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Dakka Has No Dakka.


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I'm not sure what caliber of nerd there exists in the DE office, but obviously not high enough. I imagine if someone said "Warframe needs more dakka!" they were not thinking of a wisp-thin sword, but a high rate of fire weapon which would go "DAKKADAKKADAKKA!"


Google image search for "dakka"




I see no swords.


Really. Change the name. Stats are irrelevant, look is irrelevant. A sword shouldn't be named Dakka.



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this link ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakka ) is more relevant...

your/our dakka was borrowed from Egyptian/Arab culture not warhamer ...





The only one with the same spelling iiiiis "Dakka, an Egyptian side dish"


So. Deal with it.




Edit: Oh. Also a relevant wikipedia link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humour

Edited by Lunaticked
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