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September 5Th: Community Hot Topics!


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N - o - v -  a.

Thanks for the updates anyway.
And as much as I would like to see this new WF class, the model you showed , in my opinion, is far from being scary (or to hold the name 'necro')
as it looks like an old lady that got her clothes from the wreckage of a tornado.

Oh, and the community is mostly talking about how OP the swraith is, how the nerfhammer needs more aiming and derf anyo.
srsly, derf.

Edited by Eisen
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My liking of "Search the Dead" largely depends on what it actually does. The description for it in the Necro thread makes it sound pretty useless. Simply grabbing loot isn't exactly much of a challenge in most cases so I don't see much point in needing a power for it. On the livestream however, it sounded more like it was making bodies spawn EXTRA loot. Now that is much more interesting and worthy of using. It could essentially make Necro the resource farming Warframe, which would at least give it a viable and often used role even if isn't terribly great in combat.

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Looking forward to what the Glaive mod will do.

Steve mentiod a dual glaive as a joke. Now however i can't get that image out of my head anymore.

Will be interesting what the new Lotus comments will be like. I kind of like her as being both a mysterious order giver, but also having a bit of a chatty side, when giving new orders or commenting on the situations, instead of sounding totaly robotic serious all the time.
Let's see what they have in mind.

Scarves could be interesting. Adding a bit to the anime inspirations of this game.


Does the helmet of the Necroframe reminds anyone else to the head of the Ubermorph from Dead Space 2?

Now that the Grineer will soon talk in their own language, i can allready see myself missing the "There he is!" shouts. Laughed my &#! off when i watched the 2004 trailer and heared it being the exact shout.
Though i wonder if they are still making the same comments.

Maybe they should make a minor reward for one of the next events a  "universal translator" equipping it in the item menu, allows you to hear what Grineer and Corpus are saying.

Ember changes really sound dishearting because it sound like they change the one skill that wasn't just about dealing fire damage and change it into being mostly about dealing fire damage. Essentialy not giving Ember any utilitiy skill.
If they have good intentions they should at least give her one ability that isn't soley about dealing damage and more importantly boost up her stats, because she needs to get close to enemies to use her skills.


There are several abilities i can think of which could be explained by super heating air monecules, which wouldn't just be burning enemies.


Just look at Frost. Great armor, great shield, an utility ability which benefits the entire team in addition to his 3 damage dealer abilities.

If they have good intentions for Ember they should use him as something to compare to.

I'm kind of dreading these changes now because of this.

Though looking forward to what Update 10 will bring as a whole.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Yay, cosmetic crap and some more meaningless weapons. Changing warframes that don't need to be changed, ignoring the cry for NOVA changes.


How about some challenging endgame content?


It's almost like you don't listen to us.

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It's pretty safe to say that no one is happy with the changes to the Warframes. Many of them change special features of these abilities into generic ones.


Here's how this problem can be solved- notice the good things about these abilities and capitalize on this. For example, people like Volt's shield because it 1- negates damage drop off, and 2- turns bullets into hitscan, making aiming alot easier. Don't view this as a bug, view this as a fundamental feature that makes the ability useful in certain situations. Plain and simple.


And on that note, why was Volt not included in this? Hell, why is Volt being ignored to begin with, what's the boycott all about?

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Actual community hot topics ..


Don't nerf Ember/Trinity.

Buff Ember.

Nerf Nova.

Don't nerf Nova.

Nerf Strun Wraith.

Don't Nerf Strun Wraith.

Rename necro powers.


Edit: I forgot

Scarves are awesome/stupid.

Edited by beol
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As it stands right now, no performance tweaks you make will ever solve the lag problems as long as we are peer to peer, this game to have better performance needs to be on dedicated servers. I for one would like to know what you are going to do once the PS4 people come online and why don't we already have dedicated servers to begin with?

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Dear DE Megan, this is not a community hot topic.


The original hot topics were about community concern and hotly debated matter in the forum. Actually, after the LS13, the hot topic should be concerning changes that will be made to Frames' powers and Necro frame (but well, there is one already in the frame feedback). Vauban, Trinity, Mag, Ember players are discussing these topics in the forum for days and yet the "Community hot topic" doesn't include them?


No, this is not a hot topic, just a LS recap. 

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It's pretty safe to say that no one is happy with the changes to the Warframes. Many of them change special features of these abilities into generic ones.


Here's how this problem can be solved- notice the good things about these abilities and capitalize on this. For example, people like Volt's shield because it 1- negates damage drop off, and 2- turns bullets into hitscan, making aiming alot easier. Don't view this as a bug, view this as a fundamental feature that makes the ability useful in certain situations. Plain and simple.


And on that note, why was Volt not included in this? Hell, why is Volt being ignored to begin with, what's the boycott all about?


It's never safe to say anything when you try to represent whole community. I'm happy with Vauban changes, that's for sure.

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Nyx, Vauban, Ember, Trinity, and Mag will all receive changes to their powers.  To some this may be disheartening, but know our intentions are good!

Good as in, nerf everything so the only viable warframe are the newest ones, so we'd be more willing to shell out plat?

“Most of the people who can work on trading, are working on the damage model changes, warframe buffs etc” -Steve

Could you get the guys working on warframe buffs to stop and work on trading? I'm sure no tenno would mind. Edited by CloudPies
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Good as in, nerf everything so the only viable warframe are the newest ones, so we'd be more willing to shell out plat?


Did you know every warframe can be obtained for free? Your argument is invalid. Both Ember and Trinity are being buffed. Their godmode abilities however, are being rebalanced. Godmode should not be in this game. Even Rhino's godmode was rebalanced. Why would they let a "mage" character keep theirs?


Could you get the guys working on warframe buffs to stop and work on trading? I'm sure no tenno would mind.


So you'd rather get a brand new trading system filled with brand new problems instead of fixing the game's current problems beforehand? You don't even need knowledge in developing a sandwich to see your statement is full of fail.


Also, not "every tenno" wouldn't mind. Don't speak for everyone when it's only you and other people who don't understand basic game development crying foul.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Did you know every warframe can be obtained for free? Your argument is invalid. Both Ember and Trinity are being buffed. Their godmode abilities however, are being rebalanced. Godmode should not be in this game. Even Rhino's godmode was rebalanced. Why would they let a "mage" character keep theirs?

So instead of having one ability out of 4 that scales well, and has some utility, its give them the 50 energy version of WoF? Considering embers still take damage, I highly doubt you can say that is godmode.


So you'd rather get a brand new trading system filled with brand new problems instead of fixing the game's current problems beforehand? You don't even need knowledge in developing a sandwich to see your statement is full of fail.


Also, not "every tenno" wouldn't mind. Don't speak for everyone when it's only you and other people who don't understand basic game development crying foul.

How is a warframe with survivability a problem?
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So instead of having one ability out of 4 that scales well, and has some utility, its give them the 50 energy version of WoF? Considering embers still take damage, I highly doubt you can say that is godmode.

 How is a warframe with survivability a problem?


Survivability should never equal godmode. Godmode in a game like this not only unbalances, but it is also a shortcut. If Ember's only "good" ability is near invulnerability, then she's unbalanced and broken. Just like how Rhino was. Just like how Trinity is.


I thought this community didn't want "one trick ponies". Are you seriously saying that all you want is a slow warframe that can suddenly create 90% damage reduction on itself for 10 or so seconds at a time? Yeah, that sounds like alot of fun.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Survivability should never equal godmode. Godmode in a game like this not only unbalances, but it is also a shortcut. If Ember's only "good" ability is near invulnerability, then she's unbalanced and broken. Just like how Rhino was. Just like how Trinity is.


I thought this community didn't want "one trick ponies". Are you seriously saying that all you want is a slow warframe that can suddenly create 90% damage reduction on itself for 10 or so seconds at a time? Yeah, that sounds like alot of fun.

So your solution to her having only 1 viable skill (aside from having weak shield, low hp, average run speed), is to nerf it to the ground and make it a clone of her other 3?

DE is hiring

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Survivability should never equal godmode. Godmode in a game like this not only unbalances, but it is also a shortcut. If Ember's only "good" ability is near invulnerability, then she's unbalanced and broken. Just like how Rhino was. Just like how Trinity is.


Why? I think you've projected past games onto this one here, on a practical scale, immunity to damage is not actually that huge of a benefit in this game. Death is a low odds possibility even without it, and with four revives free it's vanishingly unlikely to even impact you. In play, even perfect invulnerability offers nothing more than a slight increase in tactical options in Warframe.


That said, I do agree she's broken. Her lack of coherence and effectiveness is disappointing. This holds up for many Warframes though I suppose. It seems to me as though many, or perhaps even most of the problems with the game can be traced to design issues.

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So your solution to her having only 1 viable skill (aside from having weak shield, low hp, average run speed), is to nerf it to the ground and make it a clone of her other 3?

DE is hiring


You don't read anything other than what you want to read, do you?


They're balancing her other skills to coincide with the rebalancing of Overheat. She's going to be doing more DoT damage - exactly what a FIRE character should have. But no, you and the other crybabies don't see this. Instead, you only see an overpowered ability getting "nerfed" while the rest of her abilities are totally nonexistant.


Why? I think you've projected past games onto this one here, on a practical scale, immunity to damage is not actually that huge of a benefit in this game. Death is a low odds possibility even without it, and with four revives free it's vanishingly unlikely to even impact you. In play, even perfect invulnerability offers nothing more than a slight increase in tactical options in Warframe.


That said, I do agree she's broken. Her lack of coherence and effectiveness is disappointing. This holds up for many Warframes though I suppose. It seems to me as though many, or perhaps even most of the problems with the game can be traced to design issues.


True. Problem is, Overheat and abilities like it only make what many of you call an "easy game" even easier. People scream for more difficulty, yet become snot-nosed brats when their overpowered abilities or weapons get rebalanced.

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