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Recommended SOLO frames in Orb Vallis


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11 hours ago, Rakear said:

Ivara can do every level bounty solo with zero issues.

I run a arca plasmor with silent battery, nearly everything dies in 1 hit.

use a fast hitting secondary (silenced of course) to deal with nullifiers.


Game doesnt know how to handle invisible players on most missions, the enemies tend to run up to you and just stand around doing nothing on the rescue hostages missions, you can invis the coil car, sleep arrow for anything that overwhelms you.

only mission type that gives trouble is the harvesters, but you can just pick one and make sure it lives, since you only need 1 to survive.


Only thing you really need to be mindful of is the big spiders CAN see you if you are invis and will chase you down. (not the little green ones, the middle 2 types the white puffball and the one with the overshield)

I see you are an ivara main of culture as well.

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20 hours ago, TenzoZero said:

Inaros : Undying sand god... until i get a bubble on me (what's that about honestly)
Rhino : Same as inaros but stomp is pretty good

You can utilize rolling guard to deal with bubles. Roll in a buble and destroy everything. I personally like to shoot zarr at my feet when i activate rolling guard.

For rhino if you can activate rolling guard between iron skin casts that would be much safer to play him.

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Quick update : So i did use some suggestions but not like octavia or loki and some others, they too squishy people xD
but even the tankiest frames even mesa, i found out i always get screwed by : opticor crewman (bless the opticor) , the green spider who has tons of overshields , and that damn bombard turret thing on buildings , sure they shoot slow but for the fun of it i just let it hit my toe and mesa went to see the new solar system 

ps: yeah revenant is good in the open world solo, but those mesmer charges get drained fast if ure occupied by something

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22 hours ago, Inemos said:

+1 for Oberon. Add Phoenix Renewal for more awesomeness (and saving buddies when grouped). And if you die more than twice in 90 seconds you probably did something to deserve it 🙂

+1 as well. I usually main Inaros and use him occasionally in the orb, but Oberon is king imo.

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I play Inaros, and not only for Orb Vallis. It was quite expensive to build Arcane Grace to rank 3, but it was worth it. Also you have to farm quite a bit for the Adaptation mod like i id, unless you are lucky and get it from the first Arbitration...

The damage from those units it's not a problem at all, but my frame is bouncing around constantly, even with Negation Swarm. The constant status effects, depletes my Scarab Armor in less than a minute. It still makes a big difference (no more knock-downs).

Here is a little video i made and this is my build.

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I mostly use Mag for the highest level bounties in both Cetus and Fortuna.

Quick Thinking, (Prime) Flow, Energy Siphon, and Energizing Dash pretty much makes you incredibly tanky. Use Magus Elevate to prevent stunlock whenever your shields get broken. Also, roll a lot! It gives a 75% damage reduction throughout the animation and it helps Mag (and other squishy frames) in survivability. 

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Depending on what you want:

Easy runs with bonus standing:



You'll need something to protect objectives, like Gara or a well-modded globe Frost (max strength and armor) who stacks globes properly - 4 overlapping.

Amesha can be used to protect the objective incredibly well. Hotkey your AW, switch to Amesha, press 1, 2 and 4, then switch back. Can be used in combination with any frame.

Choosing both these options is defensive overkill.


Efficient standing grinding and objective rewards:


Above all, to max your efficiency you will need Itzal - both to teleport between objectives and collect container loot during idle moments (Eudico's endless nagging). Fishing can be ignored somewhat if using this method, saving you time later on.

For the fastest standing gain through bounties you'll need a fast way to kill, whether a good weapon or a killframe. Arguably, this lowers the importance of bringing an objective defense frame. The Staticor is a surprisingly good choice IMO.

If neither of these work for you, your mods and build aren't quite good enough for the Bounties you're attempting. In these cases either rethink your builds, or go with Rhino. Bring Iron Shrapnel so you can keep the shield above 50%.

Lastly, mining with a mobility frame (max range Nova, max duration Zephyr), and conservation with a sleepframe (Ivara, Banshee) are surprisingly good options, though both rely somewhat on you getting a few SU ranks first.


P.S. It seems to me that soloing is a bit easier as a high-MR player, as it gives me more influence over the game's outcome. I prefer group shenanigans though.

Edited by Gessie00
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Running solo I use my Frost Prime almost exclusively and have never had the problem you mentioned of being overwhelmed. The globe is quite useful in protecting defensive targets and with a good main weapon you're blasting the Corpus scum on sight. My Sobek with 6 forma and acid shells is blowing up squads of four or five per shot if they are close, on the highest levels my Tigress Prime is still one shooting most and with punch through often getting a couple per shot. Combining Frost's ability to shield a target and CC a wide area with a good weapon has proven so effective that I haven't looked any further.   I would think Atlas would also be good as he is immune to knockdown and invulnerable while punching but honestly I am so happy with Frost's performance I haven't tried Atlas when going solo yet.

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