is ok but were ganna need a buff for this a fairly medium/large 1 if u ask me its alrigth but i rather have a leech life thing


2:terror totem well its a alrigth power but not very original  personaly i think necro should be a more offensive warframe especialy considering his last 2 powers wont be that effective without some offence if u ask me this just sounds like a buffed radial blind so consider giving the totem 1 offensive capability


3 loot the dead yeah i agree with EVERYTHING this guy said about it sell less plat so thats bad for warframe company doesnt look useful in a battle situation personaly i dont give a S#&amp;&#036; if its original better if it is but still dont care just be good i think this should be COMPLETELY replaced with another offensive ability OR AT LEASTE let the corpses explode and drop the stuff just for the hell of it also be nice if when they explode maybe they would still be intact so instead of exploding more like emmiting a charge just in case u wanna use clone the dead


4 clone the dead OK THIS IS THE ONLY REALLY GOOD 1 A NECROMANCER NEEDS! TRUE it does sound like NYX CHAOS BUT, i think its more buffed than debuffed mostly because unlike chaos the targets will not attack each other and instead be helping each other if anything BUT,DUE 2 THE FACT U HAVE 2 KILL EM 1ST AND NECROS LACK OF OFFENCE I BELIEVE THIS WONT BE A GOOD POWER AT ALL! also unlike chaos of course its also cost an extra 25 energy so....

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Well, in the theme of necromancy, would be interesting if Mordecai (I'm calling him that until he is released) had these abilities - 


Ability A : Rotting Touch


Mordecai shoots out a projectile, that explodes in a small AoE, affecting the nearby enemies and allies alike, with added bonus of exploding again at the end of it's duration, with the next effect applied having progressively smaller lasting time and effect, along with not being applied to the host himself, to prevent exploits on bosses and alike. 


Upon impact, every enemy in the AoE takes damage to their armour (meaning reducing their armour). Allies, on the other hand, get a stacking armour buff for the duration.


This would make it a very nice buff/debuff utility, along with it's strength growing on huge crowds. Especially on the second pulse.


If you so wish to have a scilencey explanation, Mordecai would shoot out a small cloud of nanites, who would be able to either use their energy to reinforce a friedly nanite assemble, or to violently reuse their hosts' matter to create more of themselves.


Ability B : Mass Curse


Mordecai projects a field around him, doubling the damage to foes in it, while reducing damage their attacks deal, with a chance of their weapon exploding in their hands. Enemies affected have a high chance of attempting to flee in terror, with Mordecai appearing in a dark aura.


Effect moves with him, like WoF, giving an AoE damage buff similar to Molecular Prime, it's tradeoffs being lower range and need of frame to stay in the heat of things, while having the plus of medium CC and applying to every enemy who enters the range.


Sciensy explanation? Nanites! More nanites! ALL THE NANITES! Sprayed into the air around Mordecai to affect his enemies. And it looks scary.


Ability C : Bone Armour/Bone Golem


Actually a bone armour would better fit as ability B, but since I've seen that awesome art, no simple bone armour can do.


Bone golem is above it! Created by Mordecai from the corpses of his foes, golem provides an absorb shield and a melee damage buff as long as the kills go on. But hey, whatever makes the killing stop?


The golem is created with lower-than-IronSkin health, but has one difference - it grows with each kill. Until reaching the cap (determined by the mods level), each kill Mordecai scores adds to it's health and it's health max, with, of course, visual indication of each level. When the cap is reached, each kill just restores golem's health. Golem prevents stagger and disruption, completely absorbs all damage and explodes upon death for a mild CC to help it's wearer survive. 


Only tradeoff would be that you can't use ranged weapons while in it, but who needs those?


Sciensy explanation? Nanites, that use organic matter they come in contact with to build and reinforce the structure of golem, provided the matter stays in contact long enough.


Ability D : Deadman Mark


Mordecai emits an AoE pulse, that marks enemies, applying no effect. That is, until enemies go down. Upon death, each marked enemy respawns into an undead drone, that fights alongside tenno. I'm not too sure it would be that good to let Mordecai rise exact copies, but eh, DE's okay with it.


Each copy draws aggro and, if their count is above the cap, at the cost of it's health projects a small pulse of AoE fear, that makes enemies too close run. The more enemies Mordecai has under his control, the stronger and the more often the pulse is, at the price of expiring faster. (that is, rising an entire wave killed by Nova will probably make the next wave hide in spawn points, provided it lives until the timer goes out)


Sciensy explanation? Nanites again. Can't make a step without those guys. Specifically now, they are projected to try and hijack neural networks of the targets. A shame they can't do that while brain is alive. Bigger shame they get so clumsy an unrealistic when there's not enough power.



