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Most Likely Theory About The Sacrfice Debacle

(XBOX)vx Axol xv

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So figure this you remember how umbra once you first crafted him he was already ready to fight and had your operator by the throat? Maybe umbra knowing how in tune with the void he is and he is sort of semi sapient reached out to from a sort of limbo within the void and sent us that subliminal message through lotus’s helmet to exact his revenge on ballas.  

And who’s to say that the lotus can even send messages to us without being linked up to that helmet.  

Ballas wasn’t giving us the Sword because lotus told him to he did it because he wants revenge just like umbra.  There is no evidence that the lotus is on our side anymore as out there as my theory might seem it might just be the actual case for what is going on here.  The sword Ballas gives us is called in addition to its normal name in your foundry is called the sentient slayer. Ballas himself even called it that.

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12 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

She did, the operator and our operator is the weapon

How can you know for certain? You can’t because all we can do is theorize the lotus at the end of the new war trailer seems eager to do mommas bidding albeit seeming a bit confused and conflicted.

So please enlighten me on how you believe that statement you just made. I made a fair point on saying there are no gurantees at all that lotus still had connection to the helmet after taking it off. Because news flash we don’t exactly know how it works for the most part it just does but I can assume pretty confidently it doesn’t work when disconnected from her because it goes fuzzy when she takes it off her head during the apostasy prologue.

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Just now, (XB1)oORubberFruitOo said:

How can you know for certain? You can’t because all we can do is theorize


Void Energy

Plus without our operator we would have our warframe being the slice up into sushi rolls or our ship being trash and Ordius will be fried like the chicken wings that KFC gives. So Lotus did predicted and she is the one who gave us a hint figure out in the past to get our hand on umbra.  She knew and she for saw, your really talking about Lotus who out smarted the orokin and made the children follow her all the way in the present time.

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10 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:


Void Energy

Plus without our operator we would have our warframe being the slice up into sushi rolls or our ship being trash and Ordius will be fried like the chicken wings that KFC gives. So Lotus did predicted and she is the one who gave us a hint figure out in the past to get our hand on umbra.  She knew and she for saw, your really talking about Lotus who out smarted the orokin and made the children follow her all the way in the present time.

Unsubstantiated claims you have no evidence and you know people can heel turn pretty quickly when their heart isn’t truly into something.  

Umbra seems semi sapient and in tune with the void who’s to say he didn’t give us the hint. Regardless of what you think Umbra is still a bit human under there he was the only warframe we’ve seen show aspirations any signs of being alive albeit aspirations to kill ballas but aspirations nonetheless. 

Plus rell could interact with the universe from em the void why not umbra? And wouldn’t the sentient technology she was augmented cancel out her void energy? Because last I checked anything to do with the void are a no go zone.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)oORubberFruitOo said:

Unsubstantiated claims you have no evidence and you know people can heel turn pretty quickly when their heart isn’t truly into something.  

Umbra seems semi sapient and in tune with the void who’s to say he didn’t give us the hint. Regardless of what you think Umbra is still a bit human under there he was the only warframe we’ve seen show aspirations any signs of being alive albeit aspirations to kill ballas but aspirations nonetheless. 

Plus tell could interact with the universe from em the void why not umbra?

Dude, you started the sacrifice correct. By whom called our name to the helmet? By whom lead us to that location.  It is in balla's talk about "she predict this would happen".  She knew that she don't want her children who look up as a mother and now she is preparing the tenno to use umbra excal because the sentient hunhow will come and the others will come to awaking.

Ballas believed that she is the one pulling the string and she must be slain.

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19 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

Dude, you started the sacrifice correct. By whom called our name to the helmet? By whom lead us to that location.  It is in balla's talk about "she predict this would happen".  She knew that she don't want her children who look up as a mother and now she is preparing the tenno to use umbra excal because the sentient hunhow will come and the others will come to awaking.

She could’ve easily done this without giving all of the Tenno the middle finger. And how could she prepare us if she isn’t there to do so unless she gives us intel from the inside it doesn’t make sense.  

With no one to show us the ropes on dealing giant sentient metal monstrosities like hunhow and I presume big momma. And you know that they are going to behemoths because why wouldn’t they be if that one cutscene with stalker didn’t tell us how colossal they are.


How are we gonna defeat them? Need I remind you how big hunhow is supposed to be unless we’re fighting him in humanoid form we need one legendary arch weapon to take him down.WhCy9LJ.jpg  


And this is assuming we’re fighting sentients like hunhow And big momma at full strength. So how did she help us again?

