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Fortuna Will Fail. Here's why.


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1 hour ago, White_Matter said:

Of course it will, but it will provide us with 2 - 3 months of content. 

The problem lies within the games core. It has no end game. It has no challenge after a certain point and not enough incentive to take the challenge if you think there is one. 

Not enough variety between mission types, not enough variety between warfames and weapons. Most of the content in the game is purely cosmetic. Like you remove 80% of the weapons and frames in the game and nothing changes. 

Game needs a complete overhaul and I'm pretty sure even the devs know it, but they also know it is a hard thing to do. So they are taking the safe route and building on something mediocre rather than taking the risk and fixing the mediocrity. Which I guess is understandable from a business standpoint. 

As other people have explained, this is because WF is not your typical game. In case you hadn't noticed, it is very much story-driven - at least as far as the quests are concerned. Until they finish the story, they can't finish the game.

Open-world environments are designed for exploration, farming resources and tackling high-level enemies (which also happen to drop resources).

Any kind of "endgame content" would have to exist separately, outside of these, in order to avoid excluding newer players from main game content. It appears they've made a number of attempts to do this...raids, Conclave, ESO and now Arbitrations...but each one has been deemed a failure, (by some) for various reasons.

Maybe they could overhaul one of these modes to provide an adequate challenge for veteran players, but there is absolutely no reason to "completely overhaul the game", as you stated, because the main game is not designed around difficulty / challenge (beyond a certain point).


DE are in an impossible situation really. They gave frames and weapons so much power / ability that even the toughest content can be done with the best "meta" gear. But if they consider nerfing anything, there is an immediate outcry from the player base.

Same thing when they introduce new frames / weapons. If they aren't better in some way that everything thats gone before, its the same reaction..."OMG its crap - better off using [insert frame / weapon name here]...not gonna touch that pile of garbage til its buffed..."

You can't have it both ways. Either you accept nerfed gear that makes the content challenging, or choose to continue the power trip.

Edited by FlusteredFerret
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8 hours ago, RadiantArin said:

So before you jump on me for the title of the thread, I just want to state that this is all my personal opinion. I would very much like for the Fortuna update to succeed and bring in more players, but that's only from the standpoint of the new player. The standpoint from the veteran side of me has some personal qualms about how all of this is being handled. And I want to start with a couple of reasons why Fortuna won't keep the interest of the veterans, who have been begging for new content for over a year now.

1. We were not given any glimpse of any of the Spider bot bosses in Fortuna. We got a very small sneak peek during one of the dev-streams/Prime Times where Reb fought a Spider Bot Boss that was about Level 500 or something like that. If the Spider Bot bosses end up just being shallow Level 50 bosses much like Eidolons are, then there really isn't any point in chasing after the content because we'll just steam roll it anyway. To me, this was the most interesting part of Fortuna and for it to be neutered like this is going to be a painful blow to deal with.

2. There is no challenge with Fortuna. This kind of ties in with Point #1. If the Spider Bot enemies are going to be capped at Level 50 or some low level that isn't going to give veteran players a proper challenge, there's no point in playing Fortuna. All the enemies that were shown off in Fortuna are Level 20 Corpus trash fodder enemies that can be killed with a literal stick. Again, to the new player side, that's fine. But for us veterans, there isn't going to be much of a challenge there. We would just rather do Arbitrations because those actually present a challenge to us. An artificial difficulty challenge, but it's still challenging than Sorties.

3. The farming will be atrocious. We already know that's going to be a given. Us Veterans don't want to sit down and have to start EVERYTHING OVER AGAIN with Fortuna. Given how immense and polarized the farming was for PoE, the farming for Fortuna will likely be three times worse.

4. Kitguns are bad. The bread and butter, the creme of the crop, the most hyped up aspect of Fortuna that EVERYONE was jumping on the bandwagon for......is terrible. 


If this image is anything to look at from what was posted on the official website, these gun stats are absolute garbage. This chamber says that the gun will do 58 damage with 22% Critical Chance and 2.3x Multiplier. You know what has better stats? A REGULAR #*!%ING LEX. THAT YOU CAN BUY FOR 50K CREDITS. THAT DEALS ALMOST THREE TIMES THE DAMAGE. To add fuel to the fire, let's say this particular chamber needs 10k Credits, some Rubedo, some Fortuna Material, and Fortuna Gems for example (this is a complete hypothetical situation). It would just be more convenient to buy a straight upgrade for 50k Credits that can literally carry you through the game instead of having to waste time and resources crafting these.

Speaking of time and money, if Zaws are anything to go by, Kitguns will be extremely expensive to Forma if you're crazy for some reason and want to upgrade these things. The best Crit build for Secondaries is 5 Forma and the best Status Builds are 2-3 Forma. The reason Zaws aren't THAT Forma intensive is because you can put on Stances to increase Capacity. No such luck with Primaries and Secondaries, meaning you'll be sinking more Forma into a gun that's not even going to be able to kill Level 50s efficiently. No veteran wants that and I don't even think a newer player wants that.

5. The size of the map will deter newcomers away. Bigger isn't always better. If the map is convoluted or confusing to get around in, especially on foot, when newer players don't have access to Archwing Launchers or K-Drives, they're going to get frustrated and not play anymore. Plus, there are a number of issues that STILL TO THIS DAY haven't been solved regarding PoE's quality of optimization. Yes, the map is big, but there are people still even on Steam that can't even access PoE because they can't get past the door. Forgive me if I seem a little rude here but that is bullS#&$. I had to build my rig specifically so that I could run PoE and thank goodness I did, because I am actually sorry for all those people that can't experience Eidolon fights and can't grind the required materials needed to make the end game gear from PoE.

6. The set mods are garbage. With the exception of Tek Gravity and Mecha Pulse, and MAYBE Tek Collateral for some meme-y builds, absolutely none of these Mods are going to be used. 

7. Garuda is extremely underwhelming. Garuda looks like a combination of a clunky Volt, Valkyr, Nyx, and Revenant. Garuda is too many frames trying to be one frame. Her entire idea needs to be scrapped and rethought of, especially if her release is coming with Fortuna. Newer players and even some veterans are going to see Garuda, see how clunky she is, use her for MR fodder, and never use her again. At least Revenant and Khora are decent and Gara is good, but Garuda is extremely bland and boring, with a hodgepodge of ideas tacked onto a single frame. Her weapons look cool though, so props.


Again, this is just one person speaking their own thoughts but personally I really don't think Fortuna is going to be that great. Warframe still doesn't have the identity it sorely needs. It doesn't have endgame CONTENT. And I'm not talking about Arbitrations where it's the same recycled mission type over and over again. I mean REAL ENDGAME CONTENT.


It feels like to me DE is slowly losing touch with the playerbase with what we really want, which is new content for endgame players. Not the same mistakes from PoE.

1. Not spoiling all content does not make the content bad.

2. Not everyone's in it for the super l33t challenge contests. Content being accessible is not a bad thing. Just because it doesn't cater to -you- doesn't mean it will fail or be bad.

3. The devs already stated it won't be as bad as PoE was on launch.

4. That's ungilded stats. That's a completely unfinished product of unidentified components and build. If this thing was constructed as a middle-of-the-road type of gun, then these ungilded stats would be pretty impressive.

5. It won't, they can build experience on PoE before they migrate to Orb Vallis.

6. Two of the sets look like they have pretty good potential. With how much people are heaping on that status overload, the Kubrow set looks like it could wreak havoc, and the Kavat set has a crit damage booster in it that could prove valuable.

7. Garuda =/= Fortuna. Her kit actually looks somewhat interesting with internal synergy like Harrow's. We'll have to see her updated ult, but that's about it.


You're being really unfair to the devs with these weird assessments.

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