1 ok ur mordecai thing is weird but im just ganna COMPLETELY IGNORE IT! no as for thw power u came up witha  lot of good 1s i did a seperate thread myself but this seems 2 be 2 much like venom from sayrn almost the same thing BUT NONE THE LESS GOOD!


2:mass curse ok very nice as debuff affect but consider drawing enemis in and creating a cyro affect i mean if u want the most out of it u dont want them fleeing in terror


3:bone armor OK LOL THIS IS ACTULY THE SAME &amp;#&#33; THING I POSTED MY (LOL) OTHER FOURUM BUT I DID NOT CALL IT GOLEM JUST BONE ARMOR EVERY 1 COMPLAINED NOT ORIGINAL I DONT GIVE A S#&$ JUST AS LONG AS ITS GOOD! the only differance being u could still use ranged weapons BUT the benafit of melee was that every enemy killed with melee has a chance like idk 35% maybe 25% 50% 2 come back as a nanobot clone of course and the other differance was instead of just health and armor it would benafit all abilitY stats speed armor base DMG from melee almost everything the only bad side was it would be VERY SMALL ! CONSIDERING ITS ALMOST EVERY STAT IT MUST BE SMALL! eventuly stacking in multipel times would still only get at max a medium in boost nothing extreamly powerful or any wherre near powerful but if stacked same goes for weak willl not be any where near weak.ALSO ABOUT THE GOLEM THING?well at 1st i though MY GOD HE IS COPYING ME BUT AFTER I READ IT THEN I UNDERSTOD u see in my thread i made a thing called D.E.A.T.H. IT-SELF and BASICALY all that was is necro would deploy an extreamly powerful combat drone codenamed DEATH! it would act like the stalker but weaker at basic once maxed out though it would be ewven tougher than the stalker(ALSO I BUT THIS AS THE 100 ENERGY POWER)  it would also have some weps idk which 1s be cool if they made more anti-wps wat i calle em but u may call em stalker weps,and 4 abilitys just like tenno but it would only start with 1 for each rank u  give it it gains 1 ability so in the end 4.SO BASICLALY UR MAKING A ARTIFICIAL TENNO!


4 DEAD MANS MARK! well the way i see this is just a buffed/more efficiant version of clone the dead as instead of u having 2 affect the corpses which is a pain in the &amp;#&#33; it will affect living units as well so YAY BUT CONSIDER GIVING THE TARGETS A DEBUFF JUST CUZ!








also plz dont ban me XD i am just espressing my though after all freedom of speech right? i am sry for offending any 1 or thing ......have a good day :D ;) seriously tho dont get me wrong i think warframe is awesome

Edited by gam35shadowdeadsilence
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If so many people are leaning to the "meh" or "great, another useless ability" side on Soul Punch, why not just reanimate the corpse if they die from it or die within a certain time limit(Sounds like Nyx, innit?)?


Also, since some people think that Necro's ulti is just some knock off nyx ability, give them zombies extra health and damage or something.


Also also, +1 on all the hate for Search/Loot the dead. There's too much ammo.


Also also also, also.

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also plz dont ban me XD i am just espressing my though after all freedom of speech right? i am sry for offending any 1 or thing ......have a good day :D ;) seriously tho dont get me wrong i think warframe is awesome


Um, take a chill pill, maybe? Your entire post did not need to be in all caps. It's obnoxious and makes it so that no one wants to read it or care.


Anyways, I think that Necro's 1, 2, and 4 abilities are pretty good, all of course depending on numbers and so forth.


They mentioned in the livestream that Soul Punch (horrible name, needs to change) is going to work a bit like Volt's Shock, hitting the target and then creating projectiles that hit others. Also, I don't understand what people are complaining about with the % damage. This allows the skill to scale with the enemy. Isn't that the problem most damage abilities have? Bad scaling? Yeah, it means you can't kill anything with the move, but you can weaken them, and if the % is big enough, in higher levels that damage could be pretty useful. No, it can't kill, but it scales infinitely the way it is now. I like it. The killing can be left to the weapons (which most people would use anyways to make a set-damage ability obsolete). 


Terror Totem: Perhaps not the most creative ability, but a good CC that works with the theme nonetheless. Hopefully it doesn't outperform Vauban's Bastille horribly, or at all, though I guess it's possible that it will until the next warframe comes along and DE feels more free to nerf. Anyways, good ability.


