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  1. Ah, this old debate. The answer is and always will be both, with a focus on new frames. DE has said time and time again that reworks are not good returns on investment. They don't make money off them and they rarely ever change the play metrics of the frame unless the rework makes them super nutty like pre-nerf Wukong.
  2. This is currently unknown. All Ballas says is they took their best, volunteers or not. The volunteer part is validated with Gara who's glass themed specifically to honor her as a willing volunteer (specifically one who knows the truth of the project) and to be a big #*!% you to Nihil.
  3. Didn't DE or Steve say at some point that Pazuul got put on Erra by some automatic process by Praghasa? Lotus directly says she was during the Ballas fight. "I remember... my old self... dissolving... beneath your fingers. Shaping me. Directing me. Lua".
  4. She doesn't though. The only suggestion of that is during the Ropalolyst fight and that's during her full brainwashed stage with Ballas. She didn't even know who he was until Chains of Harrow.
  5. We already know the first time the Void had interaction was with Albrecht, long long after a multitude of events that could only take place after 1999. Also that it didn't happen during a plague.
  6. Even if we ignore the Silver Grove, we know Margulis was still alive well into the start of the Old War thanks to her lines and going into the Zariman herself from AoZ, and knowing that the Zariman didn't appear until, at minimum, after the initial protoframes were made from Kullervo's Crimes. Plus the entire reason she was killed being she was against using the kids for war.
  7. Your aren't entirely mistaken. The 1 hour day night cycle is for the Earth Forest tilesets.
  8. That's still pretty impossible, from both the tech level presented in the 1999 trailer and the fact the "Infestation" Arthur is fighting are controlled machines, something we know the infestation couldn't do until Alad. There not being a Solar Rail is specifically why the Zariman comes before the Sentients. The Zariman is setup to make the jump on its own using a Reliquary Drive. We have no idea what the infestation was made for. We know it existed before the Old War, plus, Eris didn't get fully infested until recently during the Infested Alad event.
  9. You mean on the Star Chart screen? Because I wouldn't use those as any kind of proper size indication. And even then, Grineer Galleons and Corpus Stanchions/Obelisks are both still smaller that s relay. It anything else, the Zariman is probably around the size of the Kuva Fortress.
  10. Woah now. Zariman is big, but it's nowhere near Moon big. As best the size of a relay.
  11. Those aren't his memories, they're Drifters memories. And even then, once it was created Duviri became a full existence separate from the story. It can have any kind of change possible, like all the characters being aware of the Zariman, or entirely new characters like the Warden. Thrax only has that power because Drifter allows them to.
  12. More so lying about the context. She was controlled, just only by Ballas trying to make her into Margulis 2.0.
  13. It happened. Infested Alad is from years ago, before the Second Dream entirely.
  14. That would hold up until Drifter directly said he was the one that made Duviri and was in charge, not Thrax. Who we also know is directly a character from the book and acts the same way there.
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