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Update 10: Hype-Merge-Mega-Thread.


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So wait... you're upset because they are doing a GOOD thing by doing what everyone wanted and taking their time with making sure it works as good as it can?


If another content-dump with more grinding is what people want...I think I'm gonna lose faith in humanity some more.





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- Necros loot ability will stack on the same dead mobs giving unlimited resources (includes unlimited boss drops).

- Scarves will get caught on doorways in Void dragging players into doorway where they become trapped.

- Due to "typo" Mag prime will get 500 armor instead of 50 for the first 6hrs after update is released. :O

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So wait... you're upset because they are doing a GOOD thing by doing what everyone wanted and taking their time with making sure it works as good as it can?


^This. I'd rather they take their time with a major feature to insure it gets better, Instead of rushing it in to fit with the rest of U10.

Edited by SJunior
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So wait... you're upset because they are doing a GOOD thing by doing what everyone wanted and taking their time with making sure it works as good as it can?


My frustration stems from the fact that this game even has a problem with armor being ridiculous at this point in beta. Should have been recognized sooner and fixed sooner. And the more stuff they add without fixing the wrong things, the harder it is to fix the wrong things. Players get frustrated, so new stuff is added. Guess what? More new stuff makes it harder to fix bad old stuff. Repeat the cycle. Guess what? 


If they can take a breather from new stuff and just FIX stuff, people will be incredibly happy. Myself included. Honestly, I would have been happy with U10 having no new frames or weapons or mods and just being fixes to the armor among several other issues that plague the game.

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Balancing is a tricky process and consumes a lot of thinking power.

Changes may irritate lots of players and invalidate carefully constructed builds.


They said they would rebuild the damage system 'from scratch'.

Whatever that may mean they want to make sure it's good.


I'd rather have them work on this for a couple of weeks more than mess this up.


It's true though, U10 is bridging the gap until this happens.

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