Search the Dead......needs to go. I've seen some pretty good suggestions for skills that can replace it on this thread. Anything, either CC or damaging, will be tons more useful. Perhaps a skill that debuffs enemies ala Nova's ultimate style (but without the range or explosion), or something like a vampire ability, or even simply an ability that creates a giant black/dark red scythe that makes Necro swing and deal a certain amount of armor piercing damage to those in front of him which gets added as health to the team. You could call it Reaping. Yeah, that sounds good. lol


His ultimate sounds pretty awesome. I'm happy that it isn't a nuke of any kind. The only issue I see is that with Novas and other nukers running around, it could be hard to get the kills you need for it. Apart from that, the clones need to draw aggro, and actively attack, not use the "run-and-cover" AI of the enemy. Also, nothing but bosses can be immune to it. The Reaping ability I mentioned would be good way to provide utility and the damaging potential needed to use Clone the Dead effectively. 


Anyways, names for everything need work, Search the Dead needs to be changed. Good work so far, and I can't wait to get Necro!



*Hopes someone from DE reads this and other good posts*

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the last power will be op. eg on xini lets say he killed 100 guys will they all be there fighting or will u put a cap on it?


They'd be fighting for a few seconds, they would have limited lasting time if they are over the limit, shortening upon cap being exeeded.

Welp, Mordeai thing is just sillyness.
1 - Well, unlike Saryn's venom, Rotting touch wouldn't deal DoT, instead creating a pandemic of permanent armour debuffing with minor damage, maybe.
2 - Drawing them in wouldn't fit the theme, I guess, but it would be fun. Especially with something like bone armour. Just tried to make it a bit closer to Terror Totem.
3 - Well, good ideas sound alike. Necromancer isn't much threat without his trusty bone armour. The only difference is that the picture in thise thread left me gasping in ave and impression, and it would be absolutely awesome if that golem could provide devastating melee attacks. Also, a unique mechanic, which is always, always a plus.
4 - Considering how semi-op it would already be, debuff could be too much. On the other hand, a bit of slowing down would be fun, so why not?
Either way, thank you for feedback... Maybe you should link your thread more often, I missed it.
Edited by GTG3000
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i think his abilities need a bit more work, esspecially search the dead which has to go. it doesnt seem very useful. when an enimies die wouldnt one loot their corpse to begin with? we also get enough from dead bodies anyway. the 3rd skill just seems rushed and unneed. perhaps a life draining ability like you mentioned in the stream. just please change this to something a bit more fleshed out. ive seen a lot of great suggestions in the forums. i would have also prefered a little more thought into the 2nd and maybe the 1st. the 2nd one doesnt seem very necroish. y would he need a totem to scare someone away, he is scary enough. the 1st is his best basic ability from what i can see/read. though i think a bit more could have been done. his ultimate is fine, though i think if there arent already dead enemies around, or if there are still a few living ones, it should do dmg to the living ones (possibly kill) then make the soul. love the design, though i think he should a have a kind of robe on since he is a mage. (on a side not not like a dress robe that you see most mages wear. something like a long coat, like frost wears.) other than that i like the idea. i just think a bit more work needs to be done. 


ps. sorry for the bad grammar, was in a rush

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


Looks great but I hope they change the skill names of Soul Punch to Spirit Disrupter, Terror Totem to Fearsome Apparition, Search the Dead to Scavenger, and Clone the dead to Necromancy.  It looks cool to play it though, keep it up!

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I really like this one a lot +1 im at a loss as to how to Sciency-fy it but it sounds cool, thats the problem with a few people's ideas here they dont fit the general theme of Warframe, by that I mean they go out of their way to make anything Magical be explained by something else more science and technology inspired.

Maybe he could infect enemies with a plague that make their body parts bulge up, and you could shoot those, instead. But disease is sorta Saryn's thing...

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His 3 could be a stabilizing ability, stopping downed teammate's health drain for X seconds.


Or his 3 could apply a debuff that, if an enemy is killed with this debuff active. he automatically resurrects to fight for the Tenno, albeit with relatively low HP increased by rank.

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Power name suggestion in order.




totem of fear ( I cant do better, bravo)


Blood money


shadow fragment


Power suggestion( why not?)


(no points for originality)- Necro is downed and re-spawns at his body as a "reaper" in this "reaper form" he deals double melee damage and is immune to damage. However Necro must get a kill in this form to be revived automatically or a teammate can "break his trance" and revive him before the time runs out.

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I'm really liking Necro, and I don't have a problem with the abilities, I just don't think he should have seach the dead. It'd would do pretty well as a mod, it could be put on the new sentinel, or if you wanted a warframe to have an ability to have something to do with drops you could always have Mag's Pull, pull drops as well, kinda like Vauban's Vortex.


