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Team "un-Friendly" Gameplay


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I do agree that the rushing gets annoying, hence the reason why I never really bother with pub games unless I am trying to farm a boss for blueprints.

I never like to rush the missions, its just not how I play for the most part.

your welcome to add me if you like =) if you need any advice/help feel free to PM/msg me =D

Edited by Fartbake
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This has been a persistent problem with the game for a long time.    I made a post not too long ago detailing the reasons why people rush and how the game actually encourages players to ruin the experience for newer players.  A few people get where the problem comes from and why, but the vast majority of the player base seems to be only concerned with their own wants.  They don't realize that when they turn new players off the game, it not only hurts the health of not only the community, but the development of the game.  Players pay money and development takes money.  No new players = no more money = no more updates.  I'll try to summarize the problem once again, from the perspective of the rusher.


If I take a level 30 frame and run through a mission using my powers to nuke everything on solo, Only my frame gains xp, but if I go into a group game and do the same thing, my xp is split between all my equipment, so I can equip low level weapons and gain xp quickly by nuking all the enemies with my maxed out frame and I don't care about mods or loot because I'm not farming materials right now, only xp.  This will problem annoy the other random people that I join, but I don't care about them.

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If I take a level 30 frame and run through a mission using my powers to nuke everything on solo, Only my frame gains xp, but if I go into a group game and do the same thing, my xp is split between all my equipment

....no it isn't. Other people's kills are split between all your equipment...
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If I'm running for a Control Module over the Raptor or Hyena - I will always be rushing. No matter of another part of team. I don't have that much time to babysit them or hold their hand.


So most of the time I'm trying to be a host, lucky me to have good enough PC. But if stupid matchmaking system is dropping me into the sandbox with explorers, I won't wait them. Because this is my way and this is how I'm farming.


Simply math: Raptor rushing = 3.5-5 minutes per match with 30% to get control module = 10-15 min per CM

Raptor "proper" walthrough = about 10-15 minutes per match with a same chance to obtain CM = 30-45 min per CM. Not an option.


Meet me in the regular gameplay and I will care about you, will revive and help during the match. But during farming I won't waste time, blame me if you wish.

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Rushing is a genuine tactic.

Depending on mission type, it is actually vastly preferable to rush instead than to clear the whole map. Why would you kill every single mob and open every single container if you just need to get an item and extract? Rushing or running require a skill, and sometimes a build, of its own.

Having said all that, i suggest OP finds a clan and runs missions with people he knows enjoy the game the same way he does.

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Also, about the whole "rushers don't get immersed and don't team play", you're supposed to be a space ninja, when stealth is out of the window, and it will (since its mechanics leave something to be desired), what kind of ninjaness you have left? Speed. Parkour. Avoidance. Clearing the whole map is not and should not always be the smartest thing to do.


You have to extract somebody from an infested vessel, you're seriously going to clear every single infested on the map before leaving for safety? You can't rush an extermination mission, or a defense/mobile defense mission, BUT you can rush a spy mission no problem, in fact with team work, you can split the rushing and go for separate data masses.


Me and a friend of mine do duo runs all the time, i run with Volt and give perma-speed, while he keeps my energy up using Trinity's energy syphon at key points (mostly on cameras while we are invisible from shade's ghost ability), this is how we do boss runs most of the time and get BPs for building frames, etc, 1 run in 2 minutes at a time.


As you see OP & co, running/rushing maps takes skill, and sometimes coordination.

Edited by NIL0S
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Simply join a clan and find a group of like minded players to play with.

I can think of a few ways to code in protection against this, but they'd be pretty big gameplay changes that I think would be too fundamental.




As you see OP & co, running/rushing maps takes skill, and sometimes coordination.


Indeed, but it should be kept out of public games wherever possible unless everyone on board agrees to it.

Edited by Zakalwe
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She_Looked_Lvl18 (wonderful username), I support your theories, but I'm afraid the only hope you can find around here is adding some good decent people. The people who post to the forums are USUALLY of some sophisticated status, due to the fact that it consists mostly of Founders.

Try and find some good people to join your mission, ask them not to rush, and they'll be friendly about it.

Just don't try and ask elitists or any other kind of hardcore power player, they generally tend to go at their OWN pace, and claim host status even if they aren't.


Best of luck to ya.

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Actually, it's not. Simple changes to XP sharing, enemy spawning and loot drops — and you are on the boat where rushing good only for fun or main mission reward.


Those things wouldn't prevent them though, people who are rushing don't care about loot, they're rushing for the end goal.

You can't make it so all players need to be at the target location either, because people could easily troll that.


Hell, even double doors are pain. You can be on with single other player and they could go afk when you need them to open it... right at the end of a mission, with nothing to do but wait....

There's no way to protect against it fully without some pretty fundamental changes.

Edited by Zakalwe
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Rushers will always rush, it's a player thing, not a game thing.


Even if we were all running at the same speed a rusher would still find a way to use game mechanics (jump-off from walls for example) or simply skip content and avoiding fights to rush... and if your mentality is to kill everything and open everything you will always fall behind...


BECAUSE it's player's mentality and not a game's problem.


I've met many un-friendly parties and, sometimes, i've been un-friendly too (talking about rushing), if you go with PUGs that's how it works, not only here but in any game and real life too.


Atm if you want to be sure just party up with friends or go solo... (i really hope for matchmaking and ingame filters soon)

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No matter what you do to speed nerfs, rushers will always rush. Matchmaking is our last hope...

