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After the melee weapon switching change, keep the quick melee keybind's ability to do combo-less attacks


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I was worried about this happening when they started announcing upcoming changes, and now that it has arrived I can't stand the feeling of using some of my favorite melee weapons.

Hopefully as part of the process of changing melee DE will acknowledge that a lot of us want quick melee back and give us some kind of option.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Melee was SUCH a core system of the game. When other things were messy, or broken, or I ran out of ammo or Energy, melee was right there. The Quick Melee saved my life more times than I can count, and I rarely if ever used the actual stances AS stances, for their combos. I'm not good at executing them, and even the ones I could do reliably still sent me spinning all over the place in a way that was much less efficient than just hitting what was right in front of me (that was the only thing I was trying to hit anyway). I love Quick Melee to the point that on missions that were Melee-only I would always pull out a Simaris scanner to let me use it instead. Whenever I'm not sure what else to do, or the gun I brought isn't cutting it, even my weakest melee weapons can do what I need when I need it to get the job done. Or... they could. Once.

I play Warframe at the end of a hard day, and it's no coincidence that big changes like this new melee system fill me with dread as soon as I hear about them. It's like coming home to find someone has re-arranged all of your furniture, and you're hoping that that's all they did and that they didn't also clog your toilet and set fire to the drapes. Sometimes the changes are for the better, sometimes for the worse, but no matter what they're going to take some getting used to. Here, I just can't use melee on any mission with real stakes because the often slow swings, awkward starts and stops, and other quirks of the melee stance combos are enough to get me killed. And I have some weapons, even in the same category, with different stances on them that I have to try to memorise so I can just do whatever just quickly swings directly in front of me and doesn't have me pirouetting into a big fire.

See: Tempo Royale. This is the first stance I used with the new system, and it wasn't a good first impression. For the Quick Melee, Tempo Royale gives you a speedy diagonal slash that can hit low-to-the-ground and airborne enemies reliably and quickly, and on a strong greatsword like Paracesis it also does big damage in a pinch. The actual stance itself is a different story. While the first two swings are basically the quick melee it's after that that the swings become more wide and awkward. I always end up slipping into a combo I didn't intend and suddenly slowing way down after the first couple of swings, necessitating that I let go of the button for a moment after every strike just so I don't do some otherwise incredible-looking move that launches me PAST my intended target. It was even worse when I tried two other weapon types... and I'm too afraid to try my polearms at all, especially since they each are using different stances I would have to get used to just to do the most BASIC ATTACK in a Tenno's arsenal.

Edited by (PS4)GrandisSupernus
more clear
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Phase 1 of Melee 3.0 is Melee 1.0 with all the flaws of Melee 2.0: the flow just isn't there, because you're still stuck with the stances that lack flow completely.
The problem here isn't a lack of a "combo-less" attack, but the garbage combo design for stances in warframe.

You need your "gattling" move (a move that chains into itself, or a move with identical properties) for a melee system to be functional, because that's the most basic tool to confirm if your attacks are hitting, and how effective they are.
Warframe doesn't have that since we left Melee 1.0 behind, at best you can get something like Tempo Royale where it escalates in a fairly reasonable fashion.

BTW, stances themselves were a horrible idea too. They make melee weapons into stat-sticks, instead of allowing unique attack combinations to guide the preference of the players, and act as a balancing lever for various melee weapons.

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Agreed. This is what Ive been saying all along. Quick melee is the ONLY enjoyable melee. Running at FULL spd while just spamming E with polearm and shredding through lower levels for quick mission. Now you cannot do that. Cause you get interrupted and stuck in animations.

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I'm not sure if this comment belongs on THIS specific quick melee concern, but I'll post here anyways since it's similarly related. I do miss the old quick melee as it allowed combo-less attacks (I liked Tempo Royale's spinning auto attack that comes with quick melee). But this isn't even my biggest concern. There are a few weapons that unload the clip after one shot (Tigris Prime for example). A lot of the time I'll shoot the Tigris, and then immediately quick melee before reloading. With the old quick melee, it would automatically switch back to my weapon and thus auto reload. But with this new system, it doesn't automatically swap back and makes it a little more difficult to use weapons like the Tigris Prime.

Please add an option to bring back quick melee or allow an option automatically swap back to primary/second after melee.

- Chatframe

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