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15 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

Dude, you started the sacrifice correct. By whom called our name to the helmet? By whom lead us to that location.  It is in balla's talk about "she predict this would happen".  She knew that she don't want her children who look up as a mother and now she is preparing the tenno to use umbra excal because the sentient hunhow will come and the others will come to awaking.

Ballas believed that she is the one pulling the string and she must be slain.

Awnser question above.

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Honestly, the only options I can picture being the case are

A: She really does intend to fight us

B: She's being mind controlled

C : This is some sneaky plan and she's just tricking everyone.

Regardless of which of these three options it is, I flat-out want nothing to do with her. The only way she can look even a BIT sympathetic would be if she's been mind controlled, but at that point, she's just putting the "pathetic" in sympathetic, and I'd just want her to go away because it's obvious she's just gonna be the weak link.

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2 minutes ago, Ryusuta said:

Honestly, the only options I can picture being the case are

A: She really does intend to fight us

B: She's being mind controlled

C : This is some sneaky plan and she's just tricking everyone.

Regardless of which of these three options it is, I flat-out want nothing to do with her. The only way she can look even a BIT sympathetic would be if she's been mind controlled, but at that point, she's just putting the "pathetic" in sympathetic, and I'd just want her to go away because it's obvious she's just gonna be the weak link.

Boom could’nt have said it better myself.


Also what do you think of what I gave a rebuttal with to his claims that she’s still on our side?

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6 minutes ago, Ryusuta said:

Honestly, the only options I can picture being the case are

A: She really does intend to fight us

B: She's being mind controlled

C : This is some sneaky plan and she's just tricking everyone.

Regardless of which of these three options it is, I flat-out want nothing to do with her. The only way she can look even a BIT sympathetic would be if she's been mind controlled, but at that point, she's just putting the "pathetic" in sympathetic, and I'd just want her to go away because it's obvious she's just gonna be the weak link.

If you have any thing to say about what I said that is.

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No, Umbra didn't. He would have had to have mimicked the Lotus's voice to do so, and why would he do that? Why would someone who, as far as they're aware, is the greatest warrior in the system need the help of some kid? If he's even properly aware. Not to mention that he LEAVES once we find him. If he wanted our help, he would have stayed.

As for Paracesis? Ballas is a known traitor. Being that evidence for Lotus being on our side is as numerous as her not being (mostly, that all of the evidence could go either way and none of its conclusive), it's just as easy to say that she mutilated him in order to surreptitiously manipulate him to turn. Am I saying this for certain? No, because as of right now there's no way to know what's happening with Lotus.

Personally, given how Mind Control usually works. requiring a weak or damaged mind and how much S*** Lotus has gotten over the course of the story (Multiple personal failures, confrontation from her kid on how much she sucks as a parent and having her idol ripped apart before her) I'm going with the mind control theory. Leading us to have to snap her out of it with empathy, with her realising that she did ultimately succeed - the Tenno are independent. They don't NEED her, even if they still wish to fight alongside he. Leading to her winding up taking on a new role, not as a guide but some other purpose.

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10 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

No, Umbra didn't. He would have had to have mimicked the Lotus's voice to do so, and why would he do that? Why would someone who, as far as they're aware, is the greatest warrior in the system need the help of some kid? If he's even properly aware. Not to mention that he LEAVES once we find him. If he wanted our help, he would have stayed.

As for Paracesis? Ballas is a known traitor. Being that evidence for Lotus being on our side is as numerous as her not being (mostly, that all of the evidence could go either way and none of its conclusive), it's just as easy to say that she mutilated him in order to surreptitiously manipulate him to turn. Am I saying this for certain? No, because as of right now there's no way to know what's happening with Lotus.

Personally, given how Mind Control usually works. requiring a weak or damaged mind and how much S*** Lotus has gotten over the course of the story (Multiple personal failures, confrontation from her kid on how much she sucks as a parent and having her idol ripped apart before her) I'm going with the mind control theory. Leading us to have to snap her out of it with empathy, with her realising that she did ultimately succeed - the Tenno are independent. They don't NEED her, even if they still wish to fight alongside he. Leading to her winding up taking on a new role, not as a guide but some other purpose.