First idea: Essence theft

I got a bit inspired by one of the earlier posts about having a self buffing power, maybe absorb shields from corpus, health from Grineer, and armour from infested? A DoT kind of thing that affects everything in it's 8,10,12,14 radius, before the mod effects.  The time could go with the up in 10,20,30,40, again before the mods and having the absorb rate set maybe a 5% shields from corpus, 5% health from grineer and 2.5% amrour from infested. Of course the values are completely changeable if what I’ve said is a bit more powerful than is fair. This idea pretty much combines the life drain with the self buffing.


My original idea: Necrosis (maybe this should've been an ult power)

Slow enemies within the radius, and turn segments (or maybe a random limb or areas) necrotic, within the same radius. The necrotic would turn black like it was decayed and the affected areas would be an armour reduction, and unable to be used (now for the complex part). Necrotic legs would cause enemies to limp even after being out of the radius, arms would make it harder for them to attack, heads would lower their reaction to aggro and torso would lower them to 9/10 or slightly higher/lower of their total health. Being random this wouldn't be too powerful, but still useful, especially when getting swarmed, perfect for defence and survive or die. radius would be 5,10,20,40 and area turned necrotic would be 4%,8%,16%,20%


I'd really love these to be in the game, if not in Necro then slightly tweaked and in a different frame.

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How about replacing "Search the Dead" with


"Cheat Death" Version 1


Power has duration.


When this power is active and Necro's health reaches 0, he temporarily enters an "undead" state by super-controlling his own body to function beyond the limits and balance of living things. Result: "Death" is delayed until power runs out, so that Necro can either get health orbs, get to trinity, or at least get to a safe place to "die" so that it is easier for team mates to revive him, or even just to take a last vengeful shot at the guy who killed him.


If Cheat Death can be chained, theoretically, if Necro can get enough powers, he can use another Cheat Death at the end of the first one (if we allow a window of opportunity for him to extend it before death finally catches up)


Points to consider: should the "undead" state be totally immune to damage or have a damage capacity but with increased armor (body is super-controlled in "undead" state so that it can function beyond what stability limits of living things) so that when damage capacity is reached, Necro will die unless he uses another Cheat Death.



"Cheat Death" Version 2 (or Raise Dead? Rise from Dead? Resurrection? )


When Necro is killed while this power is active, instead of requiring a team mate to revive him (they can still do so), Necro will enter a pseudo-death stupor (like a vampire?) to quietly recover, by drawing materials and energy from nearby (i.e. dead things around). At a time later, Necro will automatically "revive" without a team mate. The more dead things around, and the higher the level of the power, the faster and higher health will be when he "revived". Note: Having a team mate revive will still be faster and will always give full health.

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DE please for the love of god change all this crap up i mean seriously the powers are not well thought out. well soul punch(awful name) is ok

but terror totem should be radial then called nightmares.

search the dead should be replaced with an ability that allows you to walk through enemies to gather life and at the end of animation distribute it throughout the team or something.

and rethink the ult completely like maybe a an actual theme here where the F*** do the nano bots come from i mean seriously DE jumped into their own band wagon with that one

i know ive posted this a few time but its a good reference  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/95600-crypt-the-wicked-warframe/

this is hours of work(20 min but that how my mind works its fast) thoughts idea passion and visualization style and originality(so ive been told not totting my own horn here tot lol) which the ideas i see on your thread lack. im disgusted you'd give us such unthoughtful childish ideas. im not sure what ill do if this crap actually gets into the game but i want DE to know if you dont change this that i always had faith in you guys when others didnt but im not sure anymore (BTW SORRY IM REALLY TIRED AND A LITTLE INTOXICATED BUT I MEAN WHAT I SAY)

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I think this Necroframe should be way different than other warframes


He shouldn't be able to walk instead he should be able to hover on the ground and jump higher than any other warframe. 

You should add long tentacle-like cape to his model, which would make more sense for him to hover 


I like the idea of Soul Punch and Clone the dead, so I'm keeping them as first and second abilities


His third ability should be phase shifting, just like Martian Manhunter - When you activate it you can phase through enemies or solid objects. Enemies can't harm you, your melee damage increase during phase shifting. Phase shifting should be 10 seconds long - can of course be upgraded with continuity. But really important thing is you shouldn't be able to use any weapon during phase shifting. You melee enemies with your tantacles instead. 


His fourth ability should be ''Cape of fear'' - (sorry for the bad english) His cape spreads to bunch of very long tentacles - like that S#&$ in naruto, creating a @(*()$ giant tentacle tornado and killing every enemy around him....well except big mobs like disruptors or healers, but necroframe should be able to knock them down. 

Edited by OverlordYanko
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