Players who rush ahead in missions shouldn't be doing so in missions as early as Mercury. I am appalled at the fact that there are Novas spamming M-Prime in Mercury missions, with the intention of "farming kills".

This is inevitable. Apparently even if you nerf any buffs to speed, you guys will still be affected, and the rushers will find another way to rush. In short, nerfing speed will not work, unfortunately.

P.S. welcome to Warframe. If these instances persist, you can add me up as a friend, or apply into a good clan.

trudat, rushers will always rush


unfortunately mercury is one of the best ferrite farming spots (on Caloris i can average 600 - 900 ferrite per run solo within a decent span of time)


i unfortunately am in a ferrite shortage and am in need of about 20k ferrite if I want to build what's left in my foundry

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Problem is, you can't fix a rusher mentality; even if they'd remove speed mods and things like the zoren-copter, they'd still race for the finish first.


There's need for a blacklist option; otherwise, try to play with your friends. The experience is 10 times better with friends than with PUGs.

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trudat, rushers will always rush


unfortunately mercury is one of the best ferrite farming spots (on Caloris i can average 600 - 900 ferrite per run solo within a decent span of time)


i unfortunately am in a ferrite shortage and am in need of about 20k ferrite if I want to build what's left in my foundry


Why would you possibly rush if you were trying to farm ferrite? That's goes completely against your objective.

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Doesn't matter if they are a Rusher or a Camper. The game needs a block function in order to avoid bad players. Eventually they will alienate enough people that it will diminish their odds of getting into a squad. It by default will encourage team play. Even if it doesn't, at least we can avoid A******s in game. I've seen it done by those that rush and those that grab the artifact and then map glitch in order to go AFK and screw the rest of the team.

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Doesn't matter if they are a Rusher or a Camper. The game needs a block function in order to avoid bad players. Eventually they will alienate enough people that it will diminish their odds of getting into a squad. It by default will encourage team play. Even if it doesn't, at least we can avoid A******s in game. I've seen it done by those that rush and those that grab the artifact and then map glitch in order to go AFK and screw the rest of the team.


A block function... for that reason... it's just dumb.


You need a block function for different stuff, not certainly for this one.


For this one an in-game filter coupled with a matchmaking one is the optimal choice (with that i mean that everytime you search or make a game you can "flag" for a rushing or exploring match)

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You don't think people that go AFK with while holding the objective doesn't warrant me being able to block them? They rush to the objective, grab it and then glitch their way into a part of the map where they are safe from the enemy. They then just sit there. We're not capable of finishing without them. The rest of the squad is left to quit the mission and start all over again.


I doubt that DE would make a filtering system that would designate that certain missions were for "A******s" though some times I think they should.

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Don't play with random folks.


solo, I do.


create a clan, or join one, with like minded play styles


Use this philosophy, is the front door unlocked? Yes, then you have only yourself to blame. when someone you don't like just walks right in.


On Rushing itself, every minute you spend on a level is one minute less you have to respond to an Alert, with that thing you always wanted.

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So you are the one to decide that the reasons of others is subject to your agreement? If the OP or anybody else thinks that somebody else is ruining their experience in the game then it is their decision to block somebody. I am fairly confident in my own playing behavior that I would not end up blocked. I have no reason to fear such a system. To tell the OP to play solo is ignoring the issue. DE is aware of the issues and still after now nine months of this type of bullS#&$ they still do not have a decent match making system in place and they haven't not offered a way to filter certain players out. At some point they need to stop adding weapons and frames and focus on the games actual issues.


Even if they made a match making system, there would be A******s that would abuse it and ignore whatever options or settings they offered. That is the nature of F2P games. You can pretend that people will abide by the filtering system but you are being deliberately naive.

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I find it interesting how quickly rushing is seen as something despicable, with those who do so being marked as miscreants and reprobates. There needs to be a distinction drawn between uncourteous players and those who prefer to complete their missions faster rather than slower.


Taking the above example of someone hiding in a corner of the map with the datamass isn't something that is inexorably inherent to rushers. I have a maxed Rush mod equipped to every frame I have, so do my friends. We slice, shoot and blast our way past the NPCs with as much speed and violence as we can manage. If the majority of the group is opting for a faster playstyle, we match them. Vice versa is true as well. Does this make us bad players, bad people?


I absolutely agree that we need more matchmaking functionality. If I'm farming (and thus dashing through the mission), I'd like to let players know this up front.

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Don't play with random folks.


solo, I do.


create a clan, or join one, with like minded play styles


Use this philosophy, is the front door unlocked? Yes, then you have only yourself to blame. when someone you don't like just walks right in.


On Rushing itself, every minute you spend on a level is one minute less you have to respond to an Alert, with that thing you always wanted.

Not helpful answer.  Sometimes I solo, sometimes I pug.  Being able to find people that share similar play style or interest in the game is how you build on this.


Is the front door unlocked???? We are talking about a public area.  What is needed is the ability to find and gravitate toward the people you want to hang out with.


I enjoy both parts of this game.  When it comes to farming a boss, or a nightmare mode, or an alert the whole thing i'm in there for is the end result, I rush and when I join a pug group I expect them to rush, IF they don't I'm usually ok with it.

When i'm just playing I take my time... hell I've been in a T2 Raid by myself for well over an hour exploring.


When I get in matches to clear a planet i'm not sure what to do, i'd like to explore a little but not take all day.  IF there was some way in game to find others of the same mentality for whatever mission you are running everyone would be a lot happier.

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