I just said why he would do it genius. Or did you miss that? FOR REVENGE people when given the opportunity will do anything to get vengeance upon those who wronged them. That would be reason enough for umbra contacting the Tenno from the void by mimicking the voice of lotus because he wanted to be brung back into existence TO EXACT HIS REVENGE. Plus reacting the way he did when you actually crafted him TAKES PLANNING and I wasn’t saying he needed our help to defeat ballas he needed help returning to our plane of existence.

Because i don’t know maybe he cant reconstruct himself  when he was basically blown into a million pieces.

And you give me virtually no reason to not assume that he is at least semi sapient.


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14 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

No, Umbra didn't. He would have had to have mimicked the Lotus's voice to do so, and why would he do that? Why would someone who, as far as they're aware, is the greatest warrior in the system need the help of some kid? If he's even properly aware. Not to mention that he LEAVES once we find him. If he wanted our help, he would have stayed.

As for Paracesis? Ballas is a known traitor. Being that evidence for Lotus being on our side is as numerous as her not being (mostly, that all of the evidence could go either way and none of its conclusive), it's just as easy to say that she mutilated him in order to surreptitiously manipulate him to turn. Am I saying this for certain? No, because as of right now there's no way to know what's happening with Lotus.

Personally, given how Mind Control usually works. requiring a weak or damaged mind and how much S*** Lotus has gotten over the course of the story (Multiple personal failures, confrontation from her kid on how much she sucks as a parent and having her idol ripped apart before her) I'm going with the mind control theory. Leading us to have to snap her out of it with empathy, with her realising that she did ultimately succeed - the Tenno are independent. They don't NEED her, even if they still wish to fight alongside he. Leading to her winding up taking on a new role, not as a guide but some other purpose.

Now do you see why I say umbra could’ve been responsible for it? Or are you just gonna sit there and not concider this as a possibility. 

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17 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

No, Umbra didn't. He would have had to have mimicked the Lotus's voice to do so, and why would he do that? Why would someone who, as far as they're aware, is the greatest warrior in the system need the help of some kid? If he's even properly aware. Not to mention that he LEAVES once we find him. If he wanted our help, he would have stayed.

As for Paracesis? Ballas is a known traitor. Being that evidence for Lotus being on our side is as numerous as her not being (mostly, that all of the evidence could go either way and none of its conclusive), it's just as easy to say that she mutilated him in order to surreptitiously manipulate him to turn. Am I saying this for certain? No, because as of right now there's no way to know what's happening with Lotus.

Personally, given how Mind Control usually works. requiring a weak or damaged mind and how much S*** Lotus has gotten over the course of the story (Multiple personal failures, confrontation from her kid on how much she sucks as a parent and having her idol ripped apart before her) I'm going with the mind control theory. Leading us to have to snap her out of it with empathy, with her realising that she did ultimately succeed - the Tenno are independent. They don't NEED her, even if they still wish to fight alongside he. Leading to her winding up taking on a new role, not as a guide but some other purpose.

Nothing? Alright then 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)oORubberFruitOo said:

So figure this you remember how umbra once you first crafted him he was already ready to fight and had your operator by the throat? Maybe umbra knowing how in tune with the void he is and he is sort of semi sapient reached out to from a sort of limbo within the void and sent us that subliminal message through lotus’s helmet to exact his revenge on ballas.  

Your first sentence kinda contradicts your theory. Given the fact that he immediately attacked us, then ran away, then attacked us 2-3 more times while rejecting all our attempts to connect with him, and considering how would he even be able to mimic the Lotus' voice considering he never met her until she blasted him to bits, it's far more likely that it was Natah who sent the message, it was HER helmet. How would Umbra even have connected with the helmet anyways? And why are you assuming Umbra has any kind of extra connection to the void in the first place given that's there nothing to really suggest so?


1 hour ago, (XB1)oORubberFruitOo said:

And who’s to say that the lotus can even send messages to us without being linked up to that helmet

There more plausible evidence that it was her than Umbra of all things.


1 hour ago, (XB1)oORubberFruitOo said:

Ballas wasn’t giving us the Sword because lotus told him to he did it because he wants revenge just like umbra.  There is no evidence that the lotus is on our side anymore as out there as my theory might seem it might just be the actual case for what is going on here.  The sword Ballas gives us is called in addition to its normal name in your foundry is called the sentient slayer. Ballas himself even called it that. 

He was never told to by Natah in the first place. And there a bunch of evidence to support that she's not against us too.



EDIT: And don't double post.

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