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scarves may be really nice for cloth or leather armor.

but still, any kind of cloth does NOT fit onto hightech battlesuits made of alloy.


Those robots with the electric staffs (staves ?) in Revenge of the Sith looked pretty cool, and they were metallic with cloaks !

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Those robots with the electric staffs (staves ?) in Revenge of the Sith looked pretty cool, and they were metallic with cloaks !

i wouldn't compare star wars with warframe. their optic styles differ too much. star wars uses a retro futuristic style already with lots of cloaks'n'stuff.

but would you drag a scarf around nomad's nanosuit? or master chief's battle armor? i guess not. it just doesn't fit the style.

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Just wait till you see other players flying around with their scarves flailing with Nvidia PhysX (lol) and you'll be rockin' one in no time. XD

But the problem is that it will only be distracting We're third person, not side scrolling or cinematic movement like Journey or Prince of Persia.

All the potential visuals  are squandered by the fact we're mostly either sprinting in one direction or aiming.

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i wouldn't compare star wars with warframe. their optic styles differ too much. star wars uses a retro futuristic style already with lots of cloaks'n'stuff.

but would you drag a scarf around nomad's nanosuit? or master chief's battle armor? i guess not. it just doesn't fit the style.

In your opinion, I actually think Crysis + cloaks would look cool, and that new Halo trailer with the Chief in a cloak ? That worked out.

I guess it's because you know... something "looking good" is subjective.

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Cue the thread with an intentionally vague title to entice people to click on it.


The topic/images of the upcoming Warframe scarves is a fairly 'hot topic' on the Forums at the moment.

I've expressed my opinions on a handful of threads so far.

Personally, I hate the look of the 'shinobi' style scarves. However, I'm not going to whinge and moan, complaining about how they shouldn't be added.

While I don't like them, it's fine if others do. I can just refrain from using them.


Anyway, onto the actual thread subject.

I always post the same two pictures on threads about scarves, here they are:




I'd buy platinum in an instant if I could get something resembling Artorias' cape/mantle/scarf/shawl/whatever.

I think that would suit the Warframes so much more than the 'shinobi' stuff that we're getting.


Yes please T_T.

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scarves may be really nice for cloth or leather armor.

but still, any kind of cloth does NOT fit onto hightech battlesuits made of alloy.



You've obviously not looked very far. Cloth and armor can look incredible, just look at Destiny. Scarves, capes, cloaks and armor out the wazoo and it is all so very sexy.


Not that i will buy it, but yea it looks so much better than that sissy scarf that they find the time to design instead of implementing a crosshair option which i would gladly buy.


Someone still doesn't understand the concept of game developers and teams.

Edited by FatalX7
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Cloth and armor can look incredible



While, this is plate armour, not futuristic. I can only imagine it'd look even better with streamlined, futuristic war suits.


These plus, you know, the Artorias pics from my OP.



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They have to start somewhere, I think we will see capes, but for now we get scarves. Cosmetics are, after all, the bread and butter of most F2P

That's true. These shinobi scarves are probably just the beginning.


Also true that "Cometics are the bread and butter of most f2p". Which is the big problem with the current WF market.

But, that's for another thread...

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Someone still doesn't understand the concept of game developers and teams.





Well answer me this then mr. knowitall.

A crosshair option vs a scarf, both will create an income for DE.

Which one do you think will benefit the players more?

And which one is easier to implement?


My answer for both is crosshair.

It's easier because it's client side and it sure as hell is easier to design

It won't cause problem such as clipping and adding unnecessary load to other people's vga.


What do you think will happen when there is a clipping problem?

A bunch of players who bought the scarf are going to whine and rant for a fix.

So instead of improving this game they gonna have to work on the hot fix.


Do you understand my logic now. genius?

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Not going to argue that a crosshair option would be welcome.


Though, I'm not going to call the scarves an "eyesore".

There's already the option to colour your warframe hot pink, lime green, blue, bright purple.

Shinobi scarves aren't going to top that.


When i said an eyesore, i meant the one that DE design, the one one your post looks pretty good, but i if there's an option that allows me not to see other players wearing that, i'd turn it on in a heartbeat.


I had a terrible fps drop when playing the survival mission, i really don't want to add an extra load to my vga.

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Scarf in image no... scarves Excalibur, and trinity were wearing in LS ftw... I want that ethereal hologram scarf so much...



Every time I see these 2 pics I know what the post is about and who wrote it and I just upvote it :3



I can't count how many times I have seen you post this. xD



Well, I figured everyone was getting sick of me spamming the images, may as well create my own thread about it. ^^

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Well answer me this then mr. knowitall.

A crosshair option vs a scarf, both will create an income for DE.

Which one do you think will benefit the players more?

And which one is easier to implement?


My answer for both is crosshair.

It's easier because it's client side and it sure as hell is easier to design

It won't cause problem such as clipping and adding unnecessary load to other people's vga.


What do you think will happen when there is a clipping problem?

A bunch of players who bought the scarf are going to whine and rant for a fix.

So instead of improving this game they gonna have to work on the hot fix.


Do you understand my logic now. genius?

I'm used to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series giving what is essentially a perfect crosshair for each weapon that changes based on if you're crouched, walking, running, turning too fast, IE it always updates with the weapon spread for each weapon. Load in shot for a small double-barrel shotgun? Congratulations, your shot will hit everything directly in front of you, making shot-using shotguns ideal for mutant hunting. Load in a Slug on a Semi-Automatic Shotgun designed for use in urban warfare? If you're a good shot, you can nail some poor schmuck in the chest from 50+ meters away. The crosshair changes and lets you know how accurate/inaccurate the weapon (and ammo type for shotguns) can be.

Here we just get a dot over a half-circle line that doesn't help me for S#&$ when trying to snipe a Corpus Crewman on the other side of a wide open defense map with the LEX or Snipetron Vandal.

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I'm used to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series giving what is essentially a perfect crosshair for each weapon that changes based on if you're crouched, walking, running, turning too fast, IE it always updates with the weapon spread for each weapon. Load in shot for a small double-barrel shotgun? Congratulations, your shot will hit everything directly in front of you, making shot-using shotguns ideal for mutant hunting. Load in a Slug on a Semi-Automatic Shotgun designed for use in urban warfare? If you're a good shot, you can nail some poor schmuck in the chest from 50+ meters away. The crosshair changes and lets you know how accurate/inaccurate the weapon (and ammo type for shotguns) can be.

Here we just get a dot over a half-circle line that doesn't help me for S#&$ when trying to snipe a Corpus Crewman on the other side of a wide open defense map with the LEX or Snipetron Vandal.



I would love it if DE use the crosshair system like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series but i doubt that's gonna happen. There's going to be too much work for DE, you know how busy they are with the scraves design and making sure they don't clip against the S#&$ load of weapons we have on wf.

I would settle for a crosshair in the shape of  + about  1mm thick with bright colour option for it.


It a shame that DE neglected this feature, they made the unreal series ffs.

9 major update later and they come up with scarves, how crazy is that.

Edited by K0ZURE
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I would love it if DE use the crosshair system like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series but i doubt that's gonna happen. There's going to be too much work for DE, you know how busy they are with the scraves design and making sure they don't clip against the S#&$ load of weapons we have on wf.

I would settle for a crosshair in the shape of  + about  1mm thick with bright colour option for it.


It a shame that DE neglected this feature, they made the unreal series ffs.

9 major update later and they come up with scarves, how crazy is that.


A proper crosshair system would be great.

I think one will come down the line. Probably not on their high priority list, though. :(

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