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Is It Just Me?


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Or is everyone just *@##$ing about stuff on the forums lately? I mean every other damn post has been people whining about exclusives or the Necro Frame, or Endgame stuff. I mean I get it, some weapons are pretty OP and need a nerf but I still think that theres a better way to complain other than writing 11 page whiney posts which turn into a flame war about whether the Lanka or the Snipetron Vandal is the better gun and yes I do see the hypocrisy in this post as it is me *@##$ing about other people *@##$ing but really guys! This has gotten pretty damn annoying.



Also is it just me or has everyone's spelling on these forums gotten worse?


TLDR: Stahp *@##$ing about stuff!



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I'm not talking about mods, I'm talking about the players complaining about how weak X gun is and how Exclusive Y gun isn't fair.


 They are definitely entitled to that opinion. Especially if they've got the smarts to back it up. We should all be glad there are people that care enough to get a little loud about what bothers them - especially users who know how to stay really constructive.


 Whenever you see someone on tilt just remind them they don't gotta go hog wild to prove their point properly. A little composure goes a long way. The forums could use a little of that. It is easy to get carried away on a topic you care about.

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 They are definitely entitled to that opinion. Especially if they've got the smarts to back it up. We should all be glad there are people that care enough to get a little loud about what bothers them - especially users who know how to stay really constructive.


 Whenever you see someone on tilt just remind them they don't gotta go hog wild to prove their point properly. A little composure goes a long way. The forums could use a little of that. It is easy to get carried away on a topic you care about.

True, I just feel like there has been an influx of complaints lately.

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True, I just feel like there has been an influx of complaints lately.


  Been a real rough spot lately. I think the wind up to U10 has probably been one of the roughest patches this community has ever experienced. 


 Burn out among players is at an all time high. That sort of thing doesn't exactly leave players happy, you know?

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They are definitely entitled to that opinion. Especially if they've got the smarts to back it up. We should all be glad there are people that care enough to get a little loud about what bothers them - especially users who know how to stay really constructive.


its nice to see someone with a valid point, sadly, they tend to be drowned out by some of the more "hur dur" arguments.

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Complaint frequency tends to go in cycles.  Large patches or changes tend to set players off (especially controversial changes).  The shouting eventually gives way to grumbling, which gives way to resigned acceptance (at least until the cycle starts again). 


The latest forum infernos have mainly been fueled by four things: the recent frame rebalances, the loot overhaul, the necro frame, and the upcoming armor rework.  Of those four issues, the frame rebalances are the most major source of contention.  People don't tend to like it when their favorite class in a game (regardless of genre) gets nerfed or redesigned. 


Lastly, if you think this is the biggest complaint period in Warframe's history, then you are wrong.  I've only been here since open beta, but my bet is that the Rhino Iron Skin nerf caused the biggest fallout.  The entire forum vented rage for weeks.  Rhino-centric threads were all over the place, and were generally a lot less civil than the complaints now.  I've been browsing forums for quite a few years, and I've almost never seen something like that. 

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Lastly, if you think this is the biggest complaint period in Warframe's history, then you are wrong.  I've only been here since open beta, but my bet is that the Rhino Iron Skin nerf caused the biggest fallout.  The entire forum vented rage for weeks.  Rhino-centric threads were all over the place, and were generally a lot less civil than the complaints now.  I've been browsing forums for quite a few years, and I've almost never seen something like that. 

That right there. Just, all of that. The Rhino nerfs/changes were just... damn. I think I made a few posts myself, but I didn't go overboard because I wasn't currently using him at the time, too busy leveling other frames but man was I a bit irritated when that came out. Phew. I'm glad we've got some nice balance though with how it works now. 

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Or is everyone just *@##$ing about stuff on the forums lately?



It's been that way since forever. It's not so much that people are providing feedback, it's the way people go about doing it.


For example: Excessively cursing in order to get one's point across is much cruder than using the abundance of liguistical tools at ones disposal.

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It's been that way since forever. It's not so much that people are providing feedback, it's the way people go about doing it.


For example: Excessively cursing in order to get one's point across is much cruder than using the abundance of liguistical tools at ones disposal.

Beating people up with words is really fun, I will say that. Profanity is like a spice, use it a little and it can accentuate the flavor of your discussion and help it along. Too much profanity drowns out your point, and if your statement is truly great, it can be made entirely without profanity, although a little may still help accentuate and emphasize certain areas of your point. 

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It's been that way since forever. It's not so much that people are providing feedback, it's the way people go about doing it.


For example: Excessively cursing in order to get one's point across is much cruder than using the abundance of liguistical tools at ones disposal.

...was that a shot at me?

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