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IMPROVE FORTUNA UPDATE! Destiny 2 is free. Need to deploy Server.


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Counterpoint, Fortuna is also free. 


22 minutes ago, ThreeFeetOfMagic said:

Destiny 2 Pre forsaken was trash. With Forsaken is actually really good.

However Destiny 2 does NOT have dedicated servers. They also use p2p connections. 

Yeah and if history is to be any indication Destiny 2 finally being good means that it's about to be abandoned for Destiny 3 which will be a dumpster fire until it has a couple expansions under it's belt. 

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6 hours ago, Eirshy said:

Please. Vanilla Destiny 2 was completely ruined by Vanilla Destiny 2. The "expansions" are what actually makes the game playable- after you slog through the original campaign, of course.

Oh, so it's worse than I thought? You HAVE to get the DLC to actually enjoy the game? Ye gods.

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17 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

Same, though i'll give it props. The base story lasted longer than D1 and i played it longer than D1.

And that's all you did because everything else in the game was total garbage or not even in the game yet. And within a month we were sold an expansion pack.

Awful. Inexcusable. Disgusting.

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Stupid to compare Warframe to Destiny as in Warframe there is actually a lot more to do. I tried first Destiny game until the moment when I realised that new "expansion" has come out which locks me out of PvP and most PvE content if I don't buy it. After that I uninstalled the game and haven't bothered to even try Destiny 2.

And Destiny 2 already was free for PS4 couple of months ago. I doubt many people bothered to even waste HD space to give it a try knowing that it has never been for free and will never be.

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The Different between WARFRAME and DESTINY 2

WARFRAME treated u like adult, WARFRAME dun command u what to do/what to get because u are the boss of your own ACCOUNT. U decided how to spend your money, how to spend your time. U have 100% of control on customize and most important in WARFRAME no one have the same Fashionframe/Dojoframe/Orbiterframe. Unique to yourself

DESTINY 2 is opposite of WARFRAME

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On 2018-11-05 at 3:42 AM, Jenggo_Kalem said:

Hi DE, don't you know Destiny 2 is currently free until 18-Nov-2018 in PC. Im not comparing warframe to destiny. I Love warframe, but to me there is an interesting mechanic that i like in Destiny, and can be implement for Warframe improvement.

1. They have server!! no host migration issue. I like it compare to warframe Peer 2 Peer system. I really hate host migration. 
2, They have daily achievement task. Warframe can implement this (eg: Kill 100 lv.100 or higher Bombard). Not just damn alert.
3. The open world alert (public event) is cool. Enter the zone to participate. Leave the zone for quit. You can join more than 4 people to kill the alert boss (well, DE need to have their own server)
4. Cool bounty system. On the go bounty is very cool. You can take bounty in open world. Oh yeah and they had High Value Target.
5. Put every progress in a progress window. In warframe, You need to wait to see Riven challenge progress. Not consistent status progress.
6. Good safe point placement. I hate going to POE from cetus and return back to cetus mechanic. Need to have a seamless integration with map.
7. Has a High level zone. Warframe can have a multi high level zone (eg: lv 10-20 zone, lv. 100-120 zone). Maybe inside a cave. And if you survive inside the zone, you get a reward. 
If DE put this on Fortuna or maybe on the Railjack update. It will be very cool and make warfrane more addictive game. Im playing games since 1988, and warframe can keep me play more than a full year. No other games is. But just like warframe community said, more longer you play, the more need in-game content. I will bored playing warframe in the next 5 month and will uninstall it if DE not added more content or gameplay improvement.
Now Im playing Destiny 2, waiting for Fortuna update. I hope it exceed my expectations.

So you're playing Destiny 2 and in the meantime typing on the Warframe forums  , sounds like Destiny 2 isn't that engaging afterall .

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3 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

After all that was going on with Bungie/Activision regarding Destiny 2, why should anyone give them a chance? 

Also Destiny 3 developement just started. Why invest in Destiny 2 when it‘s lifecycle already has a hard limit?

Also: Railjack 🙂

Destiny 2 fanbase got this great pride that why even the game is bad but they will never admit.. Most of the destiny fanboy that defense the game is because they spend so much money and dun want to look like victim....

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