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Balancing Soma


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Quick and dirty rip from one of my recording showing Soma ammo "waste" in a run and gun scenario:




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrZqobqtvQQ - if the video above isn't displayed correctly.


34 rounds fired, killing eight or nine rank ~43 Corpus, who dropped 60-80 rounds.

Edited by Saenol
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I'm all for keeping the Soma's spirit intact.

I propose a recoil increase. NOT AN ACCURACY NERF. A recoil increase.

To clarify:

Accuracy affects how close to the center of the crosshair, the bullets fired go. (A gun that's perfectly accurate fires exactly where you are pointing)

Recoil is how much the gun tries to throw off your aim by moving your camera. (Think Burston)


Recoil can be compensated for, accuracy cannot. Having a significant increase in the gun's recoil would still keep it's high dps intact, while forcing the player to be more skillful when using it. This gives the gun an actual drawback, (because while ammo boxes are still in the game, ammo capacity CANNOT be used as a balance point).

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Wow... This is pretty pathetic. And I don't mean the OP. I mean the backlash. I took the gun, put in both point strike and vital sense, and it was already grilling down things at 40, when it was only around rank 6 (with a potato.)

You can clearly observe the gun works well, sure, but it works demonically so. A regurgitator of insanely high numbers. And you know that's the reason you're all saying no. How would you fix the problem without deforming the spirit of the weapon, I've no idea, however it should be plainly obvious that how it is right now is pretty absurd. Remember: I said I owned it, and I'm still currently using it, yet I have no fear of admitting, despite being the beneficiary of its strength, that it has too much.

And no, not every time something comes out that's blatantly too strong (both in comparison to its peers -and- in actual use) can you just say "buff eryting else lul." Surely I'm not the only one who sees the pseudo-logic in this.

Edited by Damagedice
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And no, not every time something comes out that's blatantly too strong (both in comparison to its peers -and- in actual use) can you just say "buff eryting else lul." Surely I'm not the only one who sees the pseudo-logic in this.

If the primary weapons were good this would be a concern. A dual Vasto is better than a latron prime, braton prime and the list goes on. There are so few good primary weapons that it is really not hard to come to the conclusion "DE, fix the worthless primary weapons".


I have a 3 forma Soma and have taken it on solo tier 3 defense runs and it's not OP. I used up so much ammo that I ended up wishing I had brought my Vandal-Snipetron or Hek with ammo mutation equipped. I had rifle ammo mutation equipped on my soma and I still couldn't get enough ammo and had to fallback on my secondary often( I used no ammo packs as a rule). I have soloed t3 defense with only a seer(no ammo packs or pistol ammo mutation) and that was a lot easier than using a soma.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Reduce the base critical rate to 20% and lower the fire rate to 6.3 (same as MK1-Braton).


Because who the heck are you? Official balance consultant to the entire gaming industry number one? What are your qualifications to call for a nerf? Who do you think you are?

This thing does bullet damage, and last I checked, once you hit beyond lvl 100+ heavies you're going to be emptying a 1/2 to a whole clip to down one. It only feels OP on unarmored targets. We don't have any outstanding bullet damage type weapons in game that are effective against higher level enemies anymore. This and the Strun Wraith are welcome additions in my opinion, I'm tired of rocking the same flux rifle and acrid combo on every T3 Def I participate in.

Edited by sushidubya
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OP doesn't have the greatest idea. Here's a suggestion, wait for the armor update before complaining about the awesomeness that is the Soma. I'm glad DE is moving on with a tiered weapon system though, good weapons won't get ruined quite as much this way. Much like this thread's suggestion. 

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OP doesn't have the greatest idea. Here's a suggestion, wait for the armor update before complaining about the awesomeness that is the Soma. I'm glad DE is moving on with a tiered weapon system though, good weapons won't get ruined quite as much this way. Much like this thread's suggestion. 



Because who the heck are you? Official balance consultant to the entire gaming industry number one? What are your qualifications to call for a nerf? Who do you think you are?

This thing does bullet damage, and last I checked, once you hit beyond lvl 100+ heavies you're going to be emptying a 1/2 to a whole clip to down one. It only feels OP on unarmored targets. We don't have any outstanding bullet damage type weapons in game that are effective against higher level enemies anymore. This and the Strun Wraith are welcome additions in my opinion, I'm tired of rocking the same flux rifle and acrid combo on every T3 Def I participate in.

You guys, read through all my posts in the thread. 


@sushidubya Well then who the heck are you? And what are your qualifications to judge my role as a tester? Why so serious? This is a public weapon feedback thread, I have every right to post what I want if it's on topic.

Edited by Mikovsky
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It seems like high critial rate&damage is pretty much Soma's trademark. So, if Soma needs any nerf, it shouldn't touch crits, but it should reduce some other stats. Like lowering base damage from 10 to 8 or/and reducing firing rate or/and reducing reload speed, etc.

Or just buff other machineguns, now they are pretty worthless.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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That's basically everything not a gorgon or supra. Personally I've always viewed both of those weapons as trash due their drawbacks.


I still don't see the Soma as close to too good. The stagger tends to get on my nerves and the weapon tends to waste ammo since your rolling for crits all the time, rather than knowing how many bullets it takes to drop a guy. The only practical application of the gun is on fat targets that you want to burn down, as killing grunts with it just burns through ammo.

It's actually fairly effecient with mods. I find it accurate and with split chamber and shred you can take down multiple enemies with a couple shots. You just have to be able to shoot 1-3 bullets at a time and stop. If you're burning through an entire clip for like 5 grunts you're doing it wrong.

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Welp, just tried to solo that 91-93 Grineer Defense Alert on Naiad and failed miserably.  My Soma was max crit and my conclave is 844 atm.  Rhino max iron skin, no focus tho ;/


It took more than 1 mag to take down a heavy gunner even with roar on.

Edited by PROteinxstack
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the soma doesnt need a nerf at all whats up with the people?

if at all soma need a dmg buff from 10 to 15 my strun wraith still owning harder in close combat


i dont get these young people now a days, there is a nerf and they cry, they get a good rifle because the other rifles was pretty much trash and they cry even more? what the hek?


we dont need to have a discussion about a new implemented weapon that is GOOD not OP (still dont ocme close to strun wraith)

maybe on low level  beginner trash mobs but not on armored high level gunners or ancients so why the beginner people dont go back and do some more venus missions before complain?

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Strun Wraith is suppose to be sorta OP.

Soma doesn't need a buff, maybe a bit of a nerf, but buff? 

Besides the armor rework?


i dont see a reason to not buff underpowered crap like supra increasing its projectile speed and changing its bullet type

and you talking about armor rework?

why not wait for armor update before crying on the forum for nerfs then?

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