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Best Weapon Platform Warframe



Hi there.


I'm new in the game and have been playing with Ash for a stealth gameplay. Now I'm in the mood for a far more aggressive playstyle, But instead of going for power damage, I'd like powers that best sinergised with a heavy weapon loadout. And, BTW, what's the most killer continuous fire assault rifle (available somehow through the regular store)?



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11 answers to this question

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well that's a big question.

1 ) love ash too, but have all the frames use them all. (rhino is very sturdy right now and respectable kill rate plus i don't think he will be nurfed again for a while)

2) get the Hikou and forma them or the acrid.

3) riffle flux seems like a real great move from the dojo if you have access to one.


I use the flux with 2 forma , but I also love ogris, dread and ofcourse the new strun wairth.

I'm still leveling the supra.

read wikia about everything you can on load outs or builds of weapons and frames.

Good luck have fun.

Edited by 2013slinger
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For primary

*best store bought would be between braton an boltor for assault rifles.

*Hek is good with the right mods (rank 4 though)


For secondary,

*Hiku is very good (and comes with free 2 formas on it) like the previous poster stated. Has some ammo problems though.

*Kunai's would be up there but right under hiku and despair. Its has more damage than hiku and is more ammo efficient, but has less dps to hiku due to attack speed.


For mele

this just depends on your preference. 


this is all store bought stuff though. 

Also remember this is just my opinion, (no need to flame)

Edited by Ventias
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hmm.. boltor is nice, available in the market for crafting, add damage mods, armor piercing, damage, elementals.. multishot if you have.. i guess you can afford an orokin catalyst

But honestly i recommend kunai, also available in the market.. they're secondary weapon but they're really good.. even better than boltor in my oppinion


Edit: don't worry about the 18 damage, because unlike other weapons boltor deal full damage, the damage dealt by other weapons is reduced by the enemy armor

Edited by Hatr
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Hi there.


I'm new in the game and have been playing with Ash for a stealth gameplay. Now I'm in the mood for a far more aggressive playstyle, But instead of going for power damage, I'd like powers that best sinergised with a heavy weapon loadout. And, BTW, what's the most killer continuous fire assault rifle (available somehow through the regular store)?



See this? A NEWBIE who can get by, by himself. Bravo bro...bravo


If you like Ash try a Dual Heatsword / Charge Build


Along with smokescreen youll be dishing out anywhere from 1500-6000 Damage crits with your melee charge attacks. It's pretty amazing haha

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Heavy Weapons?

Get a Rhino. Roar boosts your damage output, and his Iron Skin ability lets you really do a run and gun playstyle.

I suggest loading him out with a shotgun and a high damage handgun like the Lex, which will let you snipe enemies at longer ranges for good damage.

Oh, and a heavy melee weapon like the Fragor, Scindo or Gram.

Edited by Letter13
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I agree with Letter13.


If you want a "Heavy Gunner" feel, you need Rhino.


Pair him with a Gorgon if you're high enough rank, Boltor if you're lower than that, or a Shotgun if you're not even rank 2 yet.


Side arm doesn't really matter, but Dual Broncos, Dual Gremlins, and Vastos are pretty "heavy" in my opinion.


After that, grab yourself a Scindo or Fragor to complete your "Heavy" class warframe.


Enjoy your role-playing.

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^----Rhino, get thrack helmet, and movement mods, then he can keep up with everyone else.  If you like Ash, Loki is worth a try.  Nova and Banshee also get damage bonuses.  Mag has bullet attractor, fun for the whole party, especially with Miter.  For assualt rifles I like Braton, Latron, and Boltor.  I just do.  Gorgon has the highest DPS of the store bought assault rifles but I hate the way it feels.

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Thank you all guys for all the comments - even the "newbie getting by on his own" =D hahaha I know you meant well and I do take it as a complement. Really, I AM a newbie, trying to find my way around.


I am trying to do things, so far, more for the feel of it than the "outmost, number one dps". Obviously, I do want to do well - really struggling to do things other people do without the least effort - or worst, not being able to keep up - is never fun, it doesn't matter the "feel". So, I want something "cool" and at the same time efficient (don't care too much about "the most efficient" though).


I do want to stick with my heavy, continuous fire assault rifle (Boltor and Gorgon look pretty amazing so far). As a sidearm, something accurate if the AR is not good at long range, or the other way around. And I would prefer pistols to ninja weapons for this =). As for melee, I'm thinking something intermediate between heavy and small, probably dual swords.


And I'd prefer a warframe that didn't rely on invisibility (I get a lot of fun frm that with Ash already! =D). Rhino sounds cool, but I think I'd rather have something a bit more "alternative" than roaring and getting dmg res and higher dps. Nova sounds appealing for his "turn everyone into a bomb" skill (correct me if I'm wrong, just be polite please ^_^). Or Mag, though I do like solo runs a lot. Any other suggestions? Ember, Volt, Vauban, Saryn...?


And BTW I'm level 2 now, heading up for level 3. But I can be patient and wait with Ash till I get to four if you think that's absolutely worth it. And again, thanks a lot for the input!


PS: couldn't understand the comment "1 ) love ash too, but have all the frames use them all." =p



See this? A NEWBIE who can get by, by himself. Bravo bro...bravo


If you like Ash try a Dual Heatsword / Charge Build


Along with smokescreen youll be dishing out anywhere from 1500-6000 Damage crits with your melee charge attacks. It's pretty amazing haha



PSS I'm using Orthos and leveling smoke screen and power duration, exactly to go for charge build. Sounds good?

Edited by fmultimedia
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If you aim on maxing Orthros, the Orthros is a much better alternative as it has one the best charge dmg in the game.

The 2 tankiest frames are Rhino and Frost, and maybe even Saryn, personally i love the frost as i use the frost prime.

The gorgon is similiar to the flux rifle in many ways but research weps might be hard to get.

My main frame is Volt, he is really soft but make up with hyper speed with a maxed Speed and a maxed Rush, you can solo as hell

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