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September 5Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Survival Weekend


Congratulations Tenno, you survived the weekend! The feedback from the event has been awesome and it’s giving us great ideas for improvement. Many of you even said it was our best event yet (yay!). These events are great ways for us to determine what works for the game and what doesn’t. A majority of players loved Survival Weekend, but suggested a few tweaks be made. We discussed in our Stream the future of Survival mode, and can confirm that yes it will make its way as a permanent mission type in the game.


Bug Tracking


Being able to fix bugs that players report is a work in progress. Our bug forum is organized to specifically pinpoint what kind of bug is being reported, and we take time to review this area but agree better tracking would help. We’re working on a way to better acknowledge the reported issues.




If you tuned into Livestream #13 you would have seen Necro in all his terrifying glory! Not only did we show him in more detail, but we also mentioned his abilities. Many of you have already contributed to our discussion post about him and we love it. We have been seeing negative reactions with the third ability for Necro “Search The Dead”. We ourselves are not certain this will remain so stay tuned!


Necro isn’t the only Warframe in the spotlight. Nyx, Vauban, Ember, Trinity, and Mag will all receive changes to their powers.  To some this may be disheartening, but know our intentions are good! Warframes will continue to get tweaked until they’re just right.


Update 10


We’re getting very excited about what we’ve got coming for you Tenno! The sneak peeks we’ve been showing you are getting great feedback and we hope to be able to show you more before the big day. Here’s a quick recap!


Sound Controls


As helpful as the Lotus is, some players want more control when it comes to volume settings. George has confirmed that a Lotus volume slider is in the works; as well as Lotus re-recordings! This is beneficial for not only a more controlled gameplay, but also for the 500+ hour logged players who know the Lotus commands off by heart.




 We have a brief update on Trading:


“Most of the people who can work on trading, are working on the damage model changes, warframe buffs etc” -Steve


“The existing issues are damage models, certain Warframes not being viable, and certain weapon types not being viable. So the focus has really been on fixing those problems rather than taking a quantum leap [and adding trading]. I agree it is something that players ask for and we do need to have some trading in the game. The performance patch I’m hoping comes with Update 10.” -Steve



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To some this may be disheartening, but know our intentions are good! Warframes will continue to get tweaked until they’re just right.

I came to that conclusion. I really hope those changes to Trinity aren't as negative as they seem to me.


As a player who does not have interest in Search the dead, I'm very curious to hear what DE's thoughts were when creating it. I see it as a skill devoted to farming instead of fitting to Necros theme and being an ability that could easily be replaced by something more useful but maybe you had a bigger picture in mind that I'm not seeing and I'd like to hear more about it.


Looking forward to seeing all the updates in full light soon.

Edited by Haldos
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Names for Necro's Abilities! (Suggestion)

Ability #1: Soul Punch to Soul Expulsion

Ability #2: Terror Totem to Necrophobia

Ability #3: Search the Dead to Exorcism

Ability #4: Clone the Dead to Resurrection


We need life leech for Necro!

Life leech concepts: Bloodbath @ 50/75 energy?

Necro bathes in the blood of those who have fallen by his hand, revitalising him and his teammates.

Heals a certain % of Necro's and team's HP over a period of time, heals 5 times over a period of 10 seconds (To prevent Blessing from being obsolete)

Healing percentage scales with fusion, but number of ticks and duration of 10 seconds are unaffected by mods. Range is infinite like Blessing. Focus ups the healing percentage.

Heal amount(per tick): 5%/10%/15%/20%

Mod cost: 6/7/8/9

Vampirism @75 energy

Channeling powers from ancient realms, Necro siphons off blood from enemies to revitalise himself and his fellow teammates.

Enemies within Radius will suffer "Vampirism" Debuff, which makes enemies suffer armor-ignoring "Bleeding DOT" and Heals a percentage of health leeched from the enemies over a duration. Affected by Power strength (DoT), Power Duration (No. Of ticks) and Power Range (Radius) Mods. Range is finite as it is DoT + Life leech

Heal amount per tick: 35/40/45/50% of damage dealt by DoT healed as Health to all teammates.

Number of ticks: 5

Total damage(All the ticks combined: 200/300/400/500)

Range: 15m

I am all hyped up for U10!

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Necro isn’t the only Warframe in the spotlight. Nyx, Vauban, Ember, Trinity, and Mag will all receive changes to their powers.  To some this may be disheartening, but know our intentions are good! Warframes will continue to get tweaked until they’re just right.


At this point my question is more along the lines of what precisely your intentions are. At present, I simply don't know where you've chosen to go with this, or where it's intended to end up. I'd really appreciate some direct developer posts outlining a the thought processes that wound up here and how they fit in the broader sense.


Honestly, I'll admit I'm frustrated, but I think even more than the nerfs what frustrates me is the... Lack of coherence of the changes. The Livestreams, ability nerfs, new weapons, and events all say something completely different about where this game is going.

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Don't know why you still call this Threads "Community Hot Topics" because all you did here is giving a TL;DR for the livestream.


I thougt the Hot Topic Threads are a reflection and confirmation of what the community brought up and that you, DE, read and maybe look into it.



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