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Why Isn't Vor's Fight More Like This?


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First boss from The Syndicate


As of now, all Vor does with this teleport is blink around a few times, and then stand around waiting to get shot.


It'd make it much more fast paced if Vor actually used his teleport to evade like this boss does. In turn, his invulnerability bubble can be reduced without making the fight too easy or too fast(not that it already is).

Edited by Tetsmeha
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Agreed. His teleporting right now seems very inconsistent, and most of the time he'll just stand there and let himself get shot back to his bubble (which lasts forever, and even more when a Rhino or Nova decides to press 4 for some odd reason).

Or if Frost presses 3 in hopes of lowering damage and then Vor teleports inside the Snowglobe and then goes into his bubble.
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Would be really nice if they could buff Vor's AI a bit to make him dodge right when shooting at him.

Right now he jumps around completely randomly.Sometimes when I'm not even paying attention to him and the next second he just stands there while I unload an entire clip in his skull.

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Vor is an overconfident old man, not a ninja parkour assassin. On that note flash-stepping like that should replace our crappy roll move.

A fight with Stalker should look like that vid.

Vor can teleport, he doesn't need to do ninja flips or anything he can blink all over the place. also keep in mind that this "overconfident oldman" has cybernetic implants that most definately increase his speed and strength.

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Vor is an overconfident old man, not a ninja parkour assassin. On that note flash-stepping like that should replace our crappy roll move.

A fight with Stalker should look like that vid.


You've missed the point. TC talked about the pacing of the battle, and how Vor could use his teleportation to actually evade our attacks, not to do ninja flips.

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Could we get some minions or orbs to destroy that shortens his 'orb' time?? I would throw a void key at that old man, if it immediately destroys his bubble. Its just brakes up the flow of the game, I'm standing there, nothing around me, and all I'm waiting for is that stupid bubble to